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Everything posted by wintergirl

  1. Good luck, cquin!! Glad it sounds like it's finally working out. : ) Fingers crossed. (joining in the superstitious/OCD confessions thread)
  2. Anyone else applying to Yale's AmStud program? I wish they had more information about the admissions process on the department's website. Feels like I'm flying blind (except for the Grad School's instructions)...
  3. From my understanding, I'm a "non-traditional student" because I am old went back to school 12+ years after graduating college. Don't know if it's an official term with grad school adcomms, but my mentors in my current MA program refer to me as such.
  4. Hahaha, thanks for pointing that out before I spent an hour composing some horrid Frankenstein hybrid of my Berkeley and Michigan diversity/personal statements. And thanks to the rest of you for your advice too. I knew the peeps on this board would have good suggestions. Since I'm a "non-traditional" student, I think I'll touch on my background a bit in ways that my SOP doesn't cover. Can't hurt in 700 characters, right??
  5. Anyone else here applying to Stanford? I'm finishing up today and remembered this little hidden surprise I still need to complete: "How would factors such as your background, work and life experiences, special interests, culture, socioeconomic status, race,or ethnicity contribute to the diversity of the entering class, and hence to the experience of your Stanford classmates? Please describe these factors and their relevance." (700 words, to be typed/pasted directly into the online app) This a diversity statement in semi-disguise, right? Or is it a personal statement hybrid? Harrumph. ETA: Just to make it more confusing, this is not a required field on the application.
  6. I'm living in this thread today. Now that I'm home for the holidays, all of my family and friends are asking about my plans and saying, "Oh, you're going to get in everywhere! Don't worry!" This, of course, only makes me feel less confident of getting in ANYWHERE--much less my top choices--and rethinking my refusal to apply to the U of my home state. (I had that school on my original list but had written in the "notes" column of my Excel spreadsheet: NO F-ING WAY.) How many days 'til March??
  7. I went with 11.5 for my Cornell writing sample, in order to submit two samples as a single PDF and get it under the 30pg maximum. \O/
  8. I also took about 10 years between undergrad and starting grad school--and longer before I applied to a full-time MA program. I know it's personally helped me as a master's student, since I was an unfocused and unacademic undergrad. Taking time off helped me feel excited about school instead of burnt out, like I felt at the end of college. I don't know how people go straight from BA to MA to PhD... like an energizer bunny of school! Now, as to whether my age is going to hurt my applications--I hope it doesn't but worry it will. I didn't even make that a consideration in my applications, more thinking about how I might be a good fit for certain schools based on X, Y, Z. Praying that adcomms are similarly age-blind. : )
  9. Just reading this thread is making my blood boil. I think (hope/pray) I was superstitious enough to wait to order my additional score reports until I called and found out my scores were ready by paying that #$&@! $12 fee. I'm imagining that all the dept offices are closed for the holidays now so there's no point in me calling around to ask--since of course only some of the schools actually list the materials like GREs and transcripts when you go to look at your application status. URGH. Seriously, someone needs to take ETS down. I'm with whoever suggested getting a muckracking journalist on their trail. It worked with Sallie Mae, right?? Hope everything works out for all of us, especially those of you who already know that ETS screwed you over. BAH HUMBUG.
  10. I think the forthcoming DSM-V needs to include a new entry: Graduate-School-Application-Induced Rapid Cycling Bipolar Disorder. I'm switching between confidence and despair practically every 15 minutes. Can't wait to be done with applications themselves soon so I can start to work on getting to that zen place that some of you seem to have found. Que sera, sera.
  11. Okay, question for my Cornell peeps: They say for the writing sample to send 12-30pp and that it can be combined from two shorter pieces. My "main" WS is 17pp (plus 2pp works cited), but I have another paper I want to send an excerpt of as well. My WS #1 is from my MA thesis, in progress, for my American Studies program. The excerpt I want to send is from a really strong paper in contemporary British lit class, so it's more closely literary and theoretical. By sending both, to equal about 25-27pp total, I hope to show range. Do you think that's okay, given the "can send two shorter pieces" option? And don't even get me started about the lack of CV/resume thing. :|
  12. I'm going to my first PCA/ACA conference in February for the regional SW/TX conference in Albuquerque. Can't wait!
  13. Only 8/12 done, but already wildly vacillating between euphoria, terror, and despair. I can't believe how much I'm putting on the line for this, and it terrifies me. Please tell me I'm not the only one having extreme ~emotions~ already! I need to commiserate with other victims hopefuls masochists applicants.
  14. I've had three dreams about getting into a top school that's not even my first choice. The first dream had me putting on a t-shirt with the school's name on it, with happy heart. Another one had me finding out I was accepted. The third I think had me actually there or talking about going there. I've had prophetic dreams before--mainly about big news in other people's lives, weddings, babies, etc, but very specific--that have come true, but I'm trying not to get my hopes up too much about it. But since I had the first dream a couple of weeks ago, before I'd even submitted the application, it's hard not to feel even more excited about that school and what it has to offer. Sigh. Subconscious. Why must you mess with my head?
  15. Bdon, at least Cornell isn't ALSO due today!! I'd be flipping out big time. Whoever suggested a hot bath, thank you. That's now on my radar--along with a Lush bath bomb and possibly even some dinner. \O/
  16. And this is why I never reread what I've submitted...
  17. Finally hit submit after battling with my last document to upload, which had somehow mysteriously become read-only and therefore wouldn't save as a PDF. Only took me half an hour of trying to fix it before I figured that out. God speed, half-baked SOP and Personal Statement. I pray the adcomm is sincerely drunk when they read you. Now back to UCSB for my evening's application hat trick...
  18. Aw that sucks about the flu! Damn, can't imagine trying to think carefully to click on each little thing in the application with a fever. Doing it without the flu was bad enough! I hear you on "the one that got away": UCLA is my top choice, but I very nearly flubbed it by doing all the "easy" apps earlier in the day on Dec. 1st so I could clear the decks for UCLA and USC. Boy, was I regretting that at 11:59 PST while frantically uploading documents. NEVER AGAIN. Now that I'm back to square one with my (good) SOP for Michigan, I haven't a clue what to do with my personal statement for either of these. UGH.
  19. Okay, fuck it. I'm taking my original/good SOP and doing it single spaced at 12 pt font. That's two pages. The dept. instructions page says double spaced, the FAQ says single or double, and the application itself doesn't specify. JESUS TAKE THE WHEEL.
  20. Where are you seeing that option? Have I finally gone blind from staring at this computer screen? ETA: I see it. In the FAQ. What is this fuckery??? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????
  21. Holy crap, 7 apps in ONE DAY??!? I did four on Dec. 1st and that about killed me. Literally. That was before I had a polished writing sample and SOP "template" ready to go, so that helps a bit with these. (Except for Michigan & UCSB's particular demands...) But what apps did you submit today? CONGRATULATIONS!!
  22. Wait, what??? I thought their instructions specified double spaced? -- checking website -- Yes, it does require double spacing. And my writing sample is 19pages (with 2pg works cited). Hopefully that'll do. I think stronger is better than longer, personally.
  23. This is the third app I've got to submit tonight. (Already submitted Oregon, working on Michigan.) Here's UCSB's notion of a SOP and some other vaguely intentioned statement: Statement of Purpose Give a brief statement outlining your reasons for undertaking a graduate program, your particular area of specialization within the major field, your past academic work, and your plans for future occupation or profession. Also include any additional information that may assist the selection committee in evaluating your preparation and aptitude for graduate study at UC Santa Barbara. Personal Achievements/Contributions Statement UC Santa Barbara is interested in a diverse and inclusive graduate student population. Please describe any aspects of your personal background, accomplishments, or achievements that you feel are important in evaluating your application for graduate study. For example, please describe if you have experienced economic challenges in achieving higher education, such as being financially responsible for family members or dependents, having to work significant hours during undergraduate schooling or coming from a family background of limited income. Please describe if you have any unusual or varied life experiences that might contribute to the diversity of the graduate group, such as fluency in other languages, experience living in bicultural communities, academic research interests focusing on cultural, societal, or educational problems as they affect underserved segments of society, or evidence of an intention to use the graduate degree toward serving disadvantaged individuals or populations. Why not just call it a diversity statement??! Banging my head against the desk right now. My kingdom for one standard application for all PhD programs.
  24. I am seriously GGGRRRRRRRRRing at the Michigan app right now. I had a perfectly decent 3.5pp SOP which covered my intellectual/work history since college (10+ years), all leading nicely into my scholarly interests and goals. But noooooo, that won't do. Instead I have to give them two semi-crappy separate statements, with some additional "here's how I'm a strong person" b.s. thrown in the personal statement. Seriously, so over it. Y'all think it's okay if they're at 11pt font, right? That's not too off base. Still double spaced, 2pp, so...
  25. I join in whoever was complaining about short SOPs. My Michigan SOP, cut down from 3.5pp, is now 2pp + 3 lines. Oh, and 11pt font. ARRGGGHHHHHHH.
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