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Everything posted by MidwesternAloha

  1. What are the acceptance rates post-interview for most non-top-20 schools?

    1. jujubea


      ..It varies widely.

    2. ss2player


      Sadly, it really is all over the place. Even among top-20s, some invite a bunch and accept less than 50%, others will only invite people they intend to accept.

    3. MidwesternAloha


      Interesting. Thanks!

  2. Did it detract from their interaction with the student/recruit group? My husband has been wanting to scope out the towns where I interview, but not attend (obviously) any of the functions I go to. I've been debating it for the one school, though, where I have been assigned a hotel roommate. The only option there would be to pay for my own room and give the school-paid-for room to the other girl.
  3. Who else will be attending an interview weekend? ​
  4. Who else will be at the recruitment/interview weekend?
  5. Just looking to meet some peers who might be there in Feb!
  6. I totally agree. Thanks, everyone, for the feedback. My husband has been so supportive, it became concerning to me when a family member suggested it was inappropriate for me to pursue higher education and potentially live away from him. I thought being married meant supporting each other's dreams and finding ways to make it work. Lol. My husband is currently on a military assignment but will be home for a ten day span when I actually have 2 out of state interviews. I was hoping to have him tag along, but didn't know if that was frowned upon. One school has assigned me a hotel room mate, but I want to just let her have the room and pay for my own.
  7. Depends on the field, but, be realistic and pursue programs that you actually have a chance at getting in.
  8. That's the cutest thing I've ever read lol
  9. Did you tell the schools he is tagging along? Or are you just paying out of pocket and letting him fly below the radar?
  10. I'm frustrated that I have two interviews during one week. The SAME WEEK I just found out my husband gets to come home from his military assignment.
  11. How involved is your spouse in your grad school decisions? Have they visited any programs with you? Simply curious.
  12. Any advice for interviewing when the program stated 6 interviews with faculty, but did not provide names?
  13. I've been assigned a roommate for an interview but would anyone know or care if I paid for my own room? Then the other girl and I could each have privacy.
  14. I appreciate that!!! Especially #3 and #5!! Stuff I didn't think of. Glad to hear you are still doing well
  15. Well, we've been planning my opportunity to go to graduate school since we got married a few years ago. He is in the military, so we already live the maximum radius from the base, with the hope that I'd get into that "close" school. He directed his military career path that would accommodate stability on his end while I pursued school.
  16. 6 to 8 years just seems so long, lol. Finally started adjusting to married life and now we will be living separately. If all goes well, I will be at a school 2-3 hours away and we could easily see each other every weekend. Any tips? Seasoned veterans? Friends in the same boat?
  17. Good news, I called my grad program and they said due to their deadline extension mid-application cycle, they didn't realize their interview weekend conflicted with several other schools' and I was about the millionth interviewee to call and ask for an alternate date. I guess they're going to likely reschedule the whole affair.
  18. Today, my ego was boosted because I received a second invitation for an interview. Unfortunately, it is the same exact weekend as the one I already RSVP'd to. Does anyone have advice on how to contact a program to ask about rescheduling? Is this common? Will it cast a bad light on me? Should I even accept it? Help! (first gen college student/navigating this whole grad school thing alone)
  19. ... You drop $85 on a business casual skirt to wear to your interview and the program coordinator sends an email next day stating that suits are required.
  20. I think it's more along the lines of 3. They ask for a big list in the event certain profs are unavailable to meet with you, they'll go down your list one by one.
  21. In my experience, I was attempting to build rapport in the event I did get an interview. I'd know a little bit more about faculty I may or may not want to meet with, and hopefully have better insight concerning the research at this particular school.
  22. I emailed the program director and a few profs at my program of interest. One called me out- he answered my questions, prompted further discussion, but ended with "FYI- i dont have funding for graduate students..." and the other eagerly replied and then I got an interview invitation later that week. Just be polite, thoughtful and intelligent in your approach.
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