It's nice and all to think about how much funding theyr'e giving you, but what matters most to me is what my career chances are after I get this degree. Say I go to NPSIA with generous funding (I got $8,000) but I don't get a job afterwards, then I've lost a year and am no closer to where I want to be. If I go to Munk and pay $40,000 in tuition and more for living expenses, but I get a job paying $65,000 afterwards, then it seems well worth it to me. I've spoken to a few Munk students in the second year (well, three) and they all had jobs already, two in business and one with the government.
Where do NPSIA graduates go, if they don't go to DFATD? I have no idea because NPSIA just makes this blanket statement but doesn't tell me anything specific. No numbers, percentages, how long it takes people to find a job, etc.
M.A. in International Affairs (Conflict Analysis and Conflict Resolution cluster), Carleton University
MGA, Munk School of Global Affairs MSc IPE, LSE
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