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lisamadura last won the day on January 30 2016

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1 Follower

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Reno, Nevada
  • Interests
    History of Philosophy, Contemporary Continental, Phenomenology, Social and Political Philosophy, Moral Philosophy, Aesthetics.
  • Application Season
    2016 Fall
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  1. Aaaaand I'm under the bus.
  2. Hahaha! I would totally take a Wait List to Brown over an acceptance to nowhere. Your reality is way better than your caffeine deprived fiction. Congrats!
  3. Rad! I'm presenting a paper today and I quote him in it. I want to make sure I don't butcher his name. I realized I've been pronouncing it my head as if it were a french name. I was way off target.
  4. Thanks!
  5. Then where did you actually get accepted?!
  6. I could have been happy at Fordham but the other programs that I've been accepted to are a better fit for my broad interests. Right now Villanova, Penn State, Vanderbilt, and Emory have my attention. Stony Brook is not out of the running, though. Campus visits will be crucial for the final decision.
  7. Another pronunciation question (maybe you Johns Hopkins admits can help). How do you pronounce "Hent de Vries". Is it "vreez" or 'Vry". or "Vree". I don't know the first thing about Dutch phonetics.
  8. Welcome and Congrats!
  9. That makes sense, I don't blame them. I'm just living on adjunct slave wages and preparing to move across the country. Bleh.
  10. I went Fordham's online portal to formally decline their offer and I noticed that, had I decided to accept, I would be required to pay a $330 admissions deposit by April 15. Is this the case for all programs? That's a fat chunk of cash to shell out unexpectedly. If this process wasn't costly enough
  11. OMGWOOT!! Notre Dame wants your brains! (so does Patrick Bateman )
  12. @MentalEngineer, @perpetuavix, and @currentphilgrad thanks for the feedback. It may have not made it easier to find this information but at least now I know I'm not missing some crucial resource that everyone else is privy to.
  13. Does anyone have an efficient way of comparing the placement rates at different programs? They publish recent placement on their websites but that doesn't give much info (e.g. when did the student actually graduate? Have they been floating around in adjunct limbo for years? And if these placement stats are, in fact, referring to people who graduated the same year they were placed, how many others graduated and didn't get placed?). I also checked philjobs.org to see recent appointments. Not very helpful. Unless you do your Ph.D. at Toronto. Then you're set.
  14. GIRRRRRRLLLLLL. I just can't...I just don't...it's all so....WHO ARE YOU??? We've never met and your success is my success #ProudPlatonicLove
  15. YES YES YES!! I am unbelievably happy for you. And so is he...
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