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  1. Upvote
    perpetuavix got a reaction from music in New York, NY   
    The Bronx has some really nice areas! I would generally say above I95 is much nicer than below I95. Kingsbridge/Riverdale is pretty nice (and a little expensive, but there's deals to be had). The further east you go, the more residential it gets. Throgs Neck and Orchard Beach/City Island are kind of like being in the suburbs. 
    New York is really a very safe city, including the Bronx. If you want to check out crime data for various areas of the city (it goes by precinct, though, not neighborhood so it kind of can obscure a good neighborhood if it's in a bad precinct), this is a fun website:
    NYC real estate is a CRAZY market, but you can make it work. 
  2. Upvote
    perpetuavix reacted to humean_skeptic in Rejection thread   
    Actually, I can certainly see why people would want a rejection letter that's not worded in a completely perfunctory and/or cold sort of way. Applications are very expensive and a ton of work. Moreover, the application process is so competitive now that even very strong applicants can expect rejections to be the norm from most top schools.
    Here's something I really *don't* understand, though: Why on earth do you keep trying to belittle and insult stressed-out posters on TGC? 
  3. Upvote
    perpetuavix reacted to Monadology in Shutout thread   
    If remarks-that-would-be-offensive-if-they-weren't-inside-jokes should never be disapproved of by those who aren't aware they are inside jokes (and when the fact that they are inside jokes is not explained and there is no contextual reason to think they are inside jokes), doesn't that sort of lead to a situation where no remarks which are offensive should be disapproved of?
    If you're going to make an inside joke around a broader audience and you know would be offensive if it were meant seriously* I'm pretty sure you should either be ready to be disapproved of or ready to explain that it's just an inside joke. I don't think people are "lame" or "obnoxious" for failing to know what one didn't explain to them about the meaning of the joke and acting accordingly. 
    *- Leaving aside the issue of whether or not saying something offensive jokingly is always acceptable.
  4. Upvote
    perpetuavix reacted to BeatBackBones in Shutout thread   
    Well, I threw my shut-out tantrum two weeks ago when I got the first two rejections, so I've gotten that out of my system lol.

    I'm considering becoming an apprentice at a local farm to reevaluate my direction without distractions. I live in Atlanta, so I'll likely attempt to slink into GSU's MA program. If I get reject, I'll take classes as a non-degree seeking student until I can get in. Then reapply to PhD programs. Rinse and repeat until I'm accepted into a well-fitting program. 
    Or I'll work somewhere only mildly depressing to take care of myself while I let the second round of apps consume my soul. Or Michelle Obama will call Princeton herself and demand that I am admitted. Whichever. 
    I'm a journalist, too, so I'll be freelancing regardless and that will bring me joy. 

  5. Upvote
    perpetuavix reacted to ungerdrag in Acceptance Thread   
    Joke's on you—I actually applied for a PhD in communications!

  6. Upvote
    perpetuavix reacted to pearclick in I remember dfindley   
    he rated his own book, and he gave it three stars
  7. Upvote
    perpetuavix reacted to philosophe in On re-applying   
    This seems uncharitable... the MA program I am considering is just one year, so I would need to reapply after being there for 3 months. I am operating under the assumption that the paper I worked on for a year will be better than anything I might put together in the first couple of months after returning to school when I've taken a  two year gap. 
    Additionally, this writing sample has been successful -- so I wouldn't mind simply polishing it, and then adding the additional qualification of the new degree to see what offers might be on the table. 
  8. Upvote
    perpetuavix reacted to dgswaim in Acceptance Thread   
    "We decided you didn't suck up enough during your undergraduate years and I concur with this decision."
    dfindley rejected by Columbia?
  9. Upvote
    perpetuavix reacted to AcademicX in PGR rankings   
    What is your evidence for these claims? I don't mean to be critical; just trying to keep our arguments substantiated. It also seems unfair to privilege TT positions at top-ranked research universities (assuming you're talking about PGR rankings) over other TT positions. It's clear that top-Leiter-ranked programs will seek to hire from other top-Leiter ranked programs because they specialize in the same things (e.g. departments that privilege philosophy of mind and phil science are going to hire people from top-Leiter programs; they wouldn't find anyone with that AOS at continental-oriented schools). Moreover, there are fewer continental positions that analytic ones (especially in leiter-ranked programs), so it makes sense that PhDs with an AOS in continental philosophy have a harder time finding a TT job. But this is more a product of the state of the philosophy profession in the US than of the graduate programs' quality. 
  10. Upvote
    perpetuavix reacted to dgswaim in PGR rankings   
    This is all my fault for having suggested that rankings not be taken so seriously. I regret it now. 
  11. Upvote
    perpetuavix reacted to AcademicX in PGR rankings   
    Are you the reincarnation of Leiter? If so, given your comments regarding the climate for women in philosophy, rape culture and this unnecessary personal attack, you're on a good track. 
    After reading that link, all I can say is that, PGR rankings only account for over 50% of TT placement. And that only if we choose to take out the 6 outliers. Now, taking 6 statistics out of a data set of 50 is a very objectionable choice. If we included the outliers, the explanatory force of PGR ranking would drop from 57% to 24% for the 7-year GAP regression.
  12. Upvote
    perpetuavix got a reaction from Guillaume in Acceptance Thread   
    I was actually just working on this last night. It's a little more complicated than that. Three of the schools with the best placement record (ie. highest percentage of students securing TT jobs) included UCSD and UMass, programs outside of the top 20. NYU has 57% of its students receiving tenure track jobs; UCSD has 78%. The number I used to calculate this stuff came from the APA report on grad schools (although a few schools I had to use their website including UMass). When you plot ranking versus TT placement rate, the plot is pretty scattered. Doing a linear regression, the Rsquared value is about .09, which is a weak correlation between ranking and placement. 
    I'm hoping to put something up blog-like with some of this information today or tomorrow, if anyone would want to check it out for themselves. 
  13. Upvote
    perpetuavix got a reaction from Edit_Undo in Acceptance Thread   
    I was actually just working on this last night. It's a little more complicated than that. Three of the schools with the best placement record (ie. highest percentage of students securing TT jobs) included UCSD and UMass, programs outside of the top 20. NYU has 57% of its students receiving tenure track jobs; UCSD has 78%. The number I used to calculate this stuff came from the APA report on grad schools (although a few schools I had to use their website including UMass). When you plot ranking versus TT placement rate, the plot is pretty scattered. Doing a linear regression, the Rsquared value is about .09, which is a weak correlation between ranking and placement. 
    I'm hoping to put something up blog-like with some of this information today or tomorrow, if anyone would want to check it out for themselves. 
  14. Upvote
    perpetuavix got a reaction from AcademicX in Acceptance Thread   
    I was actually just working on this last night. It's a little more complicated than that. Three of the schools with the best placement record (ie. highest percentage of students securing TT jobs) included UCSD and UMass, programs outside of the top 20. NYU has 57% of its students receiving tenure track jobs; UCSD has 78%. The number I used to calculate this stuff came from the APA report on grad schools (although a few schools I had to use their website including UMass). When you plot ranking versus TT placement rate, the plot is pretty scattered. Doing a linear regression, the Rsquared value is about .09, which is a weak correlation between ranking and placement. 
    I'm hoping to put something up blog-like with some of this information today or tomorrow, if anyone would want to check it out for themselves. 
  15. Upvote
    perpetuavix got a reaction from nietzschemarket in Acceptance Thread   
    I was actually just working on this last night. It's a little more complicated than that. Three of the schools with the best placement record (ie. highest percentage of students securing TT jobs) included UCSD and UMass, programs outside of the top 20. NYU has 57% of its students receiving tenure track jobs; UCSD has 78%. The number I used to calculate this stuff came from the APA report on grad schools (although a few schools I had to use their website including UMass). When you plot ranking versus TT placement rate, the plot is pretty scattered. Doing a linear regression, the Rsquared value is about .09, which is a weak correlation between ranking and placement. 
    I'm hoping to put something up blog-like with some of this information today or tomorrow, if anyone would want to check it out for themselves. 
  16. Upvote
    perpetuavix reacted to nietzschemarket in Women applicants?   
  17. Upvote
    perpetuavix reacted to Hypatience in Women applicants?   
    Another possibility is that maybe some of us could get in touch with each other via PM and get a Facebook message thread going. I know I've heard some climate stuff about various schools that I'd only be willing to share privately, and I'm sure there are women here in the same position. Possibly we can pool our gossip and help each other out!
  18. Upvote
    perpetuavix reacted to DHumeDominates in Women applicants?   
    Dude, chill.
  19. Upvote
    perpetuavix reacted to jjwaq in Women applicants?   
    I think there is a dearth of women, as well, and I'm hoping to land at a grad program that already has a more equal gender balance. Strong women in graduate philosophy seminars contribute more than men, I think--they give their share of philosophical insights, and are better able than men to criticize the inevitable pride and posturing that arises among males when discussions devolve into showing off.
  20. Upvote
    perpetuavix reacted to Hypatience in Issues related to sex- and gender-based harms/crimes   
    First: http://www.ndaa.org/pdf/pub_victim_responses_sexual_assault.pdf
    Second: In light of the resource above, and other considerations, I really don't think this thread should become a space where we cast doubt on this woman's testimony (which I think you've done in an especially ugly, ableist way by intimating that she's either "crazy" or "a liar"). 
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