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Everything posted by Sconnie

  1. I am going to a visit at one of the schools I was accepted to in a couple weeks. They are also having a research colloquium the same weekend that we will be attending. I asked the grad coordinator what I should wear for the various events and responded to with what you wear to teach is fine. Now I teach at a very laid back University where jeans and polos are perfectly acceptable. I am guessing thats not what she had in mind. Any advice?
  2. Its a toss up right now since the 2 I've been accepted to are both really good fits for me. I think I will know a lot more after my Oklahoma visit in 2 weeks. I applied to Ohio University not Ohio State. I havent heard from them yet unfortunately since it would be nice to know what the full set of choices is. At this points UW-Milwaukee is out as they were there as a safety school. Where all did you apply?
  3. Looks like I wasnt the only one to get the form email from the University of Wisconsin today saying "Dear Applicant" followed by a rejection. I was expecting it though since I was a terrible fit for that program and was only applying because its my in state University and I wouldnt have to move.
  4. Make mention that this program is among your top choices and you are still weighing your options as this is obviously a very big decision. I am in a similar boat with a program that has accepted me but currently doesnt have the funding. They are lobbying the Dean trying to get more as well as put me on the funding waiting list. In my response to the acceptance email I reiterated my interest in their program and asked to be kept abreast of the possibility of funding as it is a major factor in my decision. I also asked to be put in contact with current grad students to further investigate fit which also was meant to demonstrate my level of interest. I hope this helps.
  5. The status will change from awaiting department response or something like that to decision made and then a link will appear at the bottom that will take you to your decision letter. Schools tend to use this program differently but thats how I got my rejection.
  6. I had a Graduate Coordinator call me last week with one of these. She also invited me to their recruitment weekend with a travel stipend. She did however also stress that the acceptance was still unofficial until the graduate school itself signed off on the department's decision. Obviously, they wouldn't be paying money for me to come visit if they weren't very sure that the graduate school was going to accept me as well but there is still a possibility. Even if it is a small one.
  7. I got an email tonight from the Graduate Director at Missouri and I was informed that I was accepted without funding but he sounded optimistic that there would probably be some funding later. I'm sending good vibes to all of you still waiting it out in hopes that you get some good news soon.
  8. Congrats everyone. I am joining this party tonight too as Missouri emailed me to inform me of my acceptance. The don't have funding for me yet but the Graduate Director sounded optimistic that I would be getting some in the next few weeks. Add that to my unofficial acceptance to Oklahoma with funding and I am a happy Sconnie.
  9. Hey I have two jobs (one in academia) so I have to appear to be working from time to time lol
  10. It the application software a lot of the Universities use
  11. The only phone calls or emails I got with invitations also came with unofficial acceptances so youre on the right path I think
  12. I got a department acceptance last Friday but the Graduate School still has to sign off and I was told that could take 2-3 weeks
  13. At this point anything that isnt from a school is considered junk mail in my opinion
  14. Sconnie

    Madison, WI

    Do not live in Lucky. It is a majority of Freshman and Sophomores and the walls are paper thin. If you know your math you can see thats an equation for many a loud and sleepless night.
  15. The school with the latest deadline out of the ones I applied to has already contacted me about an unofficial acceptance while I havent heard anything from schools that had deadlines 2 months prior. So you arent alone.
  16. I had a school unofficially accept me this week and invite me to their recruitment weekend. They will reimburse up to $200 in travel expenses and 2 nights in a hotel sharing rooms with the other 5 or 6 students they said would be coming. I hope the fact that only a small handful are being invited bodes well for the level of funding they will offer when it becomes official.
  17. I had a school unofficially accept me this week and invite me to their recruitment weekend. They will reimburse up to $200 in travel expenses and 2 nights in a hotel sharing rooms with the other 5 or 6 students they said would be coming. So these types of packages seem standard across most departments and universities.
  18. I went to a small community college in my hometown the first year out of high school. I hated every minute of it since it was just a continuation of high school. The community college had a guaranteed transfer to the large state school if you met a middling gpa of 2.6 and thats what I got. Once at the large state school I employed the same study habits I had at the community college (read:none) and was academically dismissed after that year. I spent the next year trying to get into other schools as well as get readmitted to the one that kicked me out. No other schools would touch me but thankfully after that year I was readmitted. I spent the next three years trying to dig myself out of that gpa hole I was in. I did an ok job of that but I graduated with a less than stellar gpa. I graduated around the same time the economy went to crap so I was stuck in a 65 hour a week retail job making very little and struggling to get by. I had always thought about going to law school so I took the LSAT and applied to schools. I only got into one which was my safety school and I enrolled. After packing up my stuff and moving 8 hours away from where I was, I started school and hated it. The professors all wanted to prove how great they were and the school obviously didnt give a crap about the students. In November of that year I met with my advisor and said that I didnt think I would be back in the spring. He told me to drop out before finals so I didnt have a transcript so the next day I did that and moved home a month later. I ended up back in the crappy retail job and applied for a Masters program at a small state school nearby. I got in and in the second year was offered an assistantship. When I graduated last spring they offered to keep me on as an adjunct knowing I was planning on taking the year off and applying to PhD schools. So here I am. WOW that was a long story I doubt anyone read any of it
  19. They have 4 areas of focus in their comm department but the one I applied to was Mass Media/Political communication. They have the largest archive in the country of political advertising. From what information I gathered from my Masters advisor, they fund their assistants very well and they make sure that there is plenty of grant money available to attend conferences. All around it sounds like a good place for me. I am going to their recruitment weekend in 3 weeks, which is also the same weekend of a research conference their department puts on so I should get a good idea of the fit.
  20. I got the call yesterday from Oklahoma. The department has accepted me and is set to offer me an assistantship pending the graduate schools approval. They also invited me to their recruitment weekend in a couple weeks. I'm just happy to finally have an acceptance even if it is still slightly unofficial.
  21. of course it makes you edgier every time your phone goes off telling you that there is an email...at least thats how its been for me
  22. Now they just gotta get the Rhetoric, Politics, and Culture people moving for me to be happy.
  23. My Masters advisor really wanted me to apply to Annenberg. After hearing how tough it was to get in this year I'm glad I didnt.
  24. patience, waiting and other words like that are always my last option
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