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Everything posted by daimiasue

  1. Thanks....I need to get my spreadsheet together and hadn't considered some of the criteria listed. Keep 'em coming.
  2. I think that it's great that you got the internship but you don't actually have the research experience yet. A lot can happen between now and when you start so I think that you should hold off on trying to get that information to them. I'm not sure how your program works but I got into two pretty good programs having done one internship in my 4 years. Pray that you get asked to an interview and you cn discuss the upcoming internship then. It gives you something to talk about.
  3. Cost of living in the area should be considered because $ xx xxx may go further in one region or state compared to another.
  4. So I'm currentlyon a interview and the professor ask where else i'd applied within the first 15 minutes of arriving. I wasn't uncomfortable..Just smiled remembering this thread and told him. Have interviews tomorrow so i'm expectin them to ask.
  5. I guess i'm weird for not having a top school..I'd be happy to get into any of the programs I applied to. Thankfully I haven't seen anyone accepted to any of my programs on here but I do have a friend who either got accepted or interviews to all the schools she applied to, another got into his first choice and another has a 2nd interview lined up. I'm bummed but I have myself to blame...I applied late. If I don't get in to any, then I'll live vicariously through them. For now, I'm just waiting and praying that I do get into at least one. The advantage being that I won't have a tough decision of choosing whether to go to Harvard, UNC-CH, or UT-SW to name a few (those are hers not mine).
  6. Thanks Jeanne. I'll be raiding my closet tomorrow to see what appropriate attire I can take. I'll give feedback on the trip when I get back on Sunday.
  7. I think thats its ok to mention the location because alot of the school promote their location as a reason to attend....cost of living, culture and so on. I have to attend a school where there is a reliable bus system because i don't own a car (and can't drive..lol). The location of the school I pick (if they pick me first) would factor heavily in my decision. Cost of living would be another since I have to start paying my undergrad loan while I'm in grad school. Whoever gives me the most money with lowest cost of living and a good bus system wins since I only applied to Grad programs with researchers in my field of interest.
  8. I'm talking about applying to PhD programs.
  9. There are life science programs which don't offer masters degrees. Not sure about other programs so for many its our first time applying to grad school right out of undergrad.
  10. I was paranoid that my schools would Google me and see me on Facebook. Not that there's anything bad there but its just unnerving. But what if they do..biologists are sometimes atheists and my display pic is the crucifixion. Let me know what you think. My roomate found a way to prevent her FB from appearing on Google, wish i could figure that one out.
  11. I think you should check them at least once each to ensure that they have all your documents. I waited until two weeks after submitting to check and realised that one school did not have my GRE scores from ETS and another was missing a recommendation letter which the professor forgot to send in... I also see that some are waiting for TOEFL scores which I don't have since I'm a domestic student from an English speaking country. Not sure whats up with that. I emailed the graduate program directors so hopefully that will be rectified and they'll let me know one way or another. I hate waiting so this is killing me. My one interview is my only solace in this period of uncertainty.
  12. "Above all else, choose comfort and go to everything you're invited to. There were folks at my interview who skipped the social stuff with grad students and such and I do not think it was a wise decision." Thanks for the advice. I do plan to attend all activities as this may be my one shot..only interview thus far. Should I wear a suit to the receptions as well. I went on a recruitment trip to Purdue and wore a black cocktail dress to their reception. (maybe that's why they're yet to reply..lol). I was planning to do the same on this trip. For the shoes, I'm quite comfortable in heels but I will heed your advice on the band-aids. Can never be too sure with those. My tour is on Saturday with students so I was thinking jeans and sneakers would be appropriate..YAY or NAY??
  13. I have an interview this Friday but there are other activities which I'm supposed to participate in. One of the big ones is a dinner at the house of the department chair and I'm freaking out about it. What dress, shoes should I wear? There are also receptions with students and faculty..Help anyone!!!!!
  14. Congrats on your acceptance..it took real courage to apply a third time. Not sure if I'd have the strength to do so. I'm the one who everyone tells, don't worry you'll be fine but I've only had one interview offer. I know people who were accepted to programs without being interviewed and others with multiple interviews. I'm just going to try to do my best to nail this one in case its my only offer. If it doesn't work out then I guess it wasn't meant to be and find strength in your experience.
  15. Congrats on your acceptance..it took real courage to apply a third time. Not sure if I'd have the strength to do so. I'm the one who everyone tells, don't worry you'll be fine but I've only had one interview offer. I know people who were accepted to programs without being interviewed and others with multiple interviews. I'm just going to try to do my best to nail this one in case its my only offer. If it doesn't work out then I guess it wasn't meant to be and find strength in your experience.
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