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Posts posted by istanbulnotconstantinople

  1. One year a long time ago, there were penguins who didn't wear hats when swimming. This made their mothers livid. "Unacceptable!"  Frightened, they screamed, "Bears!" Nobody seemed convinced so instead of going swimming they tried juggling. Their mothers tried everything they thought would teach her a skill. However, she couldn't even make oatmeal without disastrous results. So, the penguins gathered money (obviously) trying to purchase a bear.  Towering over them, a grizzly beast danced, devouring all bears with such ferocity that even God enjoyed it. Afterwards, God congratulated the penguins and applauded them.  "You did it!" 

    Suddenly, the grizzly beast started dancing vigorously.  There was an acromantula nearby. It challenged the preconception that magical mushrooms were magical.  Sparkling, the magical mushrooms were spreading throughout town. Nobody with pyromania thought grilled cheese would spontaneously erupt into nine identical squirrels! Nevertheless, the penguins elucidated the benefits of sparkling water from Iceland. Suddenly, Iceland exclaimed, "Enough!!! No more penguins. Kill all of the arcades on Monday because King Arthur suffered from sphenisciphobia." Tragically, everyone forgot lasers cure bug madness, meaning none of them stripped the violet beast of his powerful jaw bones. So while some arms spouted Kool-aid, others chopped nuts. This phenomenon halted commerce.  Together twenty-five yellow dragons danced sporadically inebriating all anger gods, while academics drank champagne profusely.

    Who were they? Snotty undergrads eating free Tetrahydrocannabinol Chlorate. Homicidal kittens emerged from congressional hearings purring rhythmic improvised melodies, infuriating the associate professors who stripped them intermittently of all credentials. The incredulous kittens meowed like dragons farts. Except Bruno, who mewed like tinkling bells. Understandably, one chicken farted. Then, surreptitiously, two giraffes killed the conspicuous dragon. Audaciously, someone belched "RAWR!"  Startled, four punks flew down from the Appalachian, a bit wide-eyed, and jumped into a brobdingnagian beam of protons, flipping fingers zestfully. Meanwhile, the paladins prophylactically committed themselves to diabolical plots. Therefore, lemonade became the de jure punishment for audacious acts. 

    Worms squirmed and dug tunnels

  2. 5 hours ago, Kamari said:

    Totally going through this as well. Had an interview last week; everything went swimmingly (minus them being on the east coast and us having to move the interview to a phone interview due to them calling me in the middle of class unexpectedly). The energy of the interview was great and they stated that one of my answers "was the best answer they'd ever heard" so I was totally feelin' good. They also said I should know by this week and I expected to hear today and haven't heard a thing... so now I'm checking my phone 9 times an hour waiting for an email that I know isn't coming because they're all out of the office and listening to classical music on repeat isolated from my friends so that I'm not sucking the life of those close to me because I feel like an anxious ball of junk. I'm quite afraid to email as having a physical record of my nervousness scares me so I'm probably going to call tomorrow but my program is very small and very competitive so I don't even have any reference of rejections or waitlists because I've seen no one else on this site that's applied.


    Nonetheless; keep this thread alive. It's pretty great to just type out your story and know that someone's listening in addition to going through the same thing.

    this is exactly the situation I am in too and you're right that sharing stories helps. I actually flew in for the interview day, things went well but I know it's super competitive and I keep going over in my head all the things I could have said differently. I can see on the results page that they accepted someone on Friday but I am still in the dark and that's making me extremely miserable - I just want to know even if it's bad news. I emailed the admissions officer who organised everything to ask when I can expect to hear but have not got any response at all. I know that he will have seen the email by now but is not replying for some reason. I don't think silence bodes well in this case.

  3. 2 minutes ago, crnasia_002 said:

    Aaaawww :( I live outside of the US too! So I too countdown and check time zones. I hope for our sakes they email us no later than tomorrow or Wednesday

    Fingers crossed for both of us - at this point just knowing one way or another would be enough for me I think.

  4. Just now, crnasia_002 said:

    Lol! You're good you can wait 10 minutes. I'm so anxious I refresh every 30 seconds lol. This waiting game is driving me MAD! I wanna email admissions soooooo bad but I don't know what I would say! Uuugggggghhhhhhhhh

    Well I am also crazy because I refresh my email all day despite being on the other side of the world and know that everyone in the US is sleeping, but just incase I check. My second favourite hobby is checking what time it is in various cities in the US to count down the hours until admissions officers will come in to work. I have actually tried to call/email Steinhardt today but I just get put through to an answerphone and have had no response to my email.

  5. 1 hour ago, ra42890 said:

    Really just need to vent here...

    Went to the campus at University of Washington to meet with their Music Education faculty a little over a month ago. I felt I made a great impression. I helped one of the faculty with a presentation he was working on. He sent me a follow-up email about 4 days after and told me how helpful my contribution was to his presentation. Still have not heard anything back...

    Had 2 phone interviews with the faculty at Teachers College in NYC. Both of those went really well. Connected with the department head there over our shared experiences being gay educators. Told me I would hear very soon. That was 3 weeks ago.

    I have horrible anxiety as it is, but this is escalating it. It is starting to affect other areas of my life as well. I can't focus on my workouts, I can't focus on conversations I have with people, I can't focus on making music. It's the worst.

    What strategies have you all used to help play this waiting game?

    I completely empathise with you on this. I keep trying to distract myself but honestly I feel I am only half present most of the time as my mind is worrying incessantly about what to do if I don't get in. I found that going to busy places helps a little as it means you can't drift away to easily (I live in a big city so that makes it easier) but mostly I think I manage about 10 minutes tops before frantically checking my email again.

  6. 4 minutes ago, Scheacc said:


    I have been stalking these threads for last 2-3 weeks. Thank you everyone, who has been posting updates.

    I have applied to Peabody, PhD (LPO). I have not heard anything from them. No interview, nothing.

    I am dreaming that they might just accept me :) or at least call for interview soon.

    Is this a realistic expectation? Do they usually delay it so much?

    I am too scared to actually ask them.

    (International Student)

    My understanding is that the interview weekends were some time ago, but I could be wrong. I think the best bet is to call the admissions office and ask.

  7. 6 hours ago, sofi said:

    Nope. Not only did they not mention anything about funding in my offer, after my relentless questions to the department (they do not have the habit of replying promptly), I found out that they are not gonna offer me any. Let me give you a direct quote from the reply I got:

    "All students who submitted their applications by Nov. 1 have been considered for any fellowships the department has. Unfortunately, we do not have any to offer at this point. However, once you are here, you will find there are often many opportunities available especially for those who have technology skills. There are also TA opportunities for those with US K-12 teaching experiences."

    I'm an international student, and naturally I have no K-12 experience in the US. So, it'll be a hard pass on UT from me. 

    To anyone accepted from Ohio State or Indiana Bloomington (especially international students): Did you hear any word on funding?

    Thanks in advance!

    I am similarly admitted somewhere who have not offered me funding and told me that usually they don't fund first years. Ultimately it will mean I can't go and is as good as another rejection. 

  8. 5 hours ago, TakeruK said:

    No it will be okay to also speak to your supervisor at the same time as the admissions people speaking to the department. Ultimately, someone in the department will have to make a final decision on whether or not to fund you, and having the admissions person relay your message is not as efficient as also having your proposed supervisor advocate for you. You should also write to the department directly too. The more lines of communication, the better, in my opinion.

    However, I am a little confused about how you can have a supervisor if you don't have funding. If you have a supervisor, it means you are working for someone (or will work for someone). Are they asking you to work without pay?? 

    Finally, in addition to the visa issues you'll face if you don't have funding from the school, I don't think it's a good idea to pursue this PhD as an international student without funding unless you are also independently wealthy. I would treat an offer of admission without funding equal to a rejection since your field does normally fund PhDs (according to your post).

    Thanks for your advice, I have kind of realised that an offer without funding is equivalent to a rejection since it certainly means I can't accept it. I will follow your advice and contact the department directly too.

    For clarification, the offer letter I received included details about who my supervisor would be should I accept the PhD offer, this is how I know who to contact.

  9. I know there are threads about the amount of funding people have been offered etc. but I have a quandary. I have currently been rejected from 3/6 PhD programmes and accepted to 1. I am trying to wait patiently on the final two (which both guarantee funding) but all the rejections have knocked me a bit and I am not feeling super optimistic. I would be happy to attend the university I have an offer for, but they haven't offered me funding for the first year and the admissions officer told me that they don't normally offer TA/RAships to first years and only 50% of people get one in the 2nd year. I am not sure whether this is because a lot of people are part-time in my field and therefore don't want one or if there are just very few available - I fear the latter is more likely.

    At present I have spoken to admissions and explained that I am unable to attend without funding and the officer has said he will speak to the department. My questions really are:

    1) Have any of you had to negotiate funding and what did you find was the best way to do so? I don't really feel like I have a strong bargaining hand since I don't have funded offers elsewhere and I really can't go without funding. I am an international student and couldn't possibly afford the fees (even if I wanted to) and I surely won't get a visa without proof I can afford the first year (including living costs as well as fees).

    2) I now feel that it would be rude to speak directly to my proposed supervisor in the department about this, since the admissions officer said he will speak to the department and this may come across as overstepping him. However, was I wrong to speak to admissions rather than my supervisor first? Do you think I should still contact my supervisor and explain that I am excited about attending but concerned about funding?

    To be honest any advice you can give would be helpful.

  10. 15 minutes ago, selenaleee said:

    :( Got several journal, conference, book publications, 6 years of RA experience, 5 years as a high school teacher... Guess my low GRE scores really hurt my applications.

    Berkeley is my dream school... and the dream ended with a generic rejection letter. Now it's only NYU and UCLA left - just hoping that there will at least be one acceptance out of my five applications this year.

    But anyhow, if I end up receiving nothing, I will try again with a stronger application next year!!!!!!

    I likewise am down to the wire as the only acceptance I have thus far has not come with funding for the first year and unless I get it I can't accept. So I am waiting on the last two with fingers and toes double crossed. Good luck to you too!

  11. On 2/19/2016 at 5:52 PM, yayspace said:

    "I love everybody, but it's surreal to see a lot of international students accepted into MFA and English Ph.D. Programs who can't even write correct grammar. Hopefully, Mr. Trump will lower student visas so Americans can get into their own schools again."


    REALLY? :o

    In addition to my general anger at this, I would like to correct his/her grammar, I would suggest that the following two options both sound more eloquent:

    'who can't even write grammatically correctly' or 'who can't even use grammar rules correctly'

    Perhaps if he had spent his years of speaking English as a first language learning every rule pedantically and reading more widely he/she would know this.

  12. I was similarly confused by an email I received saying I was recommended for admission but the graduate school had to make the final decision. I contacted the person who sent the letter and they explained that it was a formality and they had never heard of anyone being turned down by the graduate school. Of course if there is a minimum requirement then not meeting that means you haven't met your side of the bargain, but it sounds like you definitely will so I think you can assume you're in. You could also contact the programmes if you want to alleviate your nerves for certain, when I asked they were very polite and understanding about the confusion. Congratulations on the acceptances!

  13. I was admitted to the MSEd programme after applying for a PhD and given a 13,500 merit scholarship. I definitely won't be accepting since I already have an MA (and from a higher ranked university than Upenn), so i hope this helps out one of you on the waitlist or someone who has been waitlisted for funding.

  14. To anyone else waiting, the GSE emailed me to reply in reply to a question I sent a month ago. In it they said that they hope to have all admissions decisions out by next week. I don't know if this only refers to PhD (since this is what I enquired about).

    good luck everyone who is waiting !

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