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Tall Chai Latte

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Status Updates posted by Tall Chai Latte

  1. moody advisor. what a mistake popping into the office today.

  2. why is everything so slow....

    1. fuzzylogician


      At the same time, I would like to know why everything is so fast!

  3. First half marathon is happening on Sunday!

  4. I don't understand. Why wouldn't PI invest in a technique she is not an expert of, and still make it my project?

  5. I have prelim anxiety..

  6. Prelim... Read write and repeat.

  7. what is this anti-climax feeling? why does the day go by so slowly?

  8. hello gradcafe! long time no see

    1. newms


      hey Tall Chai!

    2. bgk


      hey TCL! Welcome back!

  9. sitting in office... waiting for something to happen

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. newms


      Does that mean you found a lab home? Or is it another rotation?

    3. Tall Chai Latte

      Tall Chai Latte

      it's another rotation. but the boss lady has high standards for everyone and can be picky at times..

    4. newms


      Ah ok. Well good luck with this rotation.

  10. officially started another rotation!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tall Chai Latte

      Tall Chai Latte

      thanks newms! good that your dept doesn't have "rotations"

    3. fuzzylogician


      That's great! I hope it works out this time.

    4. newms


      @Tall Chai Latte - yeah, I'm glad about that. I think I know which group I'm going to end up working with already.

  11. times are tough, many people are still looking for a lab home. so i'm not alone after all...

  12. fingers crossed

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. newms


      fingers crossed!

    3. speechless_siren
    4. Tall Chai Latte

      Tall Chai Latte

      thanks everyone! i've been stressed the past two weeks and absorbing the shock.. i hope my next rotation won't kick me out like this :P

  13. What we go through will make us stronger. Think of it as invaluable life training.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MoJingly


      If that's true, is it sad that all I want to do is sit on the beach and drink a margarita? :-(

    3. Zouzax


      as long as you keep a lounge chair open for me, I support you 100% :D

    4. Tall Chai Latte

      Tall Chai Latte

      haha, i'd like to request a tequila sunrise, a lounge chair, and lots of sunshine!

  14. still looking for a way to make it all work out... it's not fair to categorize me w/o giving me a chance...

    1. beanbagchairs


      Keep on truckin'!

    2. Tall Chai Latte

      Tall Chai Latte

      thanks beanbagchairs. i'm just stressed from being uprooted all of a sudden..

  15. i feel so alone. i want to cry.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Zouzax


      ugh sorry to hear. get well soon :(

    3. MoJingly


      Aw, what's going on? I'm sorry :(

    4. MoJingly


      Aw, I just read your post. Rooting for you :)

  16. just read the program requirement. my dept has 3-part candidacy exam, which no other dept has, and i have to pass by next may.. :|

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. beanbagchairs


      3-part!.. holly molly.. you can do it!

    3. Tall Chai Latte

      Tall Chai Latte

      yea it consists of 2 written exams and 1 oral exam. one exam on biochem/cell bio and one on physics... challenge!

    4. hopehope


      did mine last summer. 3 written exams and one long oral. you will be fine just study like a freak!

  17. it's snowing... and it's late april?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. MoJingly


      No, I meant seriously as in "I agree." It's snowing here too!

    3. beanbagchairs


      Haha you must be living somewhere in the midwest. Yeah, I lived in MI for 5 yrs. When they say it's a snow day. IT IS really a snow day.

    4. Tall Chai Latte

      Tall Chai Latte

      haha you are exactly right beanbagchairs. i go to school in the midwest, where people wear blue for football games

  18. guys, the god of funding has spoken... it's a yes!!

  19. still haven't heard a definitive answer. he said he's waiting to hear back about $$ and it's been days.. can't help about having "what-if" thoughts. waiting.. waiting..

    1. beanbagchairs


      Here's hoping he'll get $$ next year.

    2. Tall Chai Latte

      Tall Chai Latte

      thanks beanbagchairs. ironically this waiting period matches up with grad school decision time. i was also freaking around this time last year too!

    3. sls144


      I hope it works out for you! Whatever is meant to be will be

  20. important presentation tomorrow. good luck to me!

  21. omg, am i doing another rotation? another 7 weeks?

  22. spring break is over.. i'm back down to earth

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