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Everything posted by zephiwho

  1. Following Wolvnater's lead, I also have a room open for any incoming graduate students. All the details are in the following craigslist link: https://pennstate.craigslist.org/roo/6829677098.html
  2. I sent you an e-mail!
  3. Hello everyone. I am in the process of looking for place and many of ones I am interested in are 3 bedrooms, so I am definitely looking for roommates. I am in correspondence with a couple currently, but I am open to more because of the 3 bedroom options!
  4. I agree about having Two bathrooms and Two bedrooms! That would be ideal.
  5. It seems that we have similar goals in terms of finding a living situation. I was wondering if you were interested in talking more about finding a place. Like I said, my girlfriend would be moving in with me later in the year, but I would really like to find a house and I am not limited to living in State College (I would have a car also!)
  6. Hello, I have committed to Penn State, and I am definitely looking for a roommate for a house, preferably, or an apartment. I am a relaxed guy outside of grad school and work, and I like to play guitar, snowboard =( , and do other outdoor activities. I have always lived with roommates (several,, actually) and I have gotten along with every single one, even the weird ones that stay in their room all day. My stipend is very generous, so finances won't be a problem. Also, I will be moving with my couches, my big TV, which I'll probably put in a living room, and a lot of kitchen gear. I plan on getting a dog ASAP when I move there, which is unknown at this point (July or August). My girlfriend will be coming to live with me later in the academic year. Finally, I have a car, so I am willing to live a bit outside of town (already have areas in mind). I would love to get in touch with like-minded people in a similar situation.
  7. Is anyone here interested in discussing living situations? I would like to live with another graduate student to reduce living costs.
  8. I am doing a campus visit later this month. I will know my decision by then.
  9. I might. Which program did you get into?
  10. Accepted: Maryland, ODU, UIC, UMSL, Cincinnati, Penn state, Preadmission : Northeastern Wait list : Delaware Congratulations to everyone. Seems like everyone has been hearing great news. Phenomenal!
  11. I am interested in anything that would save $$$ and have enough room for me, my gf, and possibly a dog (I promised we would get one).
  12. Hello, I thought I would start a Penn State 2016 thread. You can post here if you are looking for roommates, information about State College, or anything of the sort. Personally, I am looking for housing options. I am a graduate student and I will be living with my girlfriend starting in the Spring. I am also looking to get a dog. I am exploring both 1 BR/Studio and 2BR+ with another roommate. I look forward to hearing replies.
  13. Penn state has already sent out offers I believe
  14. I received the offer on Wednesday
  15. I am not sure about funding just yet. I am waiting for the formal offer letter. They seem like a program that funds all their students.
  16. Update: Wait listed at Delaware Accepted to UMSL Waiting on Maryland and ODU
  17. Baby Spice
  18. Hello everyone, I was hoping I could share my two-cents on this forum, as I think it could help some people. I have been a lurker on this forum for this application season. I wanted to post my results, but I want also conclude it with a helpful (hopefully!) piece of advice. I applied to: Northeastern, Penn State, U of Cincinnati, U of Illinois at Chicago, U of Maryland, U of Missouri at St. Louis, Old Dominion University,and U of Delaware I have been accepted at (so far): Penn State, U of Cincinnati, and UIC. I am also going to the campus event at Northeastern. GRE: 161 V, 157 Q 4.5AW Grad GPA: 4.0 / Undergrad GPA (Major): 4.0 / Undergrad Cum: ~3.6 Experience: Conferences presentations (posters & papers); RA, TA, internship mentor, and one year of co-teaching experience; internship and extensive volunteer work in my field of interest (~1 year) Interests: Violent crimes (Intimate partner violence, sexual assault) Now, as a lurker in these forums, I feel like knowing where you stand in terms of competitiveness (I'll tell you why shortly) can be important. Clearly, the most up-to-date news about this application season is desirable. However, before I received acceptances, I made a promise to myself to not visit this site because I became too wrapped up in finding out if people were accepted. For instance, UDel has already sent out its first wave...this killed me because I had only heard from one school at the time (NE). Taking a break from this site until you receive news (GOOD NEWS, which you will) will help you come to terms with one thing: When all the dust settles in March/April, you will know where you have been accepted, waitlisted, and rejected (and I think you will have a few schools in each category). Much like the caucus in Iowa, only the final results are important. I think knowing that you did not belong to the "illustrious first-wave" of acceptances is detrimental to your psyche. This "first-wave" only indicates that graduate committees have begun the process of recruiting and competing with other colleges for students who have relevant research interests and demonstrate promise (on paper). It does not indicate that you are an inadequate applicant! Average enrollment rates (people offered, then subsequently accepted) for admissions, using 2013-2015 ADPCCJ data, is around 50%!!!! As my girlfriend stated so eloquently, "What's done is done. You can't change your application." There will be other waves of acceptances, and it only hurts to hold your breath during this time. That being said, I think the kind of discussion we are having is undoubtedly important...for people who are applying next year. Delineating between our scores, our experiences, and our research interests in terms of the schools we applied to will help future applicants determine if grad school is right for them. Even more, it might help aspiring grad students understand what they need to do to be accepted in one of these great programs. I say we focus on developing this thread along the lines of those goals, instead of debating if any of us will "get in" based off of the recruiting practices of the departments we applied to!
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