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Everything posted by Horb

  1. I have a Fulbright interview today. I'm pretty sure this is the most nervous I have ever been. I'm praying that I'll be articulate throughout most of it.
  2. So I have an interview this coming week. Does anyone have any suggestions for questions to ask? I really can't think of anything. I've been researching this scholarship for about 3 years, so I feel like I don't have any straight-forward questions to ask. Just logistics about housing, food, etc. I may just be too nervous to think properly.
  3. For my program, I get 4 years. The issue is, those last one to two are when I'm doing my dissertation. My other program gives me a first and half of last year fellowship. I mean, I think I just really like the inter-disciplinary program. But I can still get that at Tufts, just not under the name of a certificate.
  4. This is a crazy process. I can't wait for it to end. #graduateschoolproblems
  5. I am fine as long as I have my own room. Everyone needs personal space, you know? As long as it isn't loud every single weekday night past 11pm I'm pretty chill. I think if you're in a city area, it is necessary to have roommates (hence why I'm doing it).
  6. I'm debating emailing them because one of my schools prefers to have an answer by March 15th (UConn) and though it isn't mandatory, I don't really want to wait past that time for people on the wait list if I was somehow accepted though I highly doubt it.
  7. Is anyone else here accepted to Tufts? I'm pretty sure I'm going to accept their offer and I'm looking at apartments and for potential roommates. Just trying to plan ahead
  8. With a few schools I had some issues. Rutgers, for example, has you submit everything but supplemental documents, then you wait "24 hours" for a login code to update them. They, unfortunately, didn't put that anywhere on the website as a warning, so I though I submitted everything on time, it'd be nice to know beforehand so I am not freaking out about "what if the code is late." I also think it is unfair because I'm sure there were people submitting on the deadline that then had to wait. Another schools also said to mail in transcripts unless the department said otherwise. The department site said EVERY THING should be submitted online, so I figured, hey that must be what the "unless otherwise" is meant for. Now I'm over-thinking it because the generic site for applications for the GSAS has it up as required. Just simple things like that. I guess another way to put it would be maybe contact GSAS directors when app stuff is unclear.
  9. I'm not sure if this will be helpful or not, but as some people will be applying again next year, and might enjoy some advice, I figured I'd ask: what would you do differently? I'd submit my applications two weeks earlier than the deadline rather than a few days and I'd make sure I looked over my personal statements more carefully (though I'm pretty sure there would ALWAYS be a typo somehow). Anyone else?
  10. Ohhhh I thought he meant of the asking practice. Sorry. Up since 6am est and am so tired
  11. Wait disapproving? I guess I'll contemplate the option.
  12. Honestly I'm debating emailing or calling the ones I have left and asking. I have a legit reason.
  13. Any advice for how to ask? Email vs phone?
  14. I have to make a decision about a school by March 15 and so I'm debating calling and asking. Idk if they'll hate me for it tho
  15. So if I haven't heard from Virginia, is it possible that is good or should I just assume rejection? I only ask because in previous years, they accepted people in March who weren't even on the waitlist. . . I have it as an implied rejection, but I just don't know with them.
  16. Yeah, I had hoped to luck out on something. But Idk. Looks like the two mid-tier ones for me. I'm happy though.
  17. I got two rejections in one day. It sucks. I'm down to my final 4 and I doubt I'll get in.
  18. Ya I was just curious! Bc I kept seeing it and thought oh maybe it's a school. Did you like the mphil program?
  19. I would kill to have done my BA there. I found out too late about it in high school (I thought they went off of SATs, but at the time, they would accept APs instead). I can't fund it myself so I didn't bother applying for my ph.d there.
  20. Awesome! I went to Oxford on study abroad and thus was curious. I didn't remember anyone ever referring to something as Oxbridge other than the merging of Cambridge and Oxford.
  21. Question: Oxbridge normally means Oxford/Cambridge. I keep seeing people saying M.Phil Oxbridge....Is there an Oxbridge school, does that mean they did one M.Phil at each place? Basically, what does that mean?
  22. Yeah, right? I highly doubt that. I have to say though, since I got rejected from my top choice (Duke), I haven't really cared other than praying I got in somewhere, which I did. Rejection still sucks though.
  23. The majority of the people I know are focusing on modern works or shakespeare. To be honest though, I don't know how many people from my school are actually going to grad work.
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