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Everything posted by alizarin

  1. Wow, I hadn't thought of this. My facebook has been semi-private (only friends can see more info). But now, I completely blocked it from being searched on google. I had my Twitter protected too. I agree, committees can totally discriminate on you if they don't like how you look, or they can find out how old you are and might favor older applicants over younger ones. They can't help being objective, and it's difficult to overcome their personal biases.
  2. Just received my rejection letter from SAIC (painting department) today. Blah..
  3. Hey Crayons, I finally got my rejection letter from SAIC (painting) today. So there goes that. I wonder what was up with the delay though, many applicants got theirs last week.
  4. I think when you click on my link, it will say "this is not the page you're looking for" but my image thumbnails are there.. I must've not done the link right. Anyway, sorry to hear about SAIC, I just got my rejection letter from SAIC too. I'm beginning to wonder if these "top schools" are kind of against realistic work.....Maybe I'm not "Avant-garde" enough...Lol
  5. I worry about my mail being lost too, dropped off at the wrong house, or stuck somewhere, etc..
  6. Lol..no, my last name isn't Alizarin. I just used it as my username b/c it's my favorite color of paint (Alizarin crimson)..I couldn't use my last name, it was already taken That would've been cool though..
  7. I applied to painting and printmedia. What about you?
  8. Here's some of my work: My link I don't have a website, and I take terrible photos of my work. Couldn't afford to hire a photographer to take photos of my work for my apps.
  9. Hey guys, did anyone else hear from SAIC yet?? I haven't gotten any letters or any news yet (except for that impersonal rejection from Yale on their website, but that's old news). The only things I get are a bunch of repetitive reminders to apply for financial aid. Is everyone getting a lot of these emails and flyers too? Does this even matter? Ughh..anything but silence..I can't imagine feeling this way until April.
  10. Are there a lot of people getting interviews from SAIC already? Are there rejections too. I can't stand the waiting either.
  11. Hi James, I really like your "Survivor" painting. Very nice detail on the silver. I like how the red looks so graphic in contrast to the whole painting. Well done!
  12. Love your photos with the roadkill animals! I like how they blend into the landscapes and they become a part of it. Did you get interviews from schools yet?
  13. Wow, love you work mbadger. I'm not a photo major but to me, your work is really good. Are the first few pieces paintings? They kind of look like paintings to me..Or are they all photos? Do you paint over it? Did you get interviews from schools yet? And, are you straight out of undergrad or did you take a break, if so, how long?
  14. Crayons, what schools did you apply to? I'm also curious if this year is people's first time or second time of applying? It's my first. I took a year off to work on my portfolio after I got my BFA. How long did you guys take a break for?
  15. I'm getting worried too. But so far, I've only seen 1 person (from Seattle) who got an interview from SAIC here (in the painting dept). I live in San Francisco and I still haven't gotten anything in the mail..I wonder if they send the rejection letters and the interview letters at the same time. I think they should. It's cruel to make people who didn't make it wait much longer. Then we could move on with our lives. I'm already thinking of reapplying for next fall..But it's probably too soon to think this way.
  16. Congrats on your interview! I am sooo jealous.....I have not heard anything at all from SAIC (painting dept or printmedia). No letter or anything. *sigh*
  17. Where is this results page? Now, I really want to read it.
  18. I feel this is a very nice parody of the application and admissions process, especially within the subjective faculty review conducted by graduate art schools.
  19. This is a good idea, I haven't really been thinking about my qualifications anymore amidst all the stress, anxiety, and loss of confidence I started to feel after my first rejection from Yale. I haven't seen an MFA applicant post, so I'll participate. These are positive things I can think of: Overall GPA: 3.84 (boosted it from horrific GPA's when I first started college & had no idea what I was doing. My GPA was 1.something..) Recognized for "Outstanding Academic Achievement" I passed the AP exams for Calculus & US History in high school (I immigrated to the US from a foreign country when I was 14) Fluent in 2 languages. (I don't know if these are relevant for an MFA at all, but what the heck..) Awarded a bunch of prestigious scholarships (no financial help from family) Did a bunch of group art shows Got a painting award Awarded the "Community Arts Fellowship" from my school for my internship at a local non-profit art org Very happy with my Artist Statement, w/c I edited for a year & a half Happy with my recommendation letters 80% satisfied with my portfolio (not sure if this is a good thing, I've only worked on it for a year & a half. I wish I had more time) I know this is supposed to be a positive thread, but I can't help worrying about my experience (or lack off compared to many, older applicants). I just got my BFA last year, and I am 24 (they say the average MFA age is 27-28). Also, I just found out I wanted to major in visual arts 3 years ago. Public high schools did not expose us to art so I didn't even think that was a possibility. Okay, I'll stop now before my confidence goes down the drain again. But one more positive to close this, my mentors said (from the art school I transferred to from a community college), that from a complete, clueless novice that I was, I became one of the best painters in school, and my artistic growth within a year was exponential.
  20. Here's my list: Yale - rejected via email 2/8 SAIC Columbia UCLA RISD UC Berkeley CCA Haven't heard from these schools yet (besides Yale). I know it's only Feb. 10th but maybe some painting people already heard from schools? I'm not coping so well with this waiting game.
  21. What are your school lists? Did anyone hear back from schools yet? Interviews, acceptances, or rejections?
  22. Hi Spaced Out, How did you find out about your CCA interview? I applied there to (Painting as well) but haven't heard. I wonder if I should be worried.. Congrats on your acceptance
  23. Hi there, just wondering what program you applied to (painting?)..and when did you hear from CCA about your interview? Did they call you or send you a letter?
  24. Hi guys, I'm glad I found this site. I don't really have anyone to talk to regarding the MFA application process. It was comforting reading your posts. Now I know I'm not the only one freaking out about this. This is my first time applying (I got my BFA last year). Here's my list: 1. Yale - rejected via email (found out yesterday) Don't you think an email rejection letter is not very classy? Anyway.. 2. SAIC 3. Columbia 4. RISD 5. UCLA 6. UC Berkeley 7. CCA The rest, I haven't heard from yet. I am starting to feel very discouraged....*sigh*
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