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Everything posted by TakeMyCoffeeBlack

  1. There may be some IR to come yet, too (not IR myself). It looked like the IR ones were also theory. I guess it would make sense for them to notify their theory people first, given their reputation for theory. Who wants to harass the department secretary?
  2. Any thoughts on what's going on with Northwestern? It looks like in the past they've scattered, but not over as long a period as currently.
  3. Yes, I'd imagine a smaller acceptance pool, maybe a larger WL pool, too.
  4. They have years of statistics to make yield predictions. They indicate a goal class size, not an actual one, for what it's worth.
  5. I'm also comfortable in three piece suits, but nobody wants to be that guy when you haven't even earned your pretentious prestige yet.
  6. If I weren't an ocean away and limited on my days outside the country, I'd probably wear dark jeans, a fitted dress shirt, a blazer, and black solid sole dress shoes. It's the "business casual" look for sure, but also something I'm very comfortable in.
  7. I agree with you 100%. But then she starts in all valid places, and draws the oddest conclusions... It's not even clear she (or the people in the comments) understand what academia is, other than a title to throw before your name.
  8. A lot of international criminals live in San Diego.
  9. I haven't missed having freezing cold feet this winter.
  10. Sorry no Fingers crossed for you though! If you want to feel better, just look at Syracuse weather reports.
  11. FYI, even though tomorrow is a "holiday," I don't know that all universities take off for it. My gf still has work tomorrow at Syracuse.
  12. Well, they're more or less a top 20 (this will fluctuate from ranking to ranking, of course), so unless you're considering a top 5 against it, I'd say that the ranking isn't something to be too concerned about. I'd look into: how well do I fit into the program? Do the professors seem nice? How is their placement in general? What about their placement in my sub-field/regional/theoretical interests? It's hard to generalize these things, but I'd say that Northwestern competes with the best of them. Rankings are, in my opinion, "soft" - that is, they're based on reputation, which can change from year to year and polled person to polled person. So they may fluctuate between 15 and 25, but they're not going to be moving between 15 and 45 (at least not anytime soon).
  13. Are you theory? TBH I know only the comp and some IR faculty, but it seems to be a fantastic department. Waiting to hear from them myself.
  14. Congrats to the second rounder in at Northwestern! You deserve it after the struggle. Subfield, out of curiosity?
  15. I watched the first two episodes! Not as a distraction, but because I had nothing else to do. What a crazy show.
  16. Who will be making dreams come true this Valentine's Day?
  17. This thread is nothing new to the Gradcafe crew, and who cares if the only purpose it serves is to "mollify" those on a wait list? If nothing else, it provides more information than is otherwise available. And though you're certainly right, James, that the wait list is a backup to the regular acceptance:yield ratio, this doesn't meant that others won't find the information useful.
  18. Gtown (and ND, for that matter) seems to do a scattered admit pattern. Don't read into it too much.
  19. It's strangely validating, I'd say. Regardless of how it turns out.
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