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Everything posted by DBear

  1. Hi all, I've taken the GRE twice so far and am trying to choose which scores to report for Communication PhD programs First attempt yielded 163 (v) , 143 (q), 5(awa). That came out to 92%, 14%, 93%, respectively. Second time around got 165(v), 149( q), 4.5(awa) for 95%, 35%, 82% My primary concern is that my quant score is terrible the first time around but writing is better. So which of the two would you choose? Or should I just take it again?
  2. Thanks for starting this thread! I have a similar story and would love to hear more about your experience and share mine as well but it's 3am where I am so will write again when less sleepy. Just wanted to say you're not alone!
  3. Hi all, I keep seeing similar things on admissions websites regarding GRE scores, mostly along the lines that applicants should have a verbal score above 160, GRE is not the determining factor but scores should be competitive, yadayada... Though schools must all have different criteria, after reading site after site of rather vague GRE requirements I don't know whether I should be satisfied with my scores or not. I've taken the test twice. First attempt yielded 163 (v) , 143 (q), 5(awa). Second time around got 165(v), 149( q) writing not yet available. I'm not applying to any programs that are quant analysis heavy and people have told me my scores should be fine, but still a bit nervous. Any feedback would be appreciated Not sure it makes a difference but I'm an int'l student (TOEFL score is 120) and have 2 MA degrees (though neither is in Communication studies) Best of luck!
  4. I think everyone has gone through this at some point in their careers, whether it's related to school or not. I worked for a couple of years before I got my MA in International Policy. I started my first semester and realized I did NOT like what I was studying and changed my major midway through my first semester. Is the other field of interest you've just discovered academic or something completely different? From my own experience of going back and forth between school and corporate life, I would say that it's okay to dabble with different paths but I'm sure you put a lot of effort into applying for grad school, that shouldn't be put aside so easily either. Since you have a handful of months before school starts, is it possible to perhaps take a shot at this new interest? Talk to people who are actually doing what you want to do and visualize if that's something you can see yourself doing in the future, maybe? If you're not sure about this new field or if you're not sure you're ready to give up on psychology, starting school and seeing how it goes is also an option. I know it costs a lot of money to do this, but some people actually need to start school to know that that's where they belong. You could always start school and take a semester or two off to do something different. Hope this helps..
  5. Hi Jordancannon - I have an MA in International Environmental Policy, BA PoliSci and Eng Lit. I didn't foresee the need to have a really strong math foundation because I didn't really need it in undergrad and I assumed it would be pretty similar in grad school. However, I found that Quantitative Policy (basically stats), three different types of econ courses (micro/macro/natural resources) and a science class were required at my program. I managed to get through them, but you should see what the programs you're interested require. At my MA institute, all but the natural resource econ course were required for ALL policy students be it Nonproliferation Studies or International Development (we had a lot of Peace Corp volunteers). I didn't go to a top school so they were lenient with GRE, but for more competitive schools, I imagine that you'd need a score that lands you at least above the 55% mark. Even if there isn't a cut off line, other students will be applying with good verbal and quant scores and judging from the relatively large community of policy/ international relations people I'm part of, pretty much everyone has an interesting story to tell in terms of life experience. Since you did so well in verbal/writing, maybe just a tiny bit more work on the quant.. (I'm in the same boat as you currently as I plan to apply for phd programs)
  6. Hi all, I just got the official scores from my first stab at the GRE and scored 163(v), 143(q) and 5 on the writing section. I basically gave up on math in the 8th grade and managed somehow to get through life (I know how to calculate discounts..) I'm preparing to apply for PhD programs this coming fall and looking at Communications and/or Rhetoric or East Asian studies (long story with that) I've been told that quant scores are not important but I assume that's based on students scoring 'ok' scores - My score doesn't seem anywhere near ok (bottom 15%) Since it was my first attempt, I'm willing to give it another try or two, but there is the chance that my verbal / writing score may suffer in my attempt to raise the not-very-important quant scores. I saw a similar question from 3 yrs ago on this (the person had the same exact scores as me) and s/he contacted admissions offices and was told to focus on other application materials but the writer went to a much better undergrad and apparently had a good GPA. Any thoughts/ experiences would be appreciated! Good luck all! p.s. a bit more background - My BA GPA is about a B+ average, MA about A average and my current MA (I'm working on my second MA) about an A average as well. I have 5+ years of work experience and have lived and worked in a couple of different countries.
  7. I actually freaked out a bit thinking I may have hit the wrong button and I emailed ETS - they said the scores were just being processed and they'd be posted within 10 - 15. I took the test on June 5 and just got the official score today (June 15) but until yesterday, the fields showed absent/unavailable, so I guess that's just how that is Hope this helps for anyone else that may be panicking
  8. I have a similar question, does your my GRE score screen just come up empty till the scores are posted? Mine shows blanks and says absent/scores unavailable. I was actually absent for one previous exam so am worried that I clicked the wrong button and my more recent attempt has vanished ... sorry for the dumb question... have a fellowship deadline coming up so am freaking out a bit. (Took the test June 5th)
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