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Everything posted by wintergirl

  1. If you're into Dracula and Frankenstein and, hell, scholarly kickassness mixed with travelogue mixed with romance, this is one the best reads I've had in years: http://www.amazon.com/Historian-Elizabeth-Kostova/dp/0316011770 It's like 8,000 pages long but worth every single one of them.
  2. TAKE IT IN APRIL. You'll thank me next fall when you're freaking out about getting your application materials together--and researching schools/POIs, and begging for LORs, etc. The last thing you're going to want to be doing is studying 17th century Restoration comedies for questions that will be obscure and random anyway. Why, yes, I am still bitter about my test in October. For which I studied approximately 6 weeks, off and on.
  3. I cannot imagine trying to studying for the GRE right now with apps on the brain. Good luck to all you test takers! Sending you good vibes for quiet test rooms, easy questions, and nice sharp pencils. : )
  4. Better yet: dinner with friends, stuffing my face with the best burger I've ever had, plus dream worthy mud pie! Now catching up on tv and waiting to suddenly pass out from delerium . . .
  5. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh. 4 down, 8 to go. What a freaking nightmare the last 72 hours have been I can't even believe I'm alive. Some major tech issues since I was down to the wire, but fingers crossed the right stuff will get to the right place. Gonna submit Berkeley tomorrow. Amazing how much more doable it all seems once you're happy with your writing samples and SOP. Feel like I can breathe for the first time in 4 days. How's everyone else? Dec. 1st-ers, holla! : )
  6. Thanks! I'm on their ApplyYourself right now. And WTF is this surprise 1000 word question: "8. Research Experience: Describe your pertinent research experience, training and publications. For your Research Experience, please describe in your own words the overall goals, your role in the research project, whether you worked independently or as part of a group and the overall results that you obtained. For publications, please provide the complete reference information that would be included in a scientific journal such as Science, Nature or Cell." 1000 words about research? How different from a SOP?? Ugh, feel like I'm never going to finish these. I haven't submitted one yet, too many balls in the air. ETA: Actually, the USC grad school site is still down, but the Apply Yourself has stayed functional for me this whole time. I just can't get to the dept websites to check information. Thank god I'm anal and have everything printed out... And now it's working. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!
  7. Oh, great! USC's grad school server is still down. Excuse me while I laugh my fucking head off when I can't apply to two of my programs today.
  8. You must have a brains of steel. I bow to your fortitude. : ) Yeah, getting it down to 1000 words is what's been giving me trouble all week. Ouch, an exam. Good luck! I'm skipping class this morning and hiding at home to get 'er done.
  9. Cquin, remind me: are you applying to Michigan again this year? I still haven't started mine for Michigan's Amer. Culture app due today. I think UCLA requires a diversity statement too, even though their application instructions don't specify that anywhere -- it just pops up as a nice surprise during the online app... Ugh.
  10. I've found that most of my schools have conflicting information somewhere. : ) Half of my 12 schools required official hard copies plus uploaded ones. Usually it's the grad school itself that requires them, while the dept is fine just getting those if you're accepted.
  11. Hello, my fellow Dec. 1st-ers. Finally fell asleep at 3am, dog woke me up at 5, then back to sleep until 8. Been working all morning on app organization/details and my major writing sample revision for USC and UCLA (my top choice). But it needs to be worked on throughout the day, so I'm now switching over the the "easier" AmStud apps where the writing sample is closer to being ready. Still customizing and cutting SOPs. What are y'all doing when they don't give a length for SOP or they say "there's no limit, but the average is 2-3pp"? Do you think it'd be okay to go to 3.5? Hope all your apps are coming together. Timshel, are you still alive after last night's marathon??
  12. Berkeley?!? But that's not due until Monday right? PLEASE DEAR GOD. I think I may be signing off now. I still have a ton to do but will be playing hooky to work on them all day tomorrow. My brain's no longer working well enough that I can trust what it comes up with to write. Soldier on, night owls! See you in the a.m. : )
  13. TROLOLOLOLO! The USC website is down. Both of 'em. Awesome. No, not done yet, just need to check some information. Technology! *shaking my fist*
  14. Ha, hardly! : ) Looks like we're both working on UCLA. Go Bruins? Are you working on any other ones for tomorrow? I've got USC (English and AmStud) and Michigan's AmStud app.
  15. Um, all of the above. :/ Two AmStud apps, two English apps = two SOPs, three writing samples. Luckily the SOPs are basically the same except for an intro and minor tweaking . . . if only I could get below that darn 1000 word mark. But I'm glad to have the company!
  16. In a similar vein, changing my ringtone to "Final Countdown" on Monday was the best decision I've made in weeks.
  17. Who else is working on apps due tomorrow? Need more tea ASAP.
  18. TripWillis, I like the cut of your jib. As for me, if there were also a thread on this board titled "Hell yes, I'm getting into school X because I'm a GENIUS!!!!!!!111!!!1", then I would likely spend my day flip flopping between them every hour, on the hour. Today was a knockout round, and it ain't half over yet. At one point after my thesis proposal defense meeting I found myself inexplicably in tears and asking my adviser (and director of my MA program) to lie to tell me I was going to get in somewhere. I ain't proud, y'all.
  19. Yes, USC asks for two to "show your range"--thank goodness. So how are y'all framing, selecting, or cutting the two to fit the length? I've got a game plan and wondered how other people were doing it.
  20. Okay, peeps. Two of my AmStud apps are due on Thursday (USC-ASE and Michigan). Anybody else?
  21. I plan to send two writing samples to some of my schools, including one of the Dec. 1st schools. The overall length for that school (USC) is 20 pages combined. I don't have a specific question, just wondering if other people are sending two. If so: - Have your schools specifically asked for two? - How are you selecting the two samples? - How are you cutting/expanding to meet combined length requirements? - Are you including any introductory notes to tie them together? Meep.
  22. Yay!! Relieved for you, cquin. : ) But... YIKES. I hadn't even thought of this possibility. Which UC schools, may I ask?
  23. I'm finally happy with mine too. Unfortunately, it's 1900 words at present and I need to get it down to 1000 words by Thursday. :|
  24. BRB, checking the websites of my four Dec. 1st schools while crossing my fingers, toes, and eyes....
  25. Are y'all me?? Seriously. I feel like I'm in some crazy Twilight Zone place where I live off adrenaline instead of air and caffeine instead of water. I also doubt that I'm going to have everything ready to submit tomorrow (um, hello thesis proposal defense meeting), so it's going to have to wait until Dec. 1st itself. Does that send up red flags to y'all??? AAAGHGHHHHHAHALKJWOIEU{)WUE{.
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