Hello all. This is my first time posting here, but I've been reading through the forums. I'd like some advice on narrowing down my grad school list for applications. Here's my story for frame of reference:
I attended the University of Texas at Austin for undergrad, majored in history, minored in German with a 3.2 overall GPA.
Graduate school part 1:
I attempted a masters degree at University of South Florida but due to family issues I had to leave the program incomplete.
Graduate school part 2:
I'm currently finishing my Masters degree in history at the University of Texas at San Antonio, with a 4.0 GPA. I will be finishing in the Spring and will apply for PhD programs in the fall for entry in Autumn 2015.
I started with a list of over 50 schools. I've since whittled it down into a list of 28 schools. I intend on doing my research in modern European history, with a focus on German immigrants which I will approach through a transnational lens. My specific interests lie in the study of enclave communities of Germans throughout the world. Additionally, I'm working with a professor to potentially get an article published in small peer reviewed journal.
Here's my list of schools in alphabetical order. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Binghamton University - SUNY
College of William and Mary (Tyler)
Columbia University
Emory University
George Mason University
Harvard University
Indiana University - Bloomington
Rice University
Stanford University
Stony Brook University - SUNY
Tufts University
Tulane University
University of Arizona
University of California - Davis
University of Chicago
University of Colorado - Boulder
University of Connecticut
University of Delaware
University of Georgia
University of Illinois - Urbana - Champaign
University of Iowa
University of Michigan
University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
University of Washington
University of Wisconsin - Madison
Vanderbilt University
Washington University in St. Louis
Thanks again.