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Status Updates posted by Bumblebee

  1. Recently came from my first international conference. It was a great experience and received really good feedback. Yay me!! :-)

  2. Graduated from the MA!!!! Now, to the PhD

  3. Officially freaking out about tomorrow's oral defense :-(

    1. crazygirl2012


      How did it go?

    2. Bumblebee


      I passed!!!!! :-) I'm done with my MA exams and soon I'll be a PhD student! :-)))

  4. Yay!! Passed the written part of the MA quals. Now... to the oral defense!!!

  5. Taking my MA quals in less than 2 hours. I will survive!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bumblebee


      Thanks! I survived and I think it went well :-)

    3. Bikina


      ¡Seguro que sí!

    4. Bumblebee


      La verdad es que salí de buen humor del examen, así que espero que el resultado sea positivo... :-)

  6. Only three weeks left before my MA exam. Crossing fingers!!!

    1. Canadianlinguist


      good luck and thanks for the phonology advice!

    2. Bumblebee


      Thank you! I'm glad everything worked out well :-)

  7. Admitted to the PhD program in my department after I'm done with my MA req's :-)

  8. Getting ready for my second year in Grad School :-)

  9. First year of Grad School... check!!!

  10. Holidays postponed: one of my students decided to take her exam 4 days later. Dang'it!

    1. MoJingly


      Just tell her "no" :)

    2. Bumblebee


      I wish! But I'm afraid that's not my decision. It was my supervisor who approved her taking the exam on Friday. :-(

  11. One final paper done and another one almost out of the oven. I can't believe my 1st year of grad school is almost over. Time travels at hypervelocity!!!

    1. beanbagchairs
    2. hopehope


      second year will be sooooooo fast believe me!!!! congraaats!

    3. Bumblebee


      Thank you!! :-) Now I can finally say my semester is over. I'm done with my courses (and I'm done grading tomorrow). Let's party!!!!

  12. I can't believe in 4 weeks I'll be done with my first year of Grad School! Time flies. Scary!

    1. beanbagchairs


      how is your first year? :)

    2. mandy


      haha, tell me about it! I cannot believe I am gonna be graduating in a month! Scary but sweet!

    3. Bumblebee


      @beanbagchairs A W E S O M E!!! Love my program! :-D; @mandy Congratulations on your graduation! :-)

  13. Praying for the victims in Japan and anxiously waiting for news from her Japanese friend

  14. Just finished grading a lot of compositions and getting ready for Spring Break. Yayyyy!!! :-)))

  15. Bye bye, 2010! Oh, hello 2011! Happy New Year everyone!!

  16. Merry Christmas and may the new year come full of admission offers + plenty of $$$ in fundings to all of you in the application process!

  17. Receiving my first grades in Grad School: so far, so good

  18. Happy Thanksgiving!

  19. Halloween party with my cohort tonight: yeay!!!!

  20. is excited about this weekend's HLS

  21. absolutely loves her program

  22. Is done with the international student orientation and is waiting for the departmental orientation

  23. Just changed her "application season" information to "already attending". Yesssss!!!!

  24. Tomorrow's moving day! 3 flights: 2h + 9h + 1h plus layovers and an almost-2-hour drive. Aaaarghhh!!!

  25. Last weekend in home country before moving to Grad School

    1. indianacat


      Me too! Such a strange feeling.

    2. Bumblebee
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