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  1. Downvote
    MSW&MD reacted to wishingonuoft in Canadian Universities MSW. The waiting game 2017 admissions   
    Not a lot! I had taken some research courses and then in my final year of undergrad I was a research assistant in a lab and also did 2 directed labs (like practical research courses), I did not do a thesis.

  2. Upvote
    MSW&MD reacted to Eigen in Canadian Universities MSW. The waiting game 2017 admissions   
    Not commenting on the rest of this, but curious... Why do you feel you can so definitively say this thread is for applicants? It was started by the person you're saying shouldn't post here, and there no forum wide restriction on who posts where. 
    As for compromising the "integrity" of a thread, why would you post in a thread started by someone who you feel ethically compromises it?
    It rather seems like you're trying to tell someone they don't belong in a conversation they started, which I really don't get. 
  3. Downvote
    MSW&MD got a reaction from Hopeful18 in Canadian Universities MSW. The waiting game 2017 admissions   
    I was 23 when i completed my MSW
    -3 Opps.... three people voted down on this I don't blame you and I indeed feel for you, I was kind unnerved after  one of my MSW classmates told  me that  she can't go to Vegas because she has not reached legal drinking age yet
  4. Downvote
    MSW&MD got a reaction from Roxxx in Canadian Universities MSW. The waiting game 2017 admissions   
    I was 23 when i completed my MSW
    -3 Opps.... three people voted down on this I don't blame you and I indeed feel for you, I was kind unnerved after  one of my MSW classmates told  me that  she can't go to Vegas because she has not reached legal drinking age yet
  5. Downvote
    MSW&MD reacted to SW15 in Canadian Universities MSW. The waiting game 2015 admissions   
    does anyone else instinctively check this forum multiple times a day and get sad that there are so few new posts?
  6. Downvote
    MSW&MD reacted to riaveda in Canadian Universities MSW. The waiting game 2015 admissions   
    Have any of the 2-year applicants to Windsor received updates on their files? 
    The wait is killing me!!! 
  7. Upvote
    MSW&MD reacted to TakeruK in Canadian Universities MSW. The waiting game 2017 admissions   
    Moderator note: A reminder that when you post in this community, you are expected to refrain from personal attacks on other users. It is fine to disagree with someone, but argue against their words, not their person or personality. 
    This is the last unofficial warning from me. Any further violations will result in suspensions. If you have any questions, please send me a PM.
  8. Upvote
    MSW&MD reacted to nicoleMSW in Canadian Universities MSW. The waiting game 2017 admissions   
    I'm really appreciative of the positivity and encouragement in this thread right now! Statistics and hearing others' experiences can definitely be daunting, but I agree with both of you that believing in yourself is important. I think that's something I forget to do a little too often, and I'm sure others can relate! I also agree with wishingonuoft that where there's a will, there's a way.... Thank you for reminding me that the final goal is what matters and not necessarily how long it takes to get there. It can be hard to remember that not getting in this round is OKAY! I often feel as though I am going to disappoint my parents and my partner if I don't get in... but I know that is pressure I am putting on myself and not representative of the truth at all. Bright side: should any of us miss out on this year's acceptances, it brings you one application period closer to getting your MSW! Woo!
  9. Downvote
    MSW&MD got a reaction from Roxxx in Canadian Universities MSW. The waiting game 2017 admissions   
    nicoleMSW, always believe in yourself!! When I applied MSW in 2013, my GPA was only 3.8 (in a 4.3 scale), had no work experience, no research experience, and no strong references. Yet, I was accepted to all three universities in Toronto.  Miracles happen all the time as long as you have a faith in yourself  
  10. Upvote
    MSW&MD reacted to 2017hoping in Canadian Universities MSW. The waiting game 2017 admissions   
    Vanessamarie - I read your post about looking at jobs in case and just wanted to also encourage you to send your resume and cover letter in for those jobs too - does not hurt at all!  I have been working full-time 8 years, really should have moved on to another opportunity a few years ago, but just this past year been putting my resume out there and going to interviews as they come up.  It has been great for me as it shows me what jobs I will be called in for, and answering if I have a shot at diversifying into other areas too.  Doesn't mean you're committed to the agency (as of course hopefully you are attending the MSW program!!!) but it will give you a good sense of what jobs you would be called in for, also you can see the agencies yourself which helps a lot because not every agency or job will be a good fit for you too or something you want to do once you get there.  Anyways, just my thoughts about that although I know it's not related to the application process   Although I took a few months off after school too before "seriously" looking for a job so that can be good as well!  Hope you don't mind this input and all the best with your applications - we will hear back soon! 
  11. Upvote
    MSW&MD reacted to vanessamarie in Canadian Universities MSW. The waiting game 2017 admissions   
    I love this!!! Thank you for the inspiration and giving us hope!
  12. Downvote
    MSW&MD reacted to wishingonuoft in Canadian Universities MSW. The waiting game 2017 admissions   
    Don't let numbers intimidate you. If these numbers are true, [I wouldn't bet that anything Yweang says is true, but I digress], then chances of getting in are less than 4% if they were picking people randomly like a lottery system. They are not picking people randomly like a lottery system, you have a greater chance of getting into the program than someone who is not as good a fit as you are. The acceptance rates for all programs are low, but keep in mind there are so many areas of your applications where you can stand out from the crowd. Low chance doesn't mean no chance, and there are a ton of MSW applications that come in from people very underqualified looking to get the degree as a "next step" because they don't know what else to do after their undergrad, people applying who don't really have a good understanding what social work is at all, and many more reasons that someone might make for a poor candidate. When I was applying to the program, I had 6 friends applying for clearly the wrong reasons, they didn't even get waitlisted. 
    Trust in your experience, it is unique to you and has led you to where you are today: applying to work in one of the most wonderful fields out there. It's hard not to dwell on numbers and statistics when they're so scary and in your face, but as future social workers (and I have no doubt you are ALL future social workers), you would never reduce someone else to just a number, so don't do that to yourself. Hopefully you get in this round, if not, you'll find a way to make it work--if it is truly your calling, you will find a way. My practicum supervisor right now didn't get into the MSW until their 4th try and now they are working as a head social worker in a hospital department. The path to success isn't perfectly linear, most people have a few hiccups down the road, try your best to not let those hiccups stop your from continuing your journey. I am so excited to hear about your successes!
  13. Upvote
    MSW&MD got a reaction from MSW2MD in Canadian Universities MSW. The waiting game 2017 admissions   
    York received over six  hundreds applications for two years program... the chance of getting in is less than four percent.... Economy is tough now and free tuition could mean a lot to students. 
  14. Downvote
    MSW&MD reacted to tnt92 in Canadian Universities MSW. The waiting game 2017 admissions   
    It was space dependent for me, so in the WLU I spoke about one major experience but in the UofT application I spoke about three.
    A friend said something to me that helped me write about questions like this. He said to make all the answers mutually exclusive but collectively exhaustive. In this way, you won't be trying to develop 2-3 different motivations in the limited space provided. Rather, you'd be speaking to 2-3 experiences that contribute to one over-arching motivation. In this way, the answers become more fully developed. I found it to be true for my own writing, and hopefully might be helpful in yours! Best of luck on the exam!! 
  15. Downvote
    MSW&MD reacted to tnt92 in Canadian Universities MSW. The waiting game 2017 admissions   
    Yes, but not everyone's has changed at the same time. If you go back a couple of pages, mine only changed to under review two weeks ago whereas someone had theirs change 3 weeks ago!
  16. Downvote
    MSW&MD got a reaction from torontomsw2016 in Canadian Universities MSW. The waiting game 2017 admissions   
    lol. my comments aren't certainly not helpful to white nationalist/supremacists.
  17. Downvote
    MSW&MD got a reaction from torontomsw2016 in Canadian Universities MSW. The waiting game 2017 admissions   
    With all these bizarre comments you made  ,You clearly don't know who am I !!!  Although i don't know who you were referring to in your post, I think is very obnoxious that you shaming another individual in such malicious manner on a public forum; just let me guess, he/she must be another colored person whom you feel is safe to cyber-bullying and verbally abuse!
    And judging my comments as " hateful and biased" is a solid evident that you are a narrow mind person who can't handle different opinions! 
  18. Downvote
    MSW&MD got a reaction from torontomsw2016 in Canadian Universities MSW. The waiting game 2017 admissions   
    I guess you are referring me as "Ye"? Although I don't know who is this person, posting that person's name without his/her consent on a public forum is called cyber-bullying and crime!!! in case that u of t didn't teach you!!
  19. Downvote
    MSW&MD got a reaction from torontomsw2016 in Canadian Universities MSW. The waiting game 2017 admissions   
    Access to OSAP is called  privilege!!!  Having a job while in school is called privilege!! Lol. looks like u of t didn't teach you folks anything about critical self-reflection and the concept of intersectionality of social oppression. Why did not you go to a cheaper school if you complaining about  the student debt ? Maybe those schools are too " ethnic"  to you? 
    As a racialized  gay person, I have absolutely no interest to initiate any intimate  interaction with heterosexual women. I find your accusation is preposterous and absurd !!! I never attended any u of t event in the past few years besides a mandatory training at OISE . I was too busy with my job and I was not even in Canada last year!  I don't know why you trumped up these baseless and defamatory stories ! Is it a strategy that U of T taught you to silencing people who question the legitimacy of dominant discourses in social work profession? Then, I must say that U of T is doing a good job here   Cheers !! 
  20. Downvote
    MSW&MD got a reaction from torontomsw2016 in Canadian Universities MSW. The waiting game 2017 admissions   
    LOL . deprecating a person who challenges the undeniable  facts of institutional racism and academic oppression as " hateful trash", I am sure CASW code of ethics love to hear that !! 
  21. Downvote
    MSW&MD got a reaction from tnt92 in Canadian Universities MSW. The waiting game 2017 admissions   
    I received a confirmation email  on Feb 13th from York MSW program;  I got U of T MSW admission package via mail  on Feb 21th.  I was in one year program. 
  22. Upvote
    MSW&MD reacted to Inspired2017 in Canadian Universities MSW. The waiting game 2017 admissions   
    My God...not even the application fee huh?? Lol
  23. Downvote
    MSW&MD reacted to wishingonuoft in Canadian Universities MSW. The waiting game 2017 admissions   
    It's definitely tough, a lot of people have to get part-time jobs for sure. I've worked part-time throughout the entire degree, it's not ideal but it's doable!
  24. Downvote
    MSW&MD reacted to wishingonuoft in Canadian Universities MSW. The waiting game 2017 admissions   
    Yeah U of T doesn't have funding packages. However, if you're on OSAP you're automatically considered for UTAPS which are bursaries that cover up to half of your tuition. They covered half of my tuition. In addition, there are a few albeit limited entrance scholarships (I don't know how many, but you're automatically eligible for them upon acceptance). I got one of those. Alllllso, there are internal awards that are needs and merit based. After UTAPS and awards/bursaries, my tuition for the 2 years was just under 3k instead of the 21k. I'm definitely not a typical case though, but most people I know got about half of their tuition covered.
  25. Downvote
    MSW&MD reacted to wishingonuoft in Canadian Universities MSW. The waiting game 2017 admissions   
    You said earlier you knew because you had connections in the field...??
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