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Everything posted by sylviecerise

  1. I'm gonna go with believing that! They just looked at my cv page briefly and studio page, so that would make sense.
  2. Got a hit from Yale!!!! But it was at midnight & they spent 8 seconds on my website, so I don't think that it's a good sign. ? ? ?
  3. @Poodle-Doodle from past forums, it looks like some schools will start calling/emailing at the start of next week. I'm pretty sure the Yale decisions are going to be out next Friday.
  4. I started a sculpture that requires a lot of fairly mindless, repetitive application of material. Pro: works well with my level of mental exhaustion. Con: allows my mind to focus on anxiety. Reading has been the most helpful use of my time. But I assume interviewers will want to know what we've been up to in the studio in January/February, so I'm trying to be as productive as possible.
  5. eee, guessing we're going to hear back from Yale next Friday based on previous years.
  6. I got a hit from the UCIrvine network on Tuesday. It was around 9~10pm PST though, so slightly doubtful that it was the application committee.
  7. oh man, have also been going through the same emotional rollercoaster. Have been trying to tell myself (as recently as a few posts previous) it's no big deal if I don't go to school this year, but the stress of not knowing if my life is going to take a drastic turn in 6 months is overwhelming!! Trump's inauguration tomorrow doesn't help... I was a mess in early November too from the stress of election day & grad school apps. Hope everyone else is taking time for self-care before the interview requests really come in. I have access to a shop right now, but before that I was hand-building anything that required tools. My studio has a shared living room space upstairs with good lighting & a white wall, so I usually photograph there. Other 3-D questions since we're on the topic—what are you guys planning on doing with your work if you're moving cross-country? Right now, thinking about seeing how much my mum will be willing to take. All of my work is big, so it's going to be an ordeal either way.
  8. @MonkeyPants did you do the MAPH program at UChicago? I went there for undergrad! @Gwhar1 right there with you with worrying I'm going to be rejected from everywhere lol. All the schools I ended up applying to are crazy selective, so trying not to worry too much about it if it happens.
  9. I was just thinking about asking the same question here yesterday haha. I'm probably going to send something out this week or next & then send an email update with what my success rate is. Thinking of baking something with as few allergens as possible, getting bottles of wine, or buying them coffee beans. + a handwritten note.
  10. I submitted the Temple application on 12/17 to be safe. I got a receipt of my application three days later. Since Tyler is quite nebulous about what "well before the deadline" means, I wouldn't worry about it too much. I don't think there's anything in the Temple application that they will be reviewing that wasn't in the Slideroom application.
  11. @Poodle-Doodle I don't think that you can—I decided on order first and then uploaded. Super annoying. T__T I really wish everyone would use slideroom, it's worth paying the $10 min fee for. @Leo168 Thanks!! Good luck with UCI & UW!
  12. @Leo168 they said that they've had several applicants report the same problem, but it looks fine on their end. Also that it might be a browser problem. I tried uploading & viewing image in my two non-preferred browsers and still the images were enlarged. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Just trusting that the images will show fine on their end. Submitted my UCLA app to the tune of To Die In LA. Just Rutgers to go!!
  13. @Poodle-Doodle it is that the system is making the smallest dimension automatically 1920px. -___- So it seems you do have to upload them in square format... I sent an email to admissions to double check since their guidelines just say the maximum size is 2000px x 2000px.
  14. ughh ucla is continuing to kill me—is anyone else having their images do weird things in the supplemental application?? It's resizing all of my images from 2000px to 2880px so they look super pixellated.
  15. UCLA wants transcripts postmarked by January 11, so as long as you get them out by tomorrow you should be good!!
  16. The statement of purpose and artist statement are both required; a personal history essay & the diversity statement are the optional components. I'm surprised too that they don't ask applicants to combine their SOP and artist statement. No wonder they take forever to review applications ... The diversity statement was what I was working through today as well. I send them an email if the MFA committee reviews it or if it's just the fellowship committee and they responded that the MFA committee will read it, but it's ok if the diversity statement replicates parts of your SOP or artist statement since it's the main thing the fellowship committee will be looking at.
  17. @Poodle-Doodle that's what I'm working on too! Are you writing the optional personal history essay? I have a draft written, but now I'm worried that including that might take attention away from the artist statement & statement of purpose ... there's so much writing already.
  18. @Poodle-Doodle 0 stress is a good place to be! My recommender got her letter in just past midnight. Celebrating finishing one application with cheese & wine & more essay-writing ~
  19. Submitted Yale a few hours ago! Didn't have any problems with Yale's system—it isn't as convenient to label works as slideroom, but it works. Now just freaking out a little about the one letter I'm waiting on ... she emailed me last night to say she'd submit this afternoon, so I'm hoping she's just running a little behind. Also started submitting other apps. I realized I missed Rutger's request to describe your practice in 50 words or less. Anyone else applying there—how are you approaching that vs your longer artist statement?? I'm tempted to try writing something a little more abstract for the 50 words, but equally pulled to write a sort of two sentence elevator pitch or something about materials... Good luck to everyone working towards the 11:59:59 deadline!
  20. Yeah, their website says "Online applications for programs beginning in the 2017–2018 academic year must be uploaded no later than 12 midnight EST (11:59:59) on Wednesday, January 4, 2017." The 11:59:59 is a nice clarification.
  21. @YayYayYay Mana Contemporary does art transportation services. I haven't used them personally, but I trust that they would be well-versed in taking care of your work. Do you drive? It might be just as much to rent a uhaul and move stuff yourself if you're going coast-to-coast. I used this app called Dolly to move sculptures in-town—you can use that app just for labor for loading/unloading things into a truck. The guys who I ended up with were really careful with my piece and listened to me when I explained how to best move it (it was a ~150lb sculpture, 8ft tall that was semi-flexible). Dolly might be an option too if you need help moving from the airport.
  22. Hey, I'm not a POC but this is something I was thinking about when I visited a bunch of schools last month. For Yale, I did notice that their sculpture Q&A was primarily white panelists (I think all white, but might be remembering incorrectly) and only one woman; but looking at the current students (at least for sculpture) there is diversity, it's kinda frustrating that it wasn't reflected in the panel.
  23. I'm considering installation shots a detail shot. Is your work better understood in context of multiple pieces grouped together? If not, I would imagine it's better to include just 1 piece/photo. I believe that some departments even explicitly ask to keep it to 1 piece/photo.
  24. Zachary Cahill from the University of Chicago makes some work that is sort of related to those concepts—I know he taught a class on landscape when I was an undergrad. He was recently appointed as curator for an arts center within the University, so not 100% sure how much he'll be teaching anymore.
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