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Everything posted by bar_scene_gambler

  1. My thoughts towards the end: "Is this about me? I don't think it is. I was just expressing anger over childish bickering. I really don't have an opinion on the matter at hand". At any rate, to those who have been here for long enough to be familiar with the various ups and down that have occurred here over the last few months, sorry for my irritation, regardless of whether or not an apology is warranted. It's a decent idea, but I doubt anyone would be willing to just spill their guts. I would encourage people to stop hijacking other threads though. It does make the experience here somewhat less worthwhile.
  2. It's pretty great. I'm with you on the disappointment though.
  3. God damn dude. You're killing it! Congrats.
  4. I know your pain. I'm sure that having an AOS in the history of philosophy is more beneficial than continental philosophy (I'd like to think so anyways, given that it's my AOI), but I'm not really sure how much it might help job prospects. It's a nightmare out there for everyone, and my ear isn't to the ground enough to talk about it with any sense of certainty. Best thing you can do is do your thing and do it well as far as I can tell. Congrats on the Emory acceptance by the way, I'm totally jealous.
  5. It's not all bad. My university, which is a Top 40 school US News (though unranked in philosophy) just allowed for two new hires in the philosophy dept (both in metaphysics generally, but with other AOI's). One came from University of Melbourne and the other came out of Boston University, yet they're on tenure-track, plus the university pays really well. So it's not all bad news. Competition is stiff, but if you know your stuff then you have a shot.
  6. I know. It's just that these arguments are beginning to wear a little thin. I really appreciate you being mature about all of this though, and frankly, I don't hold you as blameworthy as others because at least you seem to be hesitant to be a part of these nasty little squabbles. I think your suggestion rings sound and I hope others will decide to follow your advice.
  7. Who cares? Seriously. This has gotten way out of hand. First it was dfindley, now this. Someone made a comment you disagree with? Great, downvote and move on. Can we stop bickering for page upon page over little shit that doesn't matter and will inevitably stress out already stressed people? It's beyond childish. You know what? I have a suggestion. If you guys want to sit around and bicker about comments that you disagree with, start a new thread on the topic and talk about it there. But some of us just want to check this thread for rejection notices.
  8. Same to both of you. I received a pretty uninspired rejection email from Arizona. Two down, 10 to go (or something like that).
  9. Wait, really? My local forecast only has us getting rain tomorrow. How far north are you?
  10. Ohhhh. I get the pun now. I was reading it the way his name is pronounced in German, and so I couldn't see the pun. That's kind of funny actually. I thought you were referring to the madman in the market in GS or the flies of the marketplace in Z. N has a lot to say about the history of science? I guess I never noticed it before.
  11. Your username is nietzschemarket but you're interesting in Phil of Science? You're blowing my mind right now dude/ette.
  12. I'm kind of thinking the same thing. Hey, maybe we'll both end up at GSU. I'll buy the first drink.
  13. Not really much of a comfort considering that I can't afford to do it, even for one year. But I suppose you're right. Me too man. At this point, I'm shooting for GSU. My girlfriend got accepted to do Environmental Science there, so that's probably the best option.
  14. It's all good. Thanks for the condolences guys. I'm beginning to think I'll be shut out this year though.
  15. Just got my rejection email from Emory. It's kind of a relief actually.
  16. Social Thought acceptance posted. Not really relevant to this thread but it sucks because it wasn't me. It's times like this that make people alcoholics. First thing I did when I got home from classes today was make myself a drink.
  17. Pennsylvanian here! The snow storms were pretty freaking awful. I think I have about 18-20ish inches of snow on the ground outside. My uni was closed for four days over the last few weeks, and we have a reputation for never closing. Philly and the general South-Eastern part of PA was hit hard, as was most of Jersey, which might explain some of the slowness coming out of PA and NJ. Best part is that we're supposed to get even more snow on Tuesday.
  18. Congrats on the acceptance. Hope I hear something soon.
  19. Emory acceptance posted. Anyone willing to claim it? I find it difficult to believe that they would call this late at night, but who knows?
  20. At this point I'm banking on Social Thought, which won't be sending out notifications until the end of the month. EDIT: Just wanted to say that I think it's odd that so few people have posted acceptances to Chicago. Only three acceptances have been recorded here. Does anyone know if there are more on Who-Got-In?
  21. I guess I'll just announce my assumed rejections to U Arizona, U Chicago (Philosophy), and Loyola University Chicago. I have yet to receive any kind of email from all three, so I'll just assume I've been rejected.
  22. Don't worry MattDest, I've got your back. I upvoted for you.
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