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  • Application Season
    2019 Fall
  • Program
    PhD Epidemiology

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Decaf (2/10)



  1. Congratulations! MS could be useful if it can get you a head start on your PhD. Would it be possible to waive some of the MS courses based on your MPH and make your time at the MS research heavy so you can get a peer-reviewed publication out of it? Doing research through the MS could accelerate your future PhD research (e.g. use the MS thesis to deepen content area of your PhD topic, get a peer-reviewed publication from your thesis, connect and work with prospective PhD supervisors during your MS). Do they have stats on MS alumna (how many transition straight into Columbia's PhD)?
  2. I got one letter from GPS (on uApply) and another from the dept via email. The letter from the dept said how much funding to expect, but that composition of funding package would be finalized in August. I asked what percentage of the funding typically comes from RA/TA-ships (money one would have to work for), and I was told that it varies by student and supervisor. There's also a funding blurb on their website saying at least $21,000 annually.
  3. Congrats @Pubhealth101 and @EpiBuf—fantastic news!
  4. If the decision isn't updated on uApply, there's still a good chance. When I contacted McGill admin, that's what they told me, too—they wouldn't budge. But because of my tight timeline from another school's offer, I emailed my prospective supervisors, who followed up on my behalf. Keeping my fingers crossed for you both, @Pubhealth101 and @EpiBuf.
  5. Thanks and good luck to you!
  6. Yeah, that was me! I got an email yesterday with an official admission and funding offer, but uApply online portal still says under review. (I had to contact McGill about their mid-March timeline to send out results because I have to respond to another school's admission offer by the end of this month.) Have you heard back? If not, good luck—sending good vibes your way!
  7. I called McGill's epi/biostats admin office earlier today. I, too, agree that March seems rather late. Maybe the admin assistant said "mid-March" as a worse case scenario? (Although their website says, "You will be informed of your acceptance/non-acceptance by April.")
  8. Congratulations to everyone who has received acceptances and good luck to those who are waiting to hear back. Question to those who have heard back from the US schools: How much time are you given to respond to admission offers? (I'm curious about the differences in application / admission procedures between US and Canadian schools. I'm a Canadian student applying to Canadian schools.) I got accepted to the University of Toronto, and have been asked to respond in 2 weeks. I also applied to McGill, but McGill informed me that results won't be available until mid-March, which seems pretty late compared to other Canadian and US schools.
  9. Hi everyone! I also applied to PhD programs in epi at UofT and McGill. I had a phone interview with UofT last Saturday, Jan 19th. No updates on McGill so far, but not sure if they do interviews.
  10. Hi everyone! I received an unofficial offer of admission from McGill for the MScPH (non-thesis) program yesterday via email. The official letter of admission was made available today through their online system. Deadline to accept is March 22'ish (22nd or 23rd—can't recall). I'm currently finishing up my BSc double-major in Geography and Interactive Technology at SFU. My cumulative GPA is 3.88/4.33, and my GPA in the last two years is 4.06/4.33. I have two years of experience working part-time for a community health organization, and one year of part-time experience doing environmental health research. Waiting to hear back from McGill's MSc in Epidemiology (thesis) and SFU's MSc in Health Sciences (thesis) programs. I also applied for CIHR, but my CIHR application at McGill was rejected and still waiting to hear back on my CIHR results from SFU. If I get a CIHR grant at SFU, I will most likely turn down McGill's offer. Congratulations to those who have heard back, and good luck to everyone!
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