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Everything posted by ak48

  1. As awkward as it can be, I do think that "writing down tasking assignments" is crucial, just so that everybody understands what responsibilities are and you also have something physical to point to when stuff doesn't go right. As for the joking, I'd be pretty up front about how he should stop it, even if you come across as humorless.
  2. Just from the odds I'd figure that there are just way more Chinese / Indian people pursuing a STEM PhD, so there's one big factor. Another one is that I know there's a perceived notion (which I disagree with) that, for example, a Chinese Professor will feel more comfortable dealing with Chinese/Chinese-American students because they know the culture s/he comes from. (And to put stereotypes of work ethic aside).
  3. Oxford pioneered has the residential college system, right? (I know Harvard/Yale have copied this hardcore). I thought it was normal in such a system for faculty "head of the college" to reside in the college to watch over things. Partying with the undergrads is a tad sketchy though.
  4. That's what the OP's accusation is hinted to be, given that it's the title of the post with no other explanation. I for one, think the accusation is ridiculous.
  5. Wow, I thought the whole point of tenure was not getting fired...
  6. For iPad users, can you acutally take notes on it? I write with my hand resting on the desk/iPad, and the touchscreen doesn't like my hand on it. I can't take notes productively with my hand floating in the air, or awkwardly reaching the stylus. I heard the Samsung Note is better for this. For leisure reading, I think the Kindle's pretty nice. I love the look of the paper, even though it's very slow computing wise and probably terrible for annotation.
  7. It's smart/wise to make back up plans, regardless of how confident you are of an admission/rejection.
  8. One thing I realized today was how "unsecure" the phone system was! I could have called under any male-sounding name and gotten the admissions decision. They didn't check my phone number to my application, because I got a new number in between.
  9. I'm pretty sure New York City will be a big selling point, especially if the department isn't the top in the nation.
  10. I thought they had to wait until April 15 for deadlines? I would politely ask about this, and for an extension as well.
  11. So, now that you've moved out, life is better, right?
  12. I hadn't really thought of "mobile work" because I generally either do work that requires heavy computer, or nothing. I think my sister was looking into a Galaxy tablet because one could take notes on it with palm resting on the screen. (Who writes with their hand off the desk? Only the crazies) but the quality of the screen didn't cut it for her. But she got my iPad so whatever.
  13. got rejected from the #1 school. Definitely a bummer but there was a bit of relief from knowing it's over.
  14. I'd get a prepaid plan from Virgin Mobile if they service your area (which they should).
  15. Just play it safe and cut it, what's the big deal? Unless it's a religious think like the Sikh , but then you wouldn't even be considering it, right? While your professor MAY not care, there is the possibility that it will. It's mostly downside with no real upside.
  16. I always assumed it was common courtesy to send a thank you message to every interview, both for job and school. I'd probably send them a short "Thank you for the interview, it was very helpful/informative for me and I look forward to contacting you again in the future" email.
  17. I would send an email asking about it. Visits to me are very important (esp if you've never seen the city/school/professor before) and I think it's fair to have one. If they can't fit you into the official admit weekend, try asking whether you can schedule a one-on-one visit at some other time.
  18. Hello, I am soon visiting a school that offered me a lab position and financial aid (yay!) The main purpose of my visit is to decide which professor I'd like to work with (if any at all). I have two offers already from people I've met, and may be able to get more. What are some good questions to ask (myself, other students, professors), that lead to insight as to whether the professor would be a good fit? Off the top of my head: 1) Research project/areas (duh!) 2) If assistant prof, when s/he's up for tenure (I'd hate to lose my PI midway through the PhD) 3) What past students are up to these days 4) Quals and how hard are they Thanks!
  19. If you're in, you're in. Unless they're assholes, I don't see why being a "waitlist admit" would cause them to treat you any differently. And if they're assholes, well they weren't going to be nice in the first place. That said, I'd be very wary of working with this professor for a PhD, as she seems to be pretty lacking in basic social decency. You said it's for a Master's program, so maybe the lesser time makes it easier, but the warning signs are there!
  20. Hey Ith, I got a "Distinguished Graduate Assistantship" which comes with a stipend, and "may still be considered" for some fellowships (although that seemed more like a disclaimer than good news). Not sure if this means TA'ing or not.
  21. Perhaps you should watch "The Last Lecture" by Randy Pausch. It's by a terminally ill professor who is giving his last lecture before dying, talking about how to achieve your dreams. Anyway, a repeating theme in it is that "brick walls [rejections and obstacles] are only there to separate those who really want it." If there is a set back, don't give up! Getting past setbacks is proof that you are truly doing what you want. If you give up easily, well it's a sign that it wasn't really worth pursuing in the first place.
  22. Negatory, as feared. Thanks to all for sharing the waiting period with me, hope we'll all have success despite this minor setback.
  23. I should call for my mental health, but I'm too scared haha. Maybe I'll muster up some courage later.
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