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Everything posted by speechie0312

  1. Have people received any funding from Rush yet?
  2. I have been bouncing back and forth between two schools and I cannot figure out which one is the best option for me. The first school has offered me a scholarship and an assistantship that make going to the school definitely more affordable than the other school. But the second school offers more hands on experience, even if it is more expensive. I feel like a degree is a degree no matter where it comes from but I think the second school will give me a better opportunity to network which I think would help me land a job after graduation. I just can't figure out if I am being an idiot if I don't go to the school that is willing to give me financial assistance. If I go to the first school, I will also have to move which kind of sucks because I really like the area that I live in now and if I go to the second school then I wouldn't have to move. I know there are people who would definitely go to the school that is more affordable, and I know that there a people who would take on the loans without hesitation. I just can't figure out which person I am.
  3. They sent an email out a couple of weeks ago asking to arrange times to do an online interview.
  4. I really enjoyed my time at Point. There is some pretty great faculty and the clinic is really well managed.
  5. I saw that Rush sent out acceptances but I haven't seen anything about a waitlist or any rejections. I am wondering if anyone has heard anything else from them.
  6. I did my undergrad at Point and I know that the school did everything it could to spread out tee cuts to help make sure one department didn't take too big of a hit. The schools don't agree with these cuts but there is nothing they can do about it.
  7. Has anyone heard anything besides acceptances from Rush? I submitted the supplemental app but haven't heard anything since. I know that they did the supplemental app in waves so a part of me is hoping the might be doing acceptances that way too. Either way I'd just like to know one way or the other.
  8. Did Rush notify you via email?
  9. Hello, I am one of thousands of students currently in the process of applying for Fall 2016. I am applying to Washington University, Armstrong State University, Portland State University, Marquette University, Rush University and Northwestern University. Currently I have an in major GPA of a 3.95 and an out of major GPA of a 3.93. My GRE scores are V-158 Q-151- W-4.5. I have checked all of my stats against these school's pages on ASHA's edfind and seem to do well. I have been on staff in Residential living for two years. I spent a summer volunteering at a Children's hospital in the Speech Pathology department, I have been involved in NSSHLA throughout college. I also have a semester of clinical experience where I did weekly therapy for a client through my undergraduate program. The professors that I am asking to write my LORs are ones that I have very good relationships with and I think they will speak highly of me.The thing I am struggling with the most is not having a clue on whether or not I stand a chance on getting in. This is going to be the longest year of my life.
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