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About slp2018

  • Birthday June 16

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  • Location
    San Diego, CA
  • Application Season
    Already Attending
  • Program
    M.S. Speech-Language Pathology

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  1. I'm attending the summer program at NAU, so I won't be able to tell you much about the full time program if that's what you're looking into. However, I have absolutely loved my experience at NAU. Class sizes cap at around thirty, which gives the professors a chance to get to know you as more than just a name on a paper. They are knowledgable about their areas of specialty, and the school as a whole is pretty organized. I have enjoyed the summer program because it has allowed me to keep my full time job during the year, and I really feel like I get so much more out of my summer classes because I can immediately apply what I am learning after I get back home in the fall. I will be done next summer, so feel free to PM me with any additional questions about the application process or the school itself. And good luck with your applications!
  2. I found that the schools I applied to (in my signature) looked at the whole picture. I didn't have the best GPA, especially my first bachelors. However, I had years of experience working as an SLPA, a special education teacher, and an instructional assistant. I used that experience to convince the schools that I was a good fit for their program, and that I had solid reasons for going into the field. I would also recommend looking into schools that conduct interviews, as that will allow you to be more than just words and numbers on paper. The schools will be better able to see your passion. Best of luck to you! Feel free to PM me if you have any questions or need reassurance.
  3. Hi everyone! I just received this email from the program director, and I wanted to share it with anyone still interested in this program: Good Morning, As of today, the inaugural class of the Speech-Language Pathology program at Midwestern University, Glendale, AZ is full. The interest in our program has been overwhelmingly positive, as you can see. Please be aware that we may have seats open as the cycle unfolds. This is common as students may decide later to attend another program. At this time, please let me know the following information: If you have accepted a seat in another program, and hereby decline your offer of admission to MWU. If you have also applied to the Illinois SLP program, and are waiting to hear from them. If you continue to hope for a seat in the Arizona SLP program. If MWU is your first choice school. I will use this information to work on your behalf for admission. I look forward to hearing from you and working with you in the coming days. As always, I wish you all the best as you decide the best educational path for you. Dr. V
  4. I've accepted my offer to NAU,so I'll be started there in June. I turned down my offer from Midwestern a few weeks ago, so hopefully that opens up a spot for you or others!! Good luck!
  5. I received an acceptance about two weeks after I interviewed at Midwestern. Good luck to you!!
  6. I didn't receive a confirmation email either. However, you can go to the following website and login to confirm your date of submission: http://www.unco.edu/grad/admissions/apply.html
  7. Thank you for the info! I have been going back and forth about whether or not contact them. Northern Arizona is my top choice, so it's go to know they will be sending out some sort of communication within the next week or two.
  8. East Carolina University sent out acceptances via email this morning. I've been accepted to the DE program! If you applied, check your email! (if you haven't been refreshing like crazy for the past few weeks like I have... )
  9. Hi everyone! I know this is an old discussion post, but I wanted to revive it in hopes that someone who is currently attending or has graduated from Midwestern can tell me a bit about the program. I was just accepted, and because it is such a new program there isn't much information available online. Thanks in advance!
  10. Congrats to both of you for getting accepted into NAU!! It sounds like they might've had some issues with emails, but it definitely sounds like you've been accepted. Did you apply to the summers or the full time program?
  11. Where did you find out about NAU acceptances? I just checked in the portal under "application status" and can only see the date my application was submitted... as far as I can see, there is no admission status yet.
  12. I am also a teacher (special education)! I will be taking online pre reqs at Utah State beginning this fall, and I was advised to take only two classes at time to make the workload more manageable. This does mean, however, that I will be taking two years to complete the post back program which is 12 course. I am trying to maintain a 4.0 without burning myself out, and I feel I will get more out of my classes if I am able to focus on only two at a time. How many courses are you taking, and how many do you need to take? If you are planning on fitting it all into a year, you might need to take on a heavier course load each team.
  13. Thank you everyone for your answers! I definitely want to keep my job while I am taking my post-bacc courses, both for the money and for the experience in special education. I am also hoping that the SLP that I am working with will write me a letter of recommendation. After reading everyone's responses, I think I will enroll in two courses in the fall and see how that goes, and then adjust accordingly for the next semester. I am not in a total hurry to finish, although I'd like to finish in two. Also for anyone who did their post-bacc at USU, what are the proctored exams like? Are they pretty frequent throughout the semester? And is the level difficult or is it undergrad level? Thank again!
  14. Hi all, I am beginning my journey toward becoming an SLP, and I have a few questions for all of you. I just got accepted into USU's CDS 2nd bachelor's program, which consists of 12 courses. I will be teaching full time (special education) in the fall, so I'm not sure if I should try to finish this program in a year or not. For anyone who has taken online post-bac courses (at USU or otherwise), how many courses did you take each term? And what were your other commitments during that time? I am really begin (if i am accepted!) SLP graduate school, but I also want to make sure that I am able to maintain as close to a 4.0 as I am able. Thanks for all your help
  15. Thanks jg1004! I will have to look into practicum assistantships and whether they are something I can do while still working as a special education teacher. Thanks for the encouragement! I will keep hoping that U of O will want me in two years.
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