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Heimat Historian

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Everything posted by Heimat Historian

  1. Maybe we'll both hear soon from Minnesota, chiqui.
  2. Hope springs eternal...
  3. Congratulations Ashiepoo! I haven't heard anything from Minnesota yet. Maybe tomorrow.
  4. I certainly hope so! Indiana is high on my list. Plus, one of my letter writers got her PhD from Indiana.
  5. Leventel, have you heard from all the other programs on your list? I ask because you only said there were a few you hadn't heard from. Specifically, I'm interested if you've heard anything from Indiana.
  6. I know exactly what you mean LeventeL! I can't refresh enough. I agree it's been quite slow for history acceptances today, Ivan.
  7. That doesn't sound like much fun.
  8. The thing is, it's just not what I want to be doing, so it's constantly a struggle.
  9. That's the thing that I'm holding out hope for Telkanaru. I really want to be a short timer at my current job.
  10. Ok. Let the guessing games begin: Which schools will send out their correspondence this week? My bet is on Minnesota,GW, maybe Kansas. Just looking at past entries and working only from my own list. Anyone else care to venture some wild speculation?
  11. It's called dr. Pepper with imperial sugar. Looks like you can buy it in Ft. worth area. Amazon also seems to carry it. Good luck!
  12. Good news! While no longer called Dublin Dr. Pepper, Snapple still distributes a sugar cane sweetened version in central Texas, just hard to find. That stuff is really good.
  13. Hey a bad decision now and again can be fun.
  14. Count me in on that bottle Ashiepoo.
  15. Telkanuru tried to up its accidentally downvoted.
  16. Join the club! Can't wait until we start hearing. My sister had a great piece of advice: buy a bottle of bourbon or scotch that you'd not normally pay for (think Johnny walker gold) and have it ready for when you receive any news.
  17. I'd be just fine with Minnesota sending stuff this week. Congrats on all the acceptances so far.
  18. I'm out of upvotes!!!!
  19. congrats to all the admits. Davis and Yale are great schools.
  20. Conference acceptances are great! I need to submit my stuff to some. Also, congrats to the Davis and Purdue admits.
  21. The frustrating thing is that schools that had earlier admission decisions last year (I'm looking at you Minnesota and Illinois) still haven't sent out anything for this year. It really does vary from year to year it seems.
  22. Fingers crossed that this Friday brings notifications from somewhere. I'd imagine that next week the floodgates will start to open (at least judging by previous years results).
  23. Interesting. Thank you all for your input. I'll attempt to apply through my schools. Thanks again.
  24. Thanks for the information. I do have a question about number 2. If I don't know where I"m going to be going to school (because as school hasn't sent out notifications), don't I have to apply through the school to get the FLAS? Is there a different way to apply?
  25. Congratulations to the OU and Nebraska admits. (as a Longhorn alumnus I'm not sure I'd ever have written that prior to this forum)
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