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Everything posted by ub3rmensch

  1. Would listing a sport be acceptable on a resume for SAIS, SIPA, etc.? It was a big part of my life in college.
  2. For SAIS, if you get "rejected" for EN, can you send in updated resumes and essays before the regular deadline?
  3. Are there any? Would it be better to perfect essays and resumes instead of applying 2 -3 months early? Specifically for SAIS and SIPA.
  4. SIPA recently opened their application with their second prompt being: Tell us about a policy change related to your selected SIPA concentration that has a negative or positive impact on others. (200 words maximum) Should we write on actual policy changes that have occurred or can we write on hypothetical ones?
  5. Sorry I was not clear, I am planning on using this person as an academic reference. Besides this person (or maybe thru the professor who led the lab) my options are close to none. Though it is lab work, I did gain credit for it and it shows up in my transcript as a class (2 actually). On the IR academic side, I only have one other option and that is using my online microeconomics professor, which seems like a bad idea. These are the two options for my academic references. My other two recommenders will be Peace Corps staff. Should I heed TakeruK's advice?
  6. I am applying to MA programs in IR and was wondering if I could use a phD student whom I worked under in a science lab. He has now gained his doctorate and is a postdoctoral fellow at HMS (obviously not where I went). The reason I want him as my recommender is because he knows me well (worked with him almost everyday for 2 years), whereas the professor who led the lab was almost never to be seen. Is this doable?
  7. "If you have selected International Development as your first choice concentration, it is important to also address your interests in your second choice concentration as your application may be reviewed by both programs. " - from the SOP. Wouldn't the second concentration automatically be International Economics?
  8. If you apply to SAIS and choose the IDEV concentration and they reject you from this concentration, do they let you choose another area of study? Should I choose an easier concentration if I have a mediocre profile?
  9. It's already July and applications will open soon. Here is my final list of schools that offer some sort of international finance track: 1. Johns Hopkins SAIS 2. Yale Jackson 3. Georgetown MSFS 4. Columbia SIPA 5. George Washington University Elliott After months of going back and forth, I have (hopefully) finalized my list. I'm looking for careers in emerging markets, investment banking in developing countries, development banks, etc. Does anyone have additional schools to add to the list?
  10. Thanks once again. I'll end up applying to a few schools and at the same time looking for jobs. Who knows what'll happen. Time will tell. Thank you.
  11. Thanks for the reply. I realize that the dual degree option is not feasible atm. Fortunately my rents are willing to fund the MA program. There's no problem there. Yes, there is an opportunity cost of working and making money for 2 years, but that will likely be some sort of admin position, which I dread. Going to a school like SAIS/Elliott, etc. will provide me with a network and a decent private sector/multilateral job for a few years before applying to a B-school. My major was in a completely different field from what I am now pursuing. So the career change doesn't help my situation. I am currently a Peace Corps volunteer so I can show some sort of work experience when applying to MA programs. It's really sad how the whole school/job process has become. Unless you were smart during undergrad and got awesome internship opportunities or you are well connected, you won't be able to get a good job out of undergrad. That's why I joined PC. I just want to make sure the path I'm taking will minimize the regrets I have in the future. Undergrad to PC to MA to Work to MBA to a good paying job with upward mobility.
  12. The problem is I'm not sure exactly what I want to do. And I'm always surprised when other people do. I want an MBA, and I'll probably pursue an MBA or even an EMBA down the line, but I need work experience. I'm thinking of getting into an MA program to get a private sector/multilateral job and work for a few years and then apply to B-schools. Money is fortunately not an issue for the MA program, I might have to take loans out for the MBA. I wish I could just apply to B-schools right now, but my lackluster profile is not a match for the top 15. And I'd rather wait and make my profile stronger than to attend a mediocre B-school. Hopefully, in this process I can narrow down what kind of jobs I'm interested in. Right now my interests are a little all over including World Bank, management consulting, i-banking for developing world, etc.
  13. Can anyone speak of this dual-degree program between SAIS and INSEAD. Also, in what capacity is MBA/MA truly worth it?
  14. Hello, Summer is coming up and I want to eliminate a few schools off of my list. After researching classes, employment statistics and professors, here is my current list: HKS, SIPA, SAIS, MSFS, Fletcher, Elliott, American, Yale and Princeton. I'm interested in development and emerging markets (i-banking, world bank, etc.) and maybe the foreign service in the near future. I would like my curriculum to be bent on quant courses. Quick stats: Major: Biology GPA: 3.2 GRE: 154V/161Q/4.0. WE: 2+ Peace Corps Languages: 3 Quantitative Skills: Statistics, Micro, Macro, Calculus Which schools should I cross off the list?
  15. Since the classes are in the evening, does everyone have a job/internship during the school year? Are the internships all paid? And does this make it harder to study for courses with the limited time?
  16. Thanks for the feedback. I've actually changed course from MPP to MA programs.
  17. Everyone talks about "best fit". How did you present that aspect to SAIS when applying? Did you talk about how you like the quant-heavy classes, location, etc. or did you go deeper than that?
  18. Yes, I'll be applying for fall 2017. I'm halfway through my PC service.
  19. After a few months of researching, I've picked out the programs I'm interested in. I just have one question for the knowledgeable folk: Will I stand a good chance at getting into at least one of the programs listed below: 1. Harvard JFK 2. GWU - Elliott 3. Georgetown - MSFS/MPP 4. Tufts - Fletcher 5. Columbia - SIPA 6. JHU - SAIS Major: Biology, BA GPA: 3.2 GRE: 154V/161Q/4.0W WE: 2 years Peace Corps Quantitative: Calculus I, Statistics, Micro and Macro Languages: Trilingual SOP/LoRs: Haven't started, but assuming they will be decent -good. Am I being overconfident by applying to these top programs? Is there a good-strong chance that I will get rejected from all? The only thing I can work on at the moment is taking the GRE again.
  20. Working for a multilateral organization is a long-term goal, and I would like to attend graduate school (while pursuing relevant internships) instead of working for a nonprofit. So here are the schools I'll be applying to (still subject to change): 1. GWU - Elliott 2. Georgetown - McCourt/MSFS 3. Harvard - Kennedy 4. Columbia - SIPA 5. JHU - SAIS 6. Tufts - Fletcher 7. American - SIS
  21. I would love to get some more work experience related to multilateral jobs but without a masters degree, there aren't any positions available to me. The worst catch 22.
  22. Looking at the employment statistics, I still don't truly understand the difference between MPP and MA programs. For example, at GWU would it make more sense to enroll at Trachtenberg or at Eliott? They both tend to send grads to similar places. I guess the question comes back to MA (SAIS, SIPA, Wilson, MSFS, Fletcher and Eliott) vs. MPP (JFK, McCourt, Trachtenberg, Sanford, Harris etc.). It's confusing because there's too much overlap.
  23. By that do you mean the employment statistics section?
  24. Can any speak of the best programs that send grads to multilateral orgs? Should I just focus on schools in DC?
  25. Thank you for sharing your knowledge. I'm currently a Peace Corps Volunteer (straight from undergrad). I'll be applying soon. My concern is work experience and major. My major was a science and PC will be my only WE. I know I would like to work in a multilateral organization but I'm not dead set on anything. Do students at SAIS know exactly what they want (or pretty much) before matriculating?
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