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Everything posted by sylark

  1. Wow, a whole conversation flowing from my stupid sexual innuedo using ride/full-ride interchangably. haha, well I guess I did say it was serious. Anyway, on this whole business of purchasing drinks, I do not see the harm in just purchusing a drink as a gesture to show interest and generosity. Especially given the study of human evolutionary sciences which largely confirms that human males are the wooers of human females, not the other way around, given our "mildly polygynous" predisposition to mating. That is, women are naturally more likely to be coy given the biological investment of procreation including one of only a few produced ovas over a lifetime (which are thousands times larger than a sperm cell), pregnancy (offspring almost parasitically nourishing itself off the mother's body), greater responsibility in nourishing offspring after pregnancy (breastfeeding and protecting), and can only produce one offspring over the course of 8-10 months, whereas men can produce 30 children with practically zero investment. Women have more of a risk given their much higher inherent parental investment. For those reasons, women are USUALLY more likely to be more selective (even if having childen is not the goal of having sex). This sort of explains why women are less likely to purchase a drink for attractive men. It's up to men usually to demonstrate interest and worth to women. So, it's not all just a matter of social custom, there is also some biological reasoning as to why men tend to purchase drinks for women and not the other way around, and it should be taken as a compliment so long as the men respect the wishes of women they purchase drinks for and not be desperate creeps if women are not interested.
  2. Hey everyone that replied to my neuroticism/pessimism. Thanks! I need to be coddled by your reassurances so that I don't incessantly pester my friends and coworkers about my irrational fear of application doom.
  3. To keep the discussion running, I have a very serious question to ask. Is it ethical to date a professor to get a full-ride? (I'm not talking about a scholarship either...)
  4. Dr. Alexander C. Pacek is my top preference. His research/expertise in determinants of satisfaction of life and political thought complements my research interests. My undergraduate thesis focuses on happiness by politcal ideology in the United States, and presents a theory as to why conservative Americans have a tendency to report higher satsifaction of life than progressive Americans (according to several studies spanning over 30 years), while addressing common misconceptions related to wealth and religious affiliation as determinants of happiness in the United States. Further, I touch on happiness indexes of other countries, in-part, in my reseasoning, and with that, drawing upon larger themes addressing determinants of happiness and unhappiness. Even though I haven't touched on my theory and the frameworks I am using, I feel like I am divulging too much information. The adcoms be lurking! With that said, there are several professors that I'd be glad to work with given shared interests.
  5. My stats are not so impressive in comparison to many on here! So many high 160's for GRE's along with extensive research accomplishments after hovering over a multitude of red diamonds on the results page. Thanks. I hope the rest of the decision season continues to go well for you. (If I get lucky, maybe I'll see you at A&M)
  6. Meh, I'd consider yourself one of the lucky ones that has the unequivocal security of being admitted into a program - a GRRRREAT program! Congrats by the way. You must have worked hard to be admitted into a top program.
  7. Anyone else not heard back from Boulder? I was doing so well this week with the whole not worrying about graduate decisions thing. After hearing a few people recieving notifications today...I am back into neurotic mode.
  8. Too bad about the rejection. Good luck with your other programs. I am still waiting to hear back from Boulder. I don't know whether to take this as a sign of imminent doom or a flicker of hope.
  9. As long as it isn't out of the question to do so, I rather just call and have them rip the band-aid off quickly, so to speak. If bad news, the sooner I can stop worrying about Boulder. If anything optimistic, I can remove the feeling of outright rejection.
  10. Well, my application in all honesty doesn't demonstrate an ability to TA/RA. Though, they might see academic potential. This could very well explain the two waves of admission decisions observed in recent years.
  11. Yeah, I noticed there was always a second round of admits in the past few years. Many of which were theory subfielders. I wonder if they decided their top 15 picks, and are now deciding their next 15 picks. Basically, their sure-bet acceptances, and now they are trying to sift through boarderline applicants to either admit or waitlist. Is it weird to call and ask? They may explain to me if I have been outright rejected or if I am still under consideration.
  12. So, since they will send decisions prior to February, for those that have not been contacted, will we either recieve a rejection or waitlist before the end of the month?
  13. First off, I am genuinely happy for you, especially given the rejection you faced last year. Oh good, I will refrain from neurotically clicking the refresh button on the website! Perhaps interested faculty will notify me tomorrow? Finger-crossed. Thanks.
  14. Also, to those accepted at Boulder. I hope you recieve lots of other offers from higher ranking schools with full funding and stipends! Meh, Boulder isn't the best school ever or anything, I am sure a top 20 school will suit your intelligence much more. I have absolutely no ulterior motives obviously; I just want you guys to reach your greatest potential Also, Congrats Gnome.
  15. Congrats Boulder Admits. Nothing yet for me. Though I already knew I wouldn't be one of the top choices admitted during the first of the first round decisions given I don't have much publishing/research experience beyond my Senior Thesis. Plus my scores are EXACTLY their median of ENROLLED students last year. For me, it is a close-call. Another thing I noticed is that the theory students tend to be admitted a few days afterward according to the information on the results page from the past two years. Though, some people don't specify their subfield. Really though, I will be relieved if I am even considered on the waitlist. Funding is not a huge issue for me since I have a loan for service opportunity in the event of little to no funding.
  16. I went almost 10 hours without checking the site or my email! (But still nothing) Also, I see congrats are in order for several of you within that time-frame I've been gone. You guys are so amazingly terrific, astute, intelligent, charismatic, bright, creative, hard-working, innovative, insightful, and any other accolades that will give me karma points so that I will receive some admission decisions soon, preferrably acceptances.
  17. After my meeting I checked my email; low and behold, I too recieved the confirmation email from Boulder stating that the decisions would be made by the end of the month. The next few days I am looking forward to some sort of information, even the not so pleasant variety. (Just get it over with and rip the band-aid off A&M and Boulder!)
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