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Everything posted by ArthChauc

  1. I emailed them on Monday and was told that they would be making decisions again after they heard back from the four they admitted. I asked if I could find out my placement on the waitlist and they said they didn't have rankings. I don't know what's going on with them.
  2. Just got my acceptance to UNM. Any classmates here?
  3. Just got into my dream school off of the waitlist. I'm moving to Albuquerque! Thank you to everyone who has been there for me from this site for the past three months. Seriously, you guys are the greatest.
  4. I got my acceptance via email on 2/11 and a follow up call a week later. Through the postal service I only got paper copies of info from emails.
  5. Ahh Hold I meant to upvote! I'm so sorry! Thank you so much for thr info!
  6. HoldSteady, this is super interesting as I'm looking for summer work. Could you post the resources you use to find these jobs? I'm totally unfamiliar with freelancing but have an English MA and will be getting my Ph.D in the next five years (I'll be a first year student in August).
  7. Anybody else waiting to hear back from Colorado? Seems insane I haven't heard anything yet considering I submitted my application on December 15.
  8. Are you from the area? I got funding but I'm waitlisted at my top choice. What area do you study?
  9. Hah for people making decisions! My visit is two weeks from today and I'm hoping a waitlist converts but I likely won't be able to visit if it does. Blah. Katia, yay! I can't wait to hear all about the program!
  10. Ke, your trip sounds amazing! I'm going to be the only person visiting when I'm there (there isn't an official visit day, unfortunately), it sounds like a lot less pressure to be in a group setting. I'm jealous. Have you decided to attend that program? And Des, I'd love to hear about it!
  11. I go on my first (and possibly only) campus visit two weeks from today. The DGS has been super helpful throughout the planning process and is even booking a hotel for me. I'm very nervous even though it's not too far from where I'm doing my MA now, but I can't help it. Ugh. I want to hear about everybody else's visits!
  12. I didn't apply, but OSU is my alma mater. Let me know if you have any questions!
  13. Also, sorry, Fiz. Ignore me, I'm late to the party/Harry Potter obsessed.
  14. The whole argument behind whether or not to censor City Lights who published Ginsberg's Howl was about literary merit. Just saying. Not sure that's an effective way to look at literature.
  15. Don't worry--I've been accepted to 2 Ph.D programs...and got a C in a class. Total personality mismatch/stylistic issues with a prof in my department. I didn't even bother explaining it to programs and I wasn't rejected anywhere for my GPA (I specifically asked programs from which I was rejected).
  16. Dear G-d, I can so relate to the thesis worrying. I'm writing my master's thesis (writing should definitely be in quotes) and it's just bananas. I pushed back my graduation date to summer because I didn't want to rush and turn in garbage. While I've been relieved, it has resulted in only more procrastination. G-ddamn you, Pretty Little Liars. You aren't even a good show.
  17. Anybody else hearing nothing but static from Washington and Boulder at this point? Seems crazy late in the game, I just want my rejections so I can move on and accept what I have/cling to hope to get off the waitlist at my dream school.
  18. Yeah, I think it's about looking put together more so thank trying to look "impressive", so to speak. I plan on wearing black jeans, a gray sweater, cute flats, and a scarf to my visit--I've found that sweater+jeans seems to be a go-to "business casual" look for the professors/staff in my department which means it's probably perfectly fine for a campus visit.
  19. I'm with the both of you re: Washington. I just want my rejection (and Boulder's) so I can go about my business.
  20. Oh nice, I'm waiting on Washington too so this was helpful!
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