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Everything posted by Horb

  1. I did not mean to alarm anyone! I'm glad you found it
  2. If you received an email confirmation that you submitted your app, I wouldn't be worried. The survey does not really matter in terms of your application being approved or not.
  3. Yeah, Rutgers does not mention that AT ALL in the FAQ and other application info pages on their website. I don't think it matters, though to be honest, I submitted on the 15th last year, found out I had to wait 24 hours, then found out that my transcripts had to be in hard copy (or maybe that was with UC Irvine??) I'm not sure. Either way: they should put that online somewhere in a visible section because it is not fair to say Dec. 15th deadline, then force everyone finishing on that date to be late.
  4. I'm still in finals. One paper left, two turned in. No grades, but I'm feeling good so far. We shall see! I'm currently doing fellowship research, which is silly since I still need to pass my MA exam at the end of year one before I plan for future years. But I like dreaming
  5. Congrats on your progress! I never applied because they seemed more focused on the sciences than humanities, but I do hope you get it! Good luck.
  6. Horb


    Hey all! I submitted my app for the intensive language grant. Here's to hoping. How are the year-long study people holding up?
  7. Thanks for the advice! I ended up applying without the job in mind. The grant may not cover all costs and thus it may not even be an option. We shall see!
  8. I'm about to apply for a grant that would enable me to study abroad for two months in the summer to learn a foreign language. While going over my application for the grant, my fellowship advisor mentioned a possible summer opportunity that would 1) pay well and (more importantly) 2) give me amazing experience that helps for my future goals. It could also be a job I keep for the next few years while I finish up school. While it is not guaranteed, she showed great interest in me applying. The Problem: Initially, I was planning on going to a specific city for June and July if I got the grant. I chose this city because it is a cultural center and a friend lives nearby, who I never get to see because we live in different countries. However, if I got the summer position, I would have to start work in July. My debate is to change my current plan on dates and location for the grant (shifting from June/July to May/June and going further south). Only one of the possible cities would work in terms of start time. Though it would put added stress on me because I'd literally have JUST finished final papers/and or have to submit them early, it would enable me to accept the job if given it. It would also require me to essentially pay for two months of rent/utilities because I doubt I'd find a subletter for two months. My other option is to just stick to my start dates and, if I get the job, either choose for see if the grant will let me only go for one month or move my dates/location, which obviously may not be guaranteed. However, my friend got the grant and was able to switch universities and programs, though her grant was for a year, not a summer. I know it seems silly to plan for a job and grant I might not get, but I can't imagine passing up either opportunity, and I have a good shot at both. Does it make sense to put my first choice as the city that works best for the job and endure potential stress if I get the grant but not the job? Or should I just apply without the job in mind?
  9. One of my friends was placed in a town in Germany. Almost all of the apartments she looked at were the entirety of her stipend. She did luck out and find something that was do-able, but I have heard of people in Munich who spend 700 of the 850 euro allotment (I think those are the right amounts) on just rent. Not transport or food or anything else; just rent.
  10. They will ask for transcripts, but they might not necessarily recalculate your GPA. So they'll see the 2.7 from your undergrad, plus the GPA calculated from the other set of transcripts. I'm just saying, if you have two transcripts, they'll see the 2.7 and be most likely be concerned, even if your extra courses indicate improvement.
  11. If you already graduated, I'm not sure how you could boost your UGPA. Normally, schools do not let you retroactively add courses to alter your GPA. You most likely will have to look at the alternative options listed above.
  12. Is it inappropriate if you get accepted to a conference, but decide to decline it because of travel and/or funding issues or for another offer that is more appealing?
  13. I really hope you get it! Do let us know if you get to the next stage. Sending ALL the luck!
  14. Horb


    For the school, I'd say German style (my friend just won the award for this year, but as I am applying only for the summer, I don't know for summer programs). I think for the scholarship she had it in English versions.
  15. Unfortunately no. The person who won it the year before me applied for the same program I did (which I didn't know when I applied) and it went to a science person, based on publications. It is also insanely difficult to get a UK grant, but it is insanely difficult to get a Fulbright to begin with! I'm going to reapply in a few years, once I have my MA. It is a long process, but I learned so much about it, especially about what not to do in applications. If you have any questions, especially around interview time, let me know
  16. I would honestly say that Fulbright is more skewed towards Natural sciences. I attempted to make mine a combo of humanities and social sciences (anthro) in order to seem more inclusive (I also did UK). Languages doesn't really help. I think what you hope to do with them does. Fulbright is geared more towards projects that are useful and candidates with pasts that prepare them for this project/show they have the skill set to complete it.
  17. Horb


    Thank you again for your help
  18. Horb


    Ohhhh. I thought we had to pick from the four program companies listed on the webpage for the grant. Silly me! Thank you so much for your help!
  19. Horb


    Also I'd love to see your sample if possible!
  20. Horb


    I didn't realize you got to choose location (haven't actually opened the app because I'm afraid of accidentally submitting it. I'd love to so a smaller town so that I have more immersion.
  21. Horb


    I'm also concerned that, since my German is very rusty in terms of speaking, that my lang. evaluation will be low and they won't see potential or something.
  22. Horb


    Well my main concern right now is that I just started my grad program, so I don't have grades from it yet for this app. I have a 3.9 GPA for undergrad (higher in my English major) and have already emailed the DAAD contact about getting two letters of rec, one from my grad program and one from my old adviser who knows me very well. I'm worried starting a new program might be a concern, but I know that the intensive language program would greatly help my studies and future career goals (I kinda hope, after getting a PhD, to go to Germany and teach English there). If you have any insight on the 500 word grant statement (tips and whatnot), please let me know! And I would hope to do the Berlin or Bonn options.
  23. Horb


    I'm thinking of applying for the Summer Intensive Grant (Deadline Dec. 15th). I'm a little concerned. I'm doing a PhD in English, but in my undergrad I did a double major in English and German and studied abroad. My study abroad time was rough (lots of issues getting placed in the correct language level course) and I want to go back to hit advanced for my PhD requirements. I also plan to use my German for research for my dissertation -- I focus on violence theory and Romantic/Victorian periods, so German is very useful. Anyone have any idea what the likelihood of receiving the grant is? Or just want to chat about the experience? Full year DAAD applicants are welcome to join too!
  24. Yeah, I'm from Massachusetts and and went to school in Mass and my advisor basically told me not to expect anything because I would be competing with kids from Harvard, Yale, MIT, etc and that I couldn't apply in, like, Wisconsin, which usually has a slightly better rate. I still applied though and was recommend by my university. It is a hell of a process though. And the 1 to 2% acceptance rate sounds correct.
  25. I might be wrong, but doesn't NYU require the subject test? I applied there last year and submitted it. I could be wrong. Maybe it is only recommended.
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