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Everything posted by Eager

  1. Okay, so I spoke to the assistant to the Admin Committee and she told me when she received her acceptance it was in February. Also, no one is reporting from my program on the Results page, so I take all that as a good sign and that I have a good chance of getting in. That said, I think we all need a good, healthy shot of encouragement. We are all ACCOMPLISHED PEOPLE. We have one or more of the following: publications, high GPA's, research experience, the list goes on. I don't want us to feel like our self worth is tied up in these decisions that are on the way. Let's all think of one thing that we can share that we have accomplished that makes us competitive for our programs and, more to the point, highlights something awesome we have already accomplished. Feel free to relate more than one thing if you'd like. I'll go first, isn't this cool, I'm thinking what to pick from the list, this is working already. I'll share one and if anyone else shares more than one then I will to. I feel better already! Here goes: M.F.A. Creative Writing (Graduated 2003) 4.0 GPA Your turn...lay it on us ACCOMPLISHED PEOPLE!
  2. I like the two verys as well. It goes beyond good, I think this is great sign. Please let us know when you get your acceptance so we can celebrate with you!
  3. We are in this thing together! I just have a good feeling about the results for the people on this forum. Sometimes a group of special people come together to do something special....I think soon we'll be on the grad portion of the forum posting about the experiences we are having in our programs, papers we're publishing, conferences we're going to. The best part about it is, we will leave this forum for those that will come behind us....they will write about their good signs until they become acceptances....and on and on. It's a priviledge to be a part of this process, Truly!
  4. Hello! so nice to read your post! I co-pastor a Baptist church in New York. It sounds you are very competitive for your programs, and the panel you are going to chair sounds intriguing. Keep me posted. Also check out my topic Good Sign, Omen or Hallucination-All Are Welcome! in Waiting It Out. We are a supportive group and would love to hear from you!
  5. Go radio! That is a great sign. Sounds like someone is hinting at something to me!!!!
  6. I'm curious about the information you received about financial aid. What makes you think they send that to all applicants. It would be cruel to send that to those that are going to be rejected. Do you think you might be overlooking a good sign here? Hmmmmm?
  7. First, Welcome!!! Yes, we are all about supporting each other through this arduous process! Secondly, I am so glad that your program details so specifically the status of your application. Mine only shows what's been submitted (and then suddenly a mysterious date of January 16th next to the For Office Use Only, nothing else. I have no idea what that means). You on the other hand are on your way. I have to say that is sounds like more than a good sign. That falls into the category of an OMEN, a good omen. Perhaps you'll be the first on this particular thread to post that you have been accepted. We are pulling for you!!!! Let us know what happens.
  8. Go bluecheese! Congrats! So happy for you! And a Fellowhip? Excuse me!
  9. First, Welcome! Secondly, it sounds like you are on point as it concerns your materials! That is so cool! You are among similar minded folk, who have emailed more than once to make sure all of our stuff is in. Yes, I agree, an email, invite for a visit, phone call would be so great right now. The next one to get an acceptance on this forum is going to be sooooooo celebrated by us! We are pulling for each other. So keep us posted on all your good signs. Our philosophy: Enough good signs will lead to acceptances..
  10. Here is hoping. No one from my program is reporting yet, so I will take that as a good sign. It's all I have for the day!
  11. First of all, Welcome!!!! Secondly, of course it's a good sign. Dare I say great sign? One thing I'm starting to realize is that faculty in grad programs are extremely busy! If you received an interview and a nice "long" letter (MY GOD WHAT I WOULDN'T DO FOR A NICE LONG LETTER!!!) Sorry, focusing on you. Then that means they are very interested in you and that is amazing news. I'm so glad you shared it. We need good vibes. I'm happy for you. This process is like the long line in the supermarket. It is super frustrating and you just want it to be over. But as long as the line is moving you know that eventually it's going to be your turn. Thanks for reminding us that the line is indeed moving!
  12. Wow, thanks! I didn't even think of giving them something. Probably tins of fudge or chocolate. They will like that!
  13. Get this people, I received a letter from the Admission Office of Pratt, inviting me to apply to their program. I know I've been hoping for a letter. But a letter for a school I know nothing about, for a program I know nothing about, for a degree I don't want, was just a bit much. Took the graduate wind out of me it did. I want to think of something positive to say....Ummmmm...I got nothing. Anyone? We could use some good news right about now. Actually, mediocore news would do
  14. That is so funny! What I wouldn't do for a good sign...it's been awhile! I think I'm due. I hope some more good news gets posted soon. We need to keep the good vibes going people!
  15. Wowzer! You had quite an experience. May I add that many a hopeful on these forums would give their left pinky toe to have been wined and dined by their potential school. I don't think they would go to that length if they were not drafting an acceptance letter as we speak. I love the line about feeling "extremely optimistic about the future". So very cool. You are a shining beacon of hope to us all who are hanging by a very thin string. Let us know as soon as you get that acceptance email/letter. We want to celebrate with you!
  16. Not bad at all. Review is not a bad word...it means you are still in the running. I haven't heard a peep since the initial email about the admiin committee reading my application. Officially a good sign!
  17. You see, this is what we have been talking about. Our line of reasoning is that programs wouldn't ask students for materials if they didn't have interest. Follow-up calls, letters, emails, all spell one thing: INTEREST! So...this is a good sign. Here's to more good signs for all of us!
  18. Oh, this topic is all about good vibes. Alright, I mean it guys. We all need to report good signs tomorrow. I feel it! Something good is about to happen....
  19. I do understand! But if we are to make it through this process with our mental health intact (is that even possible?) We have to get our hopes up...Way up! What else do we have at this point?
  20. I can't believe that that is SOP (Standard Operating Procedure - I made this up by the way) for every program. A letter from the chair is pretty cool! I don't know if it qualifies as an Omen, as Omen's are often mystical. I do know that is is a very good sign. Whew, what I wouldn't do for a letter from my program's chair!
  21. So...why don't you sound more excited about this? Lord have mercy what I wouldn't do for a phone call asking me anything...what's your favorite color would be fine with me about now!
  22. Oh, do email him. I think that is a MAJOR GOOD SIGN. I don't know if that is standard, but I wouldn't think they would do that for every single applicant.
  23. What did they say? Don't leave us hanging like that!
  24. Pychapplicant, welcome! Sounds like you had an OMEN! I have said before that we are all in an insane asylum. The only question is: are we the keepers or are we the patients? As this process continues, I'm starting to know the answers to that question. Okay, so tomorrow is the 24th of January. I really hope that every single one of us will have either news of acceptance or a good sign tomorrow. Make sure you let us know. Enough good signs have to lead to acceptances, RIGHT?
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