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About Nrrrdgrrrl

  • Birthday 09/07/1985

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  • Interests
    Alternative Religion; "spiritual, but not religious"; anthropology of religion; Critical Theory; Religion and Pop Culture
  • Application Season
    Already Attending
  • Program
    PhD: Religious Studies

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Mocha (7/10)



  1. Not to freak you all out, but I just heard from my DGS that we are not admitting ANY new PhDs in the Fall; several other departments in the school are in the same situation, and apparently it's spreading like an epidemic. All of it is due to budget cuts. So, if you're waiting on any publicly-funded schools, the situation is not great at the moment...
  2. Honestly, it was rather a frustrating process. Two of the three reviewers for my first application disagreed completely on what I did well, and what I needed to fix. That's a pretty common thing, I think, depending on your project. Mine was quite non-traditional, so that was a major part of the confusion for my application.
  3. About half of applicants make it to round 2; then, about 30% are funded from that pool. Recently, a new rule was put into effect that limits applications to three, just FYI. So, when you get those revisions, DO THEM! :-)
  4. Student: "I REALLY want to take your class, but I can't watch any of the required films for religious reasons. Can you find substitutes or should I just skip them?" Me, teaching a class on Religion and Pop Culture: *headdesk*

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. nugget


      That is what course auditing is for.

    3. spectastic


      that's the excuse I used to get out of sex-ed in high school.

    4. fuzzylogician


      Student: "I have an off-campus commitment that was moved from another time and now overlaps with your class. Is it ok if I leave 10-15 minutes early every week?" me: "No. It's ok if you leave 10 minutes early just today but please reschedule your other commitment." Student leaves 30 minutes early.

  5. I'm sure I HAVE a teaching philosophy. I'm not sure I can communicate it in a page.

  6. I'm pretty sure that's academia in general. We've chosen a career that fundamentally depends on our ability to grovel, schmooze, and otherwise convince people of our worth. This is particularly true in the Humanities. Now in my fourth (and hopefully penultimate) year in a PhD program, all I can say is this: if you love it, nothing will be more fulfilling; if you don't love it, choose something else now! But, on a positive note...GOOD LUCK, EVERYONE!
  7. Tomorrow is my candidacy defense. No big deal, right? FREAK OUT TIME!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Threeboysmom
    3. ProfLorax


      Wowza! That's a large moment for any grad student. Good luck!

    4. NavyMom


      Good luck!!!!

  8. I know it's a multi-step process. The first batch of applications (mine included) were already reviewed, but they are doing another batch soon, I believe. Keep checking FastLane; the results show there way before any emails are sent.
  9. Nope; though no news at this point is definitely not necessarily good news, I'd say it indicates a glimmer of hope! The best thing about NSF is that the reviews are thorough, and the program officers are ridiculously helpful. GOOD LUCK!
  10. mine too. That was quick turnaround!
  11. how did you find this out? Did you ask for information, or was it provided to you freely? I ask because I applied to cultural anthropology as well, and haven't heard anything!
  12. we got second-round notifications pretty early; I got mine July 30th. So, I'm hoping that final notifications will also be early. Last cycle, final emails were sent 2 months and 2 days after second-round notifications. So, on that logic, we could hear any time now! Trying to get work done on my prospectus, and not check email every 2 seconds. What is everyone else doing to stay distracted? Good luck, all!
  13. Hey all...final announcements should be coming in the next few weeks...how are you all holding up?
  14. Dissertation prospectuses should be outlawed. Just sayin'...

    1. fuzzylogician


      I kind of wish they would have made us write one. I think it forces you to sit down and think about what you're going to do. Having something written down can help give you some direction. Without one, some people can get very lost.

    2. fuzzylogician


      (And if/when you're applying for jobs, it's a useful document you can use when crafting a research statement.)

  15. So, my PI and I made a silly mistake in my recent application to the Cultural Anthropology NSF DDIG; one of the new requirements is a statement from the PI, certifying that the researcher (me) has prepared a convincing proposal, and is ready for the research outlined...but it is NOT a letter of recommendation. Apparently, the letter submitted was too recommendation-y for the scientists at NSF. Weird thing is this: rather than just rejecting the proposal, I got an email asking me to fix the issue and update the application. Is this a sign that they found the project at least somewhat compelling? Or is it common to give everyone the chance to adjust/fix/update mistakes in their applications? I'm hoping it's a good sign for this resubmission! What do you all think???
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