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  • Application Season
    2017 Fall
  • Program
    M.S. Biostatistics

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  1. GWU and Georgetown are both unranked for biostats. On this forum, there isn't much discussion outside of the "top 15" biostat programs (e.g. UNC, Columbia, Pitt, BU, etc.). I'm not sure of the program at GWU and Georgetown, but I'd recommend emailing them for job placements of recent alumni. If they're a good program, they should have no problem giving you that information.
  2. I'd ask the schools for job placement lists of recent MS alumni and make a decision off that. I don't think school name matters that much for industry. If there's a slight chance you might apply for a PhD program, then you'll probably want to stick with biostats at Vandy or UT-Houston. Unfortunately, applied stats programs aren't designed to prepare you for PhD admissions.
  3. It depends on your career goals. Are you more interested in industry or pursuing a PhD after your master's?
  4. Sorry I'm late to the party. Below is an ASA blog post that has PDF Files of how many students graduated per year from each school, from 2003 to 2015. It's also divided up by stat/biostat and MS/PhD. I don't think it has MPH data though. Hope this helps. http://community.amstat.org/blogs/steve-pierson/2015/09/03/statistics-and-biostatistics-degree-data-updated-to-include-2014-numbers
  5. Vandy is the only program I know of that "guarantees" funding for all MS Biostat students, but its only an 80% tuition waiver and no other stipends. I don't think there are any biostat programs that guarantee full funding for all MS students. However, it seems like a modest number of programs offer scholarships, TA/RA positions, etc., if you're one of the top applicants. Just ask the departments directly and/or use GCF's admissions results page to gauge your chances of getting some funding. If anyone has received a funded MS offer, I would love to hear about it.
  6. Yeah as a fellow M.S. Biostat Applicant, I have the same question too regarding Linear Algebra. I hope someone can comment on whether or not taking computational/applied LA instead of proof-based LA would be at a disadvantage. If you do wish to take proof-based LA as a non-math major, you could try plead your case to the math department for a registration override. Now the class could have a prerequisite such as Intro Math Proofs, so you'll have to check on that. Another way to finagle yourself into the class is to declare math as a double-major and then drop it midway through next semester. However, that sounds very disingenuous and would be frowned upon.
  7. Below is the link to Vandy's Biostat program student directory. Some of the students have posted CV's to their profile. http://www.vanderbilt.edu/biostatistics/graduate/students/
  8. Lol relax. Sounds like you have a classic case of imposter syndrome. Have some more belief in yourself and I also agree that you'll do great! (By the way, I would literally donate a kidney just to have grades like yours.)
  9. I'm also a bio major with a similar GPA currently applying to M.S. Biostat programs. However, I scored 155+V and 160+Q on the GRE. I'm not good at standardized tests either, but just put in some elbow grease and you can do it too. I highly recommend Magoosh and Manhattan's 5lb book. Assuming that you have all A's in your pre-req classes (Calc 1-3, Linear Algebra), I think you'll be in good shape if you can improve your GRE score. Even better if you can also take Probability, Math Stats, Intro Math Proofs, and score A's in those classes.
  10. Since you're interested in stat genetics, you might also want to consider UMich as well. They have a large number of faculty working on that. Be aware that they don't accept undergrad students directly into the PhD program; you will most likely be placed on the "fast-track MS/PhD route." This basically means that you'll be guaranteed admission to the PhD program if you pass qualifiers. I've also heard that most (maybe all?) of the fast-track students get funding. Having real analysis would definitely be helpful, but according to the thread below it doesn't seem like a do-or-die situation. Perhaps you could try taking it this summer at another institution as a non-degree seeking student? Check your messages as I sent you a PM about that. As a disclaimer, I'm only an M.S. Biostat applicant, but I've learned alot reading these forums over the past year. Hope this helps.
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