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  1. I often think about the hardship of speaking up in class and giving presentations on my students with severe anxiety. That is part of my practice as a teacher.
  2. I'm not arguing that it is an extra chore. Rather, I am arguing that (despite the policy) it would be problematic if the student were to suffer consequences due to the prof's mistake. Everyone forgets policies once in a while, or has something unfortunate happen - a lost USB, for instance. Some students struggle with anxiety, which may cause them difficulty both with following such policies regularly and/or with following through should a prof contact them unexpectedly with such a request . In any case, I believe the OP is an undergraduate rather than a graduate student.
  3. I'll add another perspective, here. I am a graduate student and former high school teacher. I would never expect a student, even a student in university or graduate school, to turn in an electronic copy after they had already given me a print copy. I find such a request extremely irresponsible at this level. As a high school teacher, I once misplaced a student's assignment. I felt terrible and it caused me a lot of anxiety; thankfully, I found it. I have taken great care to never repeat that mistake. Even at the university level, why should students have to do extra work due to an instructor's mistake? That said, such problems could be avoided simply by requiring all students to turn in electronic copies rather than print copies.
  4. That's wonderful, @DanJackson! Unfortunately, I was too overwhelmed last year as a new PhD student with a family and new to Canada, so this was my only shot. Thank you for sharing your experience for others; it could really make a difference.
  5. Exactly! I didn't REALLY expect to get it, but I was hoping.. it would have made so much of a difference in getting my research to secondary schools. Also, I literally don't understand why my leadership score was so low. It's a little depressing.
  6. @orange turtle, what do you mean by "put for their leadership section?" If you mean what sorts of information we included, I focused on demonstrating well-roundedness. I discussed my volunteer and service work, both within and outside of the university. I believe I had approximately five current volunteer and service commitments, as well as four or five previous causes (both in the recent and distant past), to which I referred. I guess I'll find out tomorrow how well I did!
  7. @Lanie, you're in Women's Studies? We should talk! I'm in English Language & Literature, but a lot of my work focuses on women and representations of women; I also just TAed a WS course.
  8. Maybe you will be surprised!
  9. Just yesterday, I met someone who currently holds a Vanier. He ranked 4th in the nation.
  10. It's March 31.. and results are released at the end of the day, yes? I'm counting it as 3 more days. I suppose you could make the case for 2 1/2!
  11. 3 more days!
  12. I know! The last two weeks have gone by so quickly, but this last week before the results are released is going to feel like forever..
  13. Does anyone have a good idea of when we are supposed to receive the results? Is it end of March, or early to mid-April?
  14. Thanks! It's clear what it is not an official invitation, but what actually constitutes an official invitation?
  15. It's not an invitation to submit if you've just been informally asked at a conference to submit your paper (by someone involved with the journal), right? I just want to make sure.
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