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Status Updates posted by youngcharlie101

  1. Good day, Grad Cafe! Haven't been here in a while. New website layout is spiffy. ;)

  2. Still waiting to hit rock bottom. Bloody hell. :o

  3. London! Home sweet home.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MidwesternAloha


      I hope you have a wonderful time!!

    3. youngcharlie101


      Thank you! I'm leaving in 6 hours and cannot wait! :)

    4. FinallyAccepted


      We just went to London for Spring Break. Loved it.

  4. 2015 hasn't exactly been my year. :( But I'm alive and well. Can't ask for more than that.

    1. .letmeinplz//


      Yeah even through all the stress that graduate school (and trying to get into it) brings, it could be much worse. I've had a friend from high school who was shot in the face (he is a cop) so I'm pretty lucky to just have this one stress in my life rather than so many other stresses that are life threatening.

      Also 2015 has just begun, it might turn around for you :P.

    2. youngcharlie101


      bkess your friend. <3 You're right, we have to count every blessing. I hope 2015 shows me the bright side soon. :)

  5. What are the tricks to forgetting someone who's already gone? I hear his name and the waterworks begin. Wtf?? :(

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. youngcharlie101


      I want to go home to Surrey soon. Plan to maybe stop in Venice and pick up some more wine. ;)

    3. LittleDarlings


      Try to find someone else

    4. MidwesternAloha


      @youngcharlie you do not ever have to apologize to having emotions. Heartbreak is very real. Keep staying strong. And go to Venice!!

  6. I was never quite fond of beer till March. Drinking my sorrows!

  7. "God help me, I've come undone." <\3

  8. Society says gym, but I say cheeseburger! :D

  9. I'm not going to stop believing in happy endings just because some ass hat decided to step all over my insides. Just wish the pain would go away though. :(

  10. Application season is finally over for me. I am going to be an English teacher for now. Need a break from the GRE and demands of grad school. Taking care of my health first. :)

    1. fuzzylogician


      Health is absolutely the most important. Good luck to you!

  11. In spite of all my imperfections, I still hope I'm worthy of being loved the right way. :(

    1. iphi


      you have to love you first!

    2. youngcharlie101


      :( I'm working on it.
  12. I feel ashamed of myself for realizing this now, but my epiphany is finally here: I really don't need to go to a prestigious school to get a decent education. I went to NYU, and I hated it there. I'm hoping to apply to some other PhD programs next fall depending on fit, not reputation. :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. youngcharlie101


      Yes!!! Thank you! So it's not just me! :-D

  13. Getting rejected isn't fun. I put my heart and soul into my applications when we broke up, and now I have nothing left. :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. youngcharlie101


      Thanks. :) I'm trying to get into teaching high school kids. I just wish I wasn't in so much pain. Therapy and wine should help. :)

    3. Monochrome Spring

      Monochrome Spring

      I second the vote for therapy and wine. :)

    4. Neuronista


      You can always reapply. I know it hurts. I've been applying for 3 years and I have been finally accepted. Just don't give up!

  14. Just got rejected from my top choice, but surprisingly, I feel fine! Feeling good! Where's the wine at?? :-D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MidwesternAloha


      Treat yourself to an expensive bottle of wine! You've been through a lot and you deserve it.

    3. attackonthedoctor


      You feel fine because you know you're better than your rejections. :D White wine or red?

    4. youngcharlie101


      Thanks, everybody! Red wine all the way! :-D

  15. It's been almost a month. Is it normal to be missing the douche who broke my heart? WINE!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. ERR_Alpha


      Haha yes, my friend did say Tinder helped her out of her post relationship rut. (She never even dated them... Just enjoyed the self esteem boosts from matching!)

    3. bgt28


      It will take time. Don't worry about "normal." It will take time.

    4. youngcharlie101
  16. Just another day without him, but the pain is still here. :-\

  17. Made a very important decision today. I am no longer going for my PhD. All those pompous assholes at NYU made me realize that I'm much better off being human. No matter what I do, it'll never be good enough. I'm so done. Thank God I already have my MA. Now to get my NY teaching license and start teaching high school kids. :)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. 1Q84


      it's not the students... it's the administration ;) they do everything in their power to keep you from being an effective and caring teacher. sigh. best of luck!

    3. LittleDarlings


      That is awesome congrats on your decision

    4. clinicalapplicant


      Congratulations. It's so hard, but ultimately you know what's best for you. Go for it <3

  18. Sometimes I wonder if it's better to be in a coma than to suffer the pain of rejection.

    1. smcg


      It absolutely is. Coma=no pain/oblivion.

  19. In so much pain right now. You think you know somebody, then they step all over your heart.

    1. .letmeinplz//


      I know. Admission committees love stepping all over our hearts!

    2. youngcharlie101
  20. It's amazing! Chocolate really does solve all my problems. Om nom nom..

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. youngcharlie101


      I think I ate like maybe 10 packs of peanut butter cups. The dinner of champions!

    3. AdilB990


      LOL@dinner of champions... You deserve a medal for this, preferably one made of chocolate! Hehe

    4. Eternal Student

      Eternal Student

      Have you tried wine? Works much better for me. Gin also does the trick. Even faster.

  21. I won't miss him. I won't think about him. Dammit! :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. gk210


      if anything, HE be the one missin out. keep ya head up

    3. youngcharlie101


      Thanks, friends. I just hope he knows that. :'(

  22. So, February has not been my month. Really ugly breakup and rejection letters. I feel so unwanted. :(

  23. Is it just me, or does the new "Cinderella" movie look like crap? What the hell is going on, Disney??? >:(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. youngcharlie101


      I know, right?? It's terrible!

    3. BeatrizBear


      Lately I feel that many of their films are visually appealing but lack substance.

    4. youngcharlie101
  24. Is this a bad time to change my phone number? I'm trying to get over an ex, but I'm worried if the grad schools are going to contact me via phone.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. .letmeinplz//


      Telecoms give you a certain number of blocks for free, ios and android also have the ability built in.

    3. autumnreads


      I agree- just block his number!

    4. jujubea


      Block him and remove/hide him from your lists

  25. God give me the strength to forget the man I wanted to marry. Can someone die of a broken heart?

    1. iphi


      I am sorry you are going through this. The best way to forget someone is to find somebody else!

    2. jujubea


      The best way to forget someone is to find yourself! Hope you have a good grad program to immerse yourself in :)

    3. youngcharlie101


      Thanks, everyone. Feeling so shaken about this. He was an arse, but the heart is a lonely hunter. :(

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