I feel like somebody needs to give SSHRC a head's up about "under-promise, over-deliver." Like, if they told me I'd know in April, and I found out in March--amazing!
As it is, I'm basically a walking vegetable.
Hmmmm! That's deeply unfortunate and unreasonable; I'm sorry to hear you got a nasty surprise. But I don't think she took a leave. Maybe it's an avenue worth pursuing, though. Like, if she didn't put in her tuition amounts or something, maybe they assumed she wasn't enrolled? Would be an odd approach by the CRA, but everything is odd about our situation as internationals (and, also, the CRA).
Hi, all! Just spent like 15 minutes trying to get into this old account after years. I swore that once I got my SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship I wouldn't ever go through the SSHRC process again. And yet . . .
Just acknowledging the infinite depths of anxious despair into which we have all been plunged and bemoaning how asymmetrical deadlines get the more we progress. I get it--people are finite and overdrawn (especially these days)--but scrambling to defend this month *and* enduring the Big SSHRC Wait is kinda torture.
Anybody ever get told by the CRA that the SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship is taxable, by the way? I have a friend in my situation who filed it as a non-taxable scholarship, like I did with mine from my Master's and PhD, and was told flat-out that she was wrong and needed to pay tax on it. Even though it was reported on a T4A (I think? living in America these days). I thought things didn't get taxable until the postdoc.
Thanks! Honestly, it really just felt pretty random. I added a published review and a couple of conferences, and I re-wrote my program of study, but the project and letters were basically the same. I just tried to write very clearly and explain all terminology, making very obvious the sort of practical payout of a very theoretical project (philosophy) and citing things that made it clear that I was familiar with pertinent literature. Last time I used headings to make it seem more organized, but I took them out. My score was embarrassingly low last time, and the huge jump in score did not feel warranted.
I just want to point out that, as of Monday delivery, Atlanta is still letter-free.
It always boggles my mind that it takes about two weeks to get a letter from Ottawa to a major city about a fifteen hour drive away in the U.S.
I think somebody asked this earlier: I did email my supervisor from my last (Canadian) institution asking very innocently if SSHRC might have given them my results, and he was like, "Nope. Sorry!" So, that route seems to be out.