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Everything posted by margeryhemp

  1. congrats to everyone hearing!
  2. just a pedantic asshole note that BMC used to have one but they phased it out over 20 years ago but another vote for UCLA! Each entering cohort has a very strong contingent of Americanists, particularly 19th and 20th century. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out.
  3. Ramzi Fawaz seems like he'd be a perfect fit for you at UW Madison. He does a lot of work on feminist theory and X Men, among other things. https://english.wisc.edu/faculty-fawaz.htm
  4. Definitely check out UCLA-- PoCo is one of our strongest areas, and we have a lot of faculty working in your area-- I know a couple of grad students currently working on postcolonialism in the long nineteenth century, and at least one specifically working on India. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions!
  5. Hi! Just to reiterate what other people have said-- everyone at UCLA gets 5 years of funding guaranteed, and at least 2 of those years are fellowship years (and, unofficially, you can be supported via teaching assistantships or lectureships beyond 5 years). You also get at least 2 summers covered in your package, but (again unofficially) no one goes without summer funding, whether it's through a research fellowship (or assistantship) or summer TAing. If you have any questions about the UCLA department, feel free to reach out!
  6. I second this! Last year I chose the program that offered me the least $$ (UCLA) over other, lower-ranked programs. Not just because of its ranking-- on my visit with faculty, I fell in love with the department and its resources/opportunities-- but it was certainly a factor. I thought that I, too, would be living on ramen forever, but it's actually been super-liveable. Produce here seems to be a bit cheaper, so groceries don't run me as much; I got a roommate and an apartment that, though my half was equivalent to what I was paying for a one-bedroom back in Philly, is still manageable on my budget; and I'm still able to go out on the nights that I'm not swamped with work, plus save a tiny bit each month. Most of my cohort was actually able to find one-bedroom apartments in the West Side that would be pretty dang cheap split two ways (I'm talking $500-$700 a person, which in LA speak is cheap), so moving with a significant other would definitely help. @NowMoreSerious is right-- within a matter of months you'll find out the cheaper neighborhoods and find the dive bars and restaurants that make it possible to both work and have fun. Money was my number one fear about coming to LA, but I'm happy to say that it's been much more doable than I thought it would be. Let the visits make the decision for you! And feel free to reach out with any other questions. Good luck!
  7. Hi all! Congratulations on all the great news on this thread! I haven't been very involved on GradCafe this year, but I found the boards incredibly helpful last year as I went through the stress of application season. If anyone has any questions about UCLA, medieval lit, or anything else, please feel free to reach out. Good luck to everyone still waiting!
  8. Congratulations!!! I don't know if we met during the visit weekend, but everyone I met there was SO kind and amazing-- not only is it a stellar department, but it seems like they have a lot of fun.
  9. CONGRATULATIONS!! Excited to get to meet y'all in the fall!!
  10. Just made it official-- attending UCLA this fall! So thankful for all the amazing people I met thru GC this year <3<3<3
  11. Just turned down Rutgers and Northwestern Super hard decision, but I hope this frees up a space for someone on the waitlist! UCLA for the fall!
  12. Seconding TUKS, it's amazing. I've recently been sucked into Empire-- watched half the season last night. It's super soap-opera-y (like Downton Abbey, another favorite) and so, so captivating!
  13. Augh, my visits made me more conflicted than ever! I had basically crossed UCLA off my list in favor of Northwestern but then I visited and loved it. I still have Rutgers left to check out, and I honestly have no clue where I'm going at this point. I could see myself happy at any of these programs! I told my work I'd be able to make a decision by the end of March but now I'm planning to use the full month I have between now and the decision deadline to weigh my options (location, funding, possible colleagues) and potentially negotiate, etc. Anyone else in this boat or did visiting immediately cement your decision?
  14. Thanks! You too! It is a top choice primarily b/c I do a lot of stuff with queer theory and Masha Raskolnikov's work is amazing (plus there's so much cool stuff happening in that department). If I don't get in, though, I'm definitely happy with my options!
  15. You're too kind! I totally get it--they have an awesome department and fascinating faculty. Good luck with your decision!
  16. I would say if you have prosodist POIs at Maryland you'd like to speak with, reach out to the grad assistant and ask if that's possible. There were history faculty at the schools I've visited that I wanted to meet and scheduling time with them was no issue, plus I felt like it helped me see all the interdisciplinary options available to me. Plus, by asking to meet with those professors explicitly, you're signaling your diverse interest and opening the door for further work in this field at UMD.
  17. Got the notice last week but I've been on the road-- waitlisted at Cornell for Medieval Studies! It was one of my favorites on paper, so maybe it'll work out. Fingers crossed for everyone here!
  18. Hmm, I'm not sure-- I think she glued them in!
  19. I haven't done them, but a friend of mine ordered Ex Libris bookplates for all her books and they were such a cool idea-- she designed them herself, which was a nice touch. I love checking out bookplates in libraries, so I'm always a big fan of that option.
  20. Also, there will be other GCers there (like me)!
  21. Congratulations!!! I hope you'll hear more good news from them soon. Still silent on my end, but I'm glad communications are underway!
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