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Status Replies posted by Bumblebee

  1. It's official. I will not be working at a fast rood place after I graduate. First acceptance!!!!!

  2. Finally got up the courage to call my first-choice school (that I've seen 7 results posts for)..."Admissions decisions have started going out and you should hear by the end of next week." AGHHHH!

    1. Bumblebee


      Good luck! Keep yourself busy and time will (hopefully) fly!

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  3. Applications = Finished! Last packet of writing samples = mailed! Let the waiting game begin! Just need to ensure that the schools have everything

  4. Just changed my application status from "Fall 2010" to "Already Attending!!" YAY!

  5. Just changed my application status from "Fall 2010" to "Already Attending!!" YAY!

  6. So I'm new here~

  7. Good luck to everyone that is starting grad school tomorrow!

    1. Bumblebee


      oooppssss! sorry about that, he, he, he. I should have remembered! :-(

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  8. Good luck to everyone that is starting grad school tomorrow!

  9. Good luck to everyone that is starting grad school tomorrow!

    1. Bumblebee


      Thank you!!!! I start my department orientation tomorrow. Does it count? Classes begin on the 30th.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  10. 912 iBT!add oil!

  11. Last weekend in home country before moving to Grad School

  12. Happy Birthday To Me! My Bday is in my profile but gradcafe isn't displaying it :(

  13. Hi, I am new!

  14. is officially on the current students page of his program's website

  15. is officially on the current students page of his program's website

  16. Anyone else itching to move already?

    1. Bumblebee


      Mmmm... Sometimes... Other times I just go into "panic mode"

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  17. OMG, the University just called me to tell me that I was accepted to the Ed.D program at Northeastern University.

    1. Bumblebee


      @bgk I also plan to be around for next application season. I'm so grateful for all the help I received that I'm excited about giving advice to the newbies! :-)

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  18. OMG, the University just called me to tell me that I was accepted to the Ed.D program at Northeastern University.

    1. Bumblebee


      Congratulations!!! It would have been great if you hadn't had to wait sooooo long, but you made it!!!

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  19. The university is processing applications completed in mid January right now, mine was completed on 2-25-2010 so I may hear something by the end of June...

    1. Bumblebee


      what the heck have they been doing so far, then???

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

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