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Everything posted by DreamingMSW

  1. Haven't heard about anyone finding out yet. But yes last year it was this week. Fingers crossed
  2. I agree with MSW13. Great suggestion. And sneaking in the question can't hurt either! Although I have a feeling they are waiting until the 9th (or whenever answers are due) before offering admissions to the waitlist.
  3. Thanks . I applied to another program last year and was rejected so this state of uncertainty is just so awful. It will pass. I went to the information session in September and had the opportunity to meet some people there! I honestly think it's my GPA. So if I don't get in this year I might have to take even more courses to raise it. Honestly, it's the state of uncertainty that is a bit hard to swallow. I feel as though I can't move forward just because I have no idea what is going to happen (rejection or acceptance). I don't mean to sound like a downer! That is not my intention at all. And thank you so much 'jenste'. I really appreciate that your support. I will never give up. Ever. Just frustrated but it's ok.
  4. Dear U of T: please start contacting your wait list. I am in a state of constant sadness. Thank you.
  5. I always go with my gut and instinct. In my opinion they are both fantastic schools. I wish I had applied to York this year as I have heard such excellent things about their program recently. They have a great name in social work and funding is an extra bonus! Maybe think back to why York was your top choice in the beginning? Go with what feels right.
  6. I feel your pain. I am constantly hoping to receive a phone call from U of T. It's so stressful. I was on vacation last week and was so free from all this. Now it's all I think about.
  7. Incredible experience. You should be so proud of yourself regardless of whether you get in or not.
  8. oh ok so I assume people will start hearing back in mid May. Those waitlisted have until May 1st to state whether they want to remain on the waitlist. Thank you!!!!
  9. Can someone tell me- what is the deadline to accept or reject U of T 2-year MSW? I am trying to get an idea of when they will start reviewing the waitlist. Thank you!
  10. It sounds like you have fantastic experience! I think that if U of T is your goal you might want to do more research in the field. Contact an old professor and ask if they need a research assistant, take an extra year and do a thesis, etc. Unfortunately the way things are right now it seems that everyone is coming in with a B+ and several years of great experience in the field. I know that I am trying to discover what will seperate me from the group and I think maybe that is what you could focus on too? I am considering taking a certificate in counselling at George Brown next year if I don't get in as that may help me stand out in the huge crowd of applicants. Realize that it is nothing to do with the experience you have. It is the unbelievable amount of applicants they receive. To be waitlisted is a HUGE accomplishment in my opinion. They rejected so many people but you made the top 25%. That's an accomplishment in itself.
  11. To everyone who is discouraged: last year I applied to a program and was straight out rejected by every school. I took a year off and surprisingly it happened to be the best year of my life. I got such incredible experience which would not only help me for grad school but to find a job once I completed grad school. Although I've been waitlisted I have hope that I can still get in simply because of the experience I had this year. Don't give up hope and honestly there is no rush into your career. You will be doing it for the rest of your life. Take a rejection as an opportunity.
  12. It's always good to think about how to improve your application for the future but don't get down on yourself right now. There's nothing you can do and what's done is done and who knows how they view it. No point in analyzing now. Being waitlisted is a huge accomplishment regardless.
  13. Yes that is true for U of T. In first year you get a general placement. I have some friends there and although they didn't exactly want the placement they got, they seem to enjoy it anyway.
  14. There were 140 accepted I believe. Who knows lol. I mean it is possible there are 75 waitlisted. There have been around 10 or so on here but that could be possible. Especially since waitlisted people are going a bit crazy checking out chances of getting in etc.
  15. Do NOT give up hope! Honestly if this is your dream keep at it. Nothing worth having comes easy.
  16. I heard that admissions departments dislike when people contact them asking about the waitlist etc. Is this true? Is it best to just wait it out?
  17. You are so kind thank you. And no I have three friends who were rejected. I am sure people are just not talking about it. But you got into Laurier! What a feat!!!
  18. I heard it does move so I am remaining hopeful as well! I have several friends who were accepted off the wait list previously.
  19. Wait listed at U of T. Just found out. Phew. Hopefully this works out!
  20. They said they are not sending out any results until April 15th.
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