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Everything posted by xypathos

  1. Are you an MDiv or MTS? I ask because you mention decisions being made yesterday but we have someone saying decisions and notifications (at least one, anyway) were made even earlier.
  2. I'm presuming Vandy decisions did not go out today? Haven't seen anything here (obviously) or in the results DB. Well, maybe this upcoming week.
  3. Isn't Claremont's worse than GTU? I know /jokeflysoverhead
  4. Did somebody go through and delete entries? There's only two. EDIT: Figured it out, the other entries were hidden. Not sure why.
  5. I never took a class dealing with Luther or really ever read any of his writings, but I'm heard repeatedly that the guy strongly encouraged heavy drinking (particularly when faced with despair) and that he was extremely fond of equitable sexual practices. Going so far as to say that if a man was unable to please his wife sexually, she's entitled to take on a lover. Sounds like a good man.
  6. Likewise. I just want to get this part over with, tired of the nervousness over checking email, app webpages, and the mailbox.
  7. Illinois has several degrees of what we've been largely calling sexual assault - criminal sexual assault, aggravated sexual assault, criminal sexual abuse, aggravated sexual abuse, etc. So yes, rape in Illinois isn't a legal category in of itself. In the criminal code for Illinois, rape is only mentioned twice and both times it's used in the phrase of "any of the offenses formerly known as rape."
  8. Asp isn't saying she refuses to attend a school with a negative reputation. She's saying she refuses to attend a school that would employ a professor who has a credible reputation/history of sexual assault. There's a difference. Keep in mind that the school's investigation concluded he A NU committee also came to the conclusion that Ludlow should be fired. Now, as I personally learned from Boulder's situation - not all universities actually forbid sexual relationships between professors and students. Perhaps Ludlow's defense will be it was consensual or that nothing happened. Either way, the woman in question was violated (keep in mind - she gets to claim that) and two investigations (presuming the dean and the committee operated independently) found Ludlow at fault.
  9. I love Kirk. Sole reason why I took a seminar on Religious Existentialism, though I fell in love with others over the semester too.
  10. While the article doesn't say he raped the student in question. We do know that the student passed out in his apartment and awoke in his bed. Now, while it would be nice to think that the professor put her in the bed to sleep off the alcohol - his prior actions say he wasn't concerned about her well being.
  11. Probably Spinoza. Nietzsche certainly for the most overrated Several years ago I would've said Hegel but that's b/c as a Freshman I took a 19th century seminar that was heavy on him. As I soon learned, Hegel expects you to know what was done before him. So, it was an uphill battle that semester but I'm comfortable with him now.
  12. Looking at the results posted here: In 2013 Vandy began notifying MDiv applicants the second week of February. However in 2012 they were notified the last week of February. So...here's to hoping that it'll be this week but in reality, it could be another two weeks. Either way, it's March 15 for Yale so it's not like I can make a real decision until they're all in.
  13. I'd imagine 80%. At least such an offer would make me consider it more strongly. I'd have to look at the site again but I think Vandy said their packages average 60%.
  14. http://www.slate.com/articles/double_x/roiphe/2013/10/colin_mcginn_sexual_harassment_case_was_the_philosophy_prof_s_story_that.html For those wanting some background on Mcginn
  15. Not that I know of. Vandy decisions should be out relatively soon though. I'm worried about Union myself. Well past the decision deadline they told me but too scared to call.
  16. Thanks for catching that, not sure how I messed that up. Makes me feel better about not having to wait until March for two schools.
  17. There's a thread further down for '14. I think some have heard back from Emory, Duke, and maybe PTS. It's going on 4 weeks and nothing from Union yet. Vandy and Yale I won't hear from until March 15.
  18. Yale has agreements with schools in England, Germany, and two in Asia - Hong Kong and somewhere else that I can't recall right now. Semester or a year length. I imagine it'd be next to impossible to spend your last year abroad due to graduation requirements. Really, I'd think it'd have to be your middler year.
  19. MTS rate is lower than MDiv, but still - I get the feeling that 50% is too high. I recall some outdated posts of the acceptance rate for MDiv being closer to 30-40% and I would imagine the economic decline of '08 sent more people applying to graduate school as a means to reinvent themselves and pursue 'back burner dreams.' Though, since the economy has improved some, I imagine the rate has increased but I doubt it's as high as 50%.
  20. Anyone else worried that the first decision to come in will set the pace for the rest of the season? A decision from Union is imminent* any day now. *Their site says it could take a few days to 3-4 weeks for a decision depending on 'peak times' which I imagine they define as being around January 15th. Since Union notifies you of any merit awards at the time of admission (which is certainly nice), I'm increasingly worried that if I can't get into Union, I'm screwed at Yale and Vandy. I've officially hit the phase where when the email icon pops up on my cell-phone, I check with bated breath - same for the mailbox.
  21. xypathos

    Just Ranting

    A situation arose with one of my recommendation writers - short story shorter, they apparently had a "mental breakdown" around Thanksgiving, sold all of their stuff and moved to Iceland. The department already knew ahead of time that he was going to Iceland for the holidays and that he would be somewhat unreachable as he traveled around, but that he'd check-in from time to time. I emailed him before Thanksgiving to confirm that he had received the proper emails in order to write the recommendations, he confirmed and said he'd have them submitted by the end of the first week of December. That time came and went, nothing. I touched base with him again, he apologized and said he'd have them in by the 11th. Again, nothing. On the 13th, the Department Chair asked me to come by and see him and he shared an email with me that the professor in question sent him. In short, the professor was resigning immediately and that the holiday trip was merely a ruse, has he had already sold his home and belongings and would not be returning. I was called into the office because the email, sent to the Chair, asked him to apologize to me and to let me know that he would not be writing my recommendation, nor any of the others he had promised to do. Fortunately I was wrapping up my Senior Seminar with the Chair and he asked that I let him step in and write the recommendation, which I agreed to. Now if I could just get Union to return a phone call or email to confirm that they received my message about changing recommendation writers.
  22. Isn't this a little too anecdotal? Sure, I can understand it providing the tiniest sliver of hope and yes that's meaningful, but how far does that deviate from the norm to the point that it's an extreme outlier?
  23. As always, it depends on what you're studying.
  24. Since we're discussing Talbot some, how has William Lane Craig affected Talbot's reputation? I'm not an apologist, nor have I been following the hottest name(s) in the field, just curious more or less. I was writing a small paper on modern Christian approaches to theodicy. A professor, in her comments, suggested I check out William Lane Craig's writings but I've been hesitant to so far. I generally shy away from such material but if he's worth checking out, I'll bite.
  25. I had hoped so, but given the OP's by all accounts, genuine, interest in the field, it's best not to lead them astray.
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