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Everything posted by Sav

  1. Actually it looks like (to me) that Davis notifies over the period of a few days. So, I wouldn’t give up just yet!
  2. I asked for money from every MA program I was accepted to. I think it’s expected. One of the programs I was accepted to offered a very large stipend so I then used that as a basis for negotiation with the others. I’m sure there are other approaches, however. In any case, they may not match the higher stipend but they will usually add quite a bit more to your original offer. In my opinion, I think it’s really important to negotiate for more money. After all, you’re going to be living on that stipend for a number of years. Also, as my advisor put it this morning, now that you’ve been accepted, it’s up to them to win you over.
  3. Congrats! That should at least bode well for your other apps! Did they say how a funding waitlist works? I have no idea and am curious.
  4. Emory: Feb 6-9 University of Alabama: February 28-March 2 Washington University in St. Louis (WUSTL): February 28-March 2 U Wisconsin-Madison: March 3-5 UC Santa Cruz: March 14-17 Vanderbilt: March 21-22 Rice University: March 21-23
  5. I was sent an email a while ago— around 2pm central time. Also, my portal hasn’t been updated and the DGS seemed to suggest it wouldn’t be until maybe Friday.
  6. I am a Vanderbilt acceptance! So excited!!! Was really hoping to work with a certain professor there. Fingers crossed for those of you still waiting to hear!
  7. I think you'd have a lot of luck checking out critics of georgics and ecocriticism. There's a good amount of discussion similar to what you're getting at here, especially with the juxtaposition of tame, tended gardens to so-called natural gardens. In addition, I would look to animal studies scholarship for moving beyond anthropocentric viewpoints. In any case, I've listed quite a few potential sources below. Maybe one will be helpful. I also second the Nixon suggestion, it's a must-read. Eve Tuck & K. Wayne Yang, “Decolonization is Not a Metaphor” Kyle White, “Indigenous Change Studies: Indigenizing Futures, Decolonizing the Anthropocene” Nicholas Mirzoeff, “It’s Not the Anthropocene, It’s the White Supremacy Scene. Or, The Geological Color Line” Heather Davis and Zoe Todd, “On the Importance of a Date or Decolonizing the Anthropocene” Jason Moore, Anthropocene or Capitalocene? Nature, History, and the Crisis of Capitalism David Shane Lowery, “Welcome to the Eugenicene” Jeffrey S. Theis: Writing the Forest in Early Modern England Timothy Sweet, American Georgics Margaret Ronda, “Work and Wait Unwearying: Dunbar’s Georgics” Steven Mentz, “After Sustainability” (a favorite of mine) Robert Bullard, Dumping in Dixie Eileen Maura McGurty, “From NIMBY to Civil Rights: The Origins of the EJ Movement” Grober, Ulrich: Sustainability: A Cultural History Jeremy Caradonna, Sustainability: A History Ursula Heise, Imagining Extinction
  8. I was at the vet when I found out about one program. I then had to try and have a very serious conversation with the vet who I’m sure thought something was wrong with me since I kept grinning. I was trying not to but I couldn’t help it. (the dog is okay, also)
  9. Lol same! I had to keep going back and checking. Also couldn’t remember my GPA from that long ago
  10. I'm pretty sure law applications have one site where you upload all of your materials and the programs you want are able to access them. Some people were discussing this in my program so it's possible I have some details wrong. Anyway, that seems similar and much easier!
  11. If you click the red diamond icon it’ll show you.
  12. That sounds right to me. I know in my program, at least, if you make below a B it’s considered failing. So, a 3.0 would be the lowest you could get and still have passed all your classes.
  13. When mine called they didn’t even answer the phone! So frustrating
  14. I’ve always interpreted as the GPA they’ve listed is their MA GPA rather than their BA GPA.
  15. lol I'm not sure what this suggests about my maturity or adulthood but I got my friend to call a department for me once?
  16. You could also just call the department? Then (not that it likely matters) they're not connecting you personally to the question.
  17. I think that’s definitely the case with some professors!
  18. That would be awful! That’s one of the things about chairing that always makes me anxious...the what if someone goes over time and I have to step in. I wonder if he even consulted his mentor (or anyone) prior to attending.
  19. Ohh wow, that’s really rough. I can’t even imagine someone bringing in a single-spaced paper. lol
  20. This. But I will add that there’s some room for learning if you’re still a student and it’s obvious you weren’t going long because you had no concern for the other panelists. At least, this has been my experience.
  21. This doesn’t exactly answer your question, but maybe it adds something to the discussion. At my program, the taxes are already taken out. There’s also a state tax here but I pay that separately when I do my taxes (it’s not much) so maybe it’s similar there.
  22. For larger organizations like SAMLA, I’d recommend applying to a panel. That’s the easiest way to get in (that’s what I always do). To answer your question though, no, you don’t have to join to submit. You will, however, have to pay membership dues in order to present/attend the conference.
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