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Everything posted by jmu

  1. I wouldn't worry too much. Everybody I've talked to has said that they hardly look at GRE scores, if at all, and your scores are great. If the rest of your app is as strong as them you should do fine. If it's really bothering you I would say email the various graduate secretaries but don't stress about it.
  2. Hopefully trying to earn some extra money to cover moving expenses.
  3. When I was talking to professors about applying to the graduate program at my current school I was told that I would be pretty much guaranteed to be accepted and funded but that I should apply to bigger name programs as they would be more challenging to me. So my Plan B is to get in here and try again after completing the master's portion of the degree.
  4. First, don't panic! Second, I'm in geography which is a related, but different discipline (what isn't related to geography, though?) so I'm not sure what specifically your thesis entails but I can offer you some advice from my perspective. I'm in a similar position where my thesis is primarily a review of the existing literature in a few topics to form a cohesive picture that answers my thesis question. Since my thesis does not have any kind of formal length or structure requirements, I'm writing it in the form of an academic paper. Based on this I tried to find some critical lit reviews that had been published to see how they were formatted and really loved this piece on Africa (http://www.jstor.org/stable/1343467) as he was able to review the literature and have a clear, concise topic. Using that as a model, I'm writing mine in the same manner. This might not work for you, but maybe exploding that model out to fit a more traditional undergrad thesis would. Good luck!
  5. Something to be aware of, and this will vary by state, but many community/junior colleges do not hire professors but use adjuncts/contracts to fill the majority of positions. The reason for this is generally that a community college typically is located at least somewhat close to a university and can pay grad students low wages (think $1500-2500 per course) while they attend school. Don't let this discourage you, but it is something to consider. An alternative might be to look into lecturer positions at universities as, from the emails I get from professional organizations, these seem to pay an actual, liveable amount.
  6. Posted this in another thread but here is what I know: Syracuse is meeting again soon, applicants should be notified in the next 2-3 weeks. Clark told me about a month ago that they would be contacting people either way in mid-February. I haven't heard anything definitive from any of the other schools I've applied to. Georgia's grad secretary retired right around the same time apps were due which delayed the process a bit. I'm not sure if this is going to affect when they contact applicants or not.
  7. All the programs I've applied to are geography. Haven't heard anything definitive yet but I called Syracuse to make sure my application was complete yesterday and the lady on the other end told me they had one meeting already and would be meeting again soon with mailings going out in 2 weeks or so. When I contacted Clark to make sure everything made it there in one piece she told me they would be contacting people around mid-February. I'm at FIU right now finishing my undergrad and they have multiple deadlines and admit people on a semi-continuous basis. Georgia and Rutgers I haven't heard anything from at all besides a more conversational tone in email with a professor from Georgia (though I'm sure I'm reading too far into that...)
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