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Status Updates posted by Kamisha

  1. Waitlisted at Florida State (for English)! If you are going to back out, please do so soon :)

  2. You know what’s not cool? Getting a personalized notification that you’re on a waitlist from an optimistic faculty member....and then officially being rejected less than four hours later.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Kamisha


      Thanks guys :) PhDerp, the rejection email was from the same faculty member.

    3. Nyctophile


      YEARRRGH!!HULK SMASH!!! but really...i can't believe that bs.

    4. PhDerp


      Oh my goodness. At least they respected you enough to tell you as soon as they could, by the sound of it. Hang in there!

  3. Still waiting on notifications from 3 schools. Come on, now. Just reject me already!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kamisha


      @justinmcummings, I emailed two of the programs about a week ago for confirmation of my rejection and they told me that my application had been reviewed, but no decision had been made yet. UGH.

    3. justinmcummings


      Oh darn, sorry to hear that. The waiting is the hardest part. I'm still waiting on 5 :/

    4. DeafAudi


      I heard to not email the universities because they don't share our anxiety. I'm going to crack soon, though...

  4. Anyone know of any influential or entertaining blogs about Academia (preferably English/Humanities related)?

  5. On-campus interview this week. Wish me luck!

    1. Academicat


      How exciting! Good Luck!

    2. Kamisha
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