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Status Replies posted by NavyMom

  1. It's is weird that I have been on break for a month, and I am already anxious to start year 2? I still have another 2 months... I think I am going to read ahead.

    1. NavyMom


      I think so too. I don't know what I am going to do with myself when school is officially done.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. Passed my level one comp exam, aced my term and my paper. Sweet!

  3. Graduate school preparation: watch every Netflix show available.

    1. NavyMom


      You'll do that during breaks too... lol

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  4. So one year into my program (two left to go)... already landed an interview for a policy analyst position (making double what I make now), and nailed the interview. I have already been told I am a top contender and I will definitely be coming back for a second interview. :) I have a good feeling about this!

    1. NavyMom


      Thank you! I am very excited! I know they are already contacting my references, so that is a good sign!

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  5. Still waiting on final grades. Finals week just ended Friday. I don't think I have any nails left to bite. :/

  6. My first year of grad school is officially done!

    1. NavyMom


      It was nice gesture on his part. It was cute when he walked up to the white board with a beer in his hand and said "of all the many years I have taught, I can honestly say I have never taught with a beer in my hand". It was priceless.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  7. My grades posted today two A's. I'm over the moon.

    1. NavyMom


      Congrats!!! I prob wont get mine until late next week. I still have a paper due by Friday. :)

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  8. My first year of grad school is officially done!

    1. NavyMom


      Right!? I am excited about tomorrow. After class is officially over, we're celebrating with our professor who is bringing beer and pizza!

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  9. I graduated today! Wheeee!

    1. NavyMom


      Congrats!! There IS an end to this madness!

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  10. My first year of grad school is officially done!

    1. NavyMom


      YAY!! I am sitting in my last economics class...ever!!!!

      The last of the presentations are being given tonight. Luckily I did mine a month ago.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  11. Two more classes. 1 more 2pg paper, and 1 final "exam" (take home paper) to go. End of first year of grad school - done. :)

    1. NavyMom


      Yeah... It's weird knowing we're already done with the first year. It has flown by so fast! I hope the rest of my program (2 years) goes by just as fast.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  12. Successfully defended my thesis this past Monday with no edits required by my committee. Now I just need the graduate school's approval.

  13. Responded to the second discussion prompt in my Counseling Assessments class today.  Assessments is full of statistics.  Statistics and I were not friends in undergrad. Imagine my surprise that we should meet again in graduate school   Anyway here's to me that my thoughts and answers are on point.  Finishing up my first paper that's due in class tomorrow for Counseling Diverse Populations.  All the while I have a raging migraine.  But it doesn't stop the show.

    1. NavyMom


      Hehe... I have now entered the algebra/statistics zone in my own class with complex equations. YAY math.

  14. So, I was accepted today. I'm going to graduate school!!!

  15. First acceptance came last night! Super excited. :D

  16. UCSB ACCEPTED ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where is the TEARS OF JOY emoticon?!?!

  17. First class of the second semester tonight! Excited!! :)

    1. NavyMom


      Thank you!!! :) I wish you the best as well!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  18. Defended my PhD in December--officially on the job market, now!

  19. I hope everyone in the Northeast stays safe during the "apocalyptic" blizzard ahead!

  20. My hobbies have now been reduced to refreshing gradcafe & email and eating nutella from the jar

  21. Got basically accepted to my top choice!!! Dying of happiness!!!!

  22. Oh my god can school just start already?!

  23. Is anyone going to Sac State for their MS ABA interviews on Feb. 7th?

    1. NavyMom


      I am a Sac State student already if you have questions... But not in the degree field you are pursuing. I hold a BA in Human Development from CSUEB, and I am attending CSUS for my MA in Pubic Policy and Administration.

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