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Posts posted by PhDorBUST

  1. 3 minutes ago, eternalwait said:

    I'll start a summer job on January 2, so hopefully that will help me distract a bit. 

    And I daily check the application websites too. 



    I've been checking the application status portals like 5 times a day. I've thought about getting a job....meh. I've got my whole life to start working again lololol

    What will you be doing?

  2. On 12/20/2016 at 11:51 AM, avflinsch said:

    Pretty much nothing you can do except wait, I found that out when I applied for the masters program.

    I submitted my PhD app on December 13, which is about a month before the deadline of Jan 15 - I know that nothing important is going to happen until mid January, but even still I keep checking to see if the LORs have been submitted, even though all of the writers stated that they will be writing them over the term break.



    I hear you on that. Waiting to hear back about my masters program was hell...waiting to find out about phd program acceptance is just more of an inner circle of hell. 

    To deal, try to find what works for you. Some people like adult coloring books (not like coloring in porn LOL but coloring mandalas and stuff), cleaning, organizing something, etc. I'm trying to teach myself how to crochet. Whenever I feel a panic attack coming I get down on the floor and let my dogs lick my face and make me feel like no matter what I still have them so its fine :) 

    I never thought interviews were such a huge component for the decision, but after being on this site it seems like interviews and even whole weekend interview excursions are a thing. After spending so much money, is anyone else NOT looking forward to the cost of a campus visit? From Florida to Ohio, Chicago, North Carolina, Texas...shit. I can't afford that. Here's to hoping they think I'm so awesome they just let me in...

    buddy christ.jpeg

  3. 8 minutes ago, stereopticons said:

    Yep. "Why don't you do counseling?" Because I don't want to? Both of my parents are in fields that don't require a graduate degree at all, so they really don't get it. 

    I'm in central Texas, near Austin. 


    Exactly. I applied to Sam Houston and I'm from PA...the prospect of living in Texas is a bit scary to me...I survived Tennessee, but BARELY. My clinical internship supervisor is from Texas and she's like, if you go to Texas we need to have a chat because sarcasm will very likely get you killed. 

    I live on sarcasm.

  4. On 10/24/2016 at 10:09 PM, travelgirl125 said:

    I completely agree.  I'm in a one-year program so it's just insane.  I feel there is a disconnect between professors who assign all of the work and who also want to make sure you spend time on "self-care."  Granted, I knew grad school was going to be difficult, but I didn't think it would be THIS much work.


    This made me LOL big time. In social work, self-care is a HUGE thing, I mean there are chapters in books, and lectures on self-care because if we don't take care of ourselves we fail to baker act that paranoid delusional psychotic with active hallucinations and then :sings: lawsuiiit 

    That being said, the same profs that preach the importance of self-care can't be bothered to give two shits when something really horrible happens, like idk, one friend in my cohort her freaking cousin was shot in their grandmother's backyard so she missed ONE CLASS and this prof gave her shit and wanted documentation. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? What do you want, the fucking police report??? Welcome to social work where we are bombarded with shitstorm after shitstorm to the point where nothing phases us anymore and we all just talk out our ASS.


    Whew. That's been bothering me for a while.

  5. 21 hours ago, crugs said:

    Nothing is more accurate about this application process!!!


    As for my venting: I work in a public HS in a new state and they're sending me through a thousand hoops still to get reciprocity for my license. Meanwhile right before Holiday break I want to tear my hear out. 

    And besides that, with one sister married a month ago, the other getting married next summer, and me recently single after 4 years...I feel like I need *something* to go right in my life this year. 

    I need an acceptance more than anything and time has never felt so slow moving....



    Are you the oldest? I'm 29, my oldest sibling is 21 and every time I go to family functions I can see their literal fear for my life in their eyes like OMG she's still single and all her younger cousins are all married off...

    Meanwhile, I'M SO HAPPY I'M NOT MARRIED. 

    I feel like I'm gonna be that person who doesn't hear anything from programs until like, May. If at all. I'll call, and they'll be like, omg you didn't get your rejection letter?? SO SORRY

  6. On 11/9/2016 at 3:23 PM, spectastic said:

    we're going to pull out of the Paris deal, dissolve the EPA and cut all funding to the DOE, in order to redirect that funding to "Make America Great Again"


    fuck me


    This just made my fucking day OMG I laughed and then almost coughed up a lung (thank you bronchitis!) and then laughed my ass off again. My dogs are currently looking at me like, Fuck should we do something??


    I'm currently in a social work program, so I'm either going to have ALL the work, or literally live in my car for the next four years so I feel you

  7. 8 minutes ago, stereopticons said:

    Seriously. My parents can't understand why I "want to go back to being a poor student again". No understanding that I can't do what I want to do without a PhD. 

    Right??? I fought to convince them of the MSW program and they're like why don't you just get licensed? Umm...because I don't want to do clinical work right now....

    I guess that's what happens when your parents are in sales...

    Hey what part of Texas are you in stereopticons?

  8. Anyone here waiting to hear back from CJ/Criminology programs? I see all these people getting invites to interviews (interview weekends?? They need a whole freaking weekend???!!) but in different disciplines.

    Anyone else here basically completely alone in this process??? I have no idea what to expect and neither does anyone I know. All help, even to just calm the nerves, would be much appreciated!

  9. 4 hours ago, stereopticons said:

    @PhDorBUST bam bam bam bam I wanna be sedated ;) 


    Right? I need to break out the Ramones and rock it out.

    4 hours ago, Yanaka said:

    Yanaka if you still have finals to study for, consider yourself lucky! I have a good GPA for my MSW (so far), but my undergrad was crap. Plus, I can't help but worry that the fact that I'm applying to CJ and Criminology programs coming from psychology and social work might work against me in the process.

    If you guys have parents that even REMOTELY get it, good for you. Be thankful for them, cuz mine still don't know what social work is, let alone why one would ever need to get a PhD in anything (it's not like you'd be doing real science or anything *rolls eyes*); then again, one of the advantages of being closer to 30 than 20 is you know with a lot more certainty who you are and what you want.

    Does anyone else go through random periods of total optimism and complete fatalism? Like "H*LL YES I GOT THIS B**CH" then five minutes later "I can't believe I wasted hundreds of dollars for six rejection emails...."

  10. Thank GOD there's somewhere to talk about this because none of my friends are applying to doctoral programs, and I'm pretty sure they're tired of hearing about it. I submitted everything before December 1st; I think one program's priority deadline was 12/1 so I just made that my deadline for all of them. And now I'm waiting. And obsessively checking my applications statuses to see if anything has changed. And constantly checking my email just in case. 

    It doesn't help that I am also waiting to hear about scholarships and a graduate assistantship I applied for...And I'm sick, and I'm bored as hell. 

    Can someone just anesthetize me until I have a response from every program?

  11. Letting everyone else here take the lead on the LOR and application part, I just want to tell you that you are not alone. No one can tell you whether to report this professor or not, but I would really suggest finding someone to talk to about it, specifically a professional like an advocate, social worker, LMHC, etc. Most schools offer free counseling on campus; that is the one thing I would highly suggest doing because even if you handle applications like a BOSS (which I am sure you will), you don't want the trauma to bite you in the ass out of nowhere when you're kicking a** in your doctoral program. I speak from experience, and as a social worker. Before disclosing the name of the professor, or even the incident, I would ask the counselor a hypothetical, as they may be mandated by Title IX to report to the school, and you don't want to be pressured into disclosing.

    Being in a country that isn't where you're from can be really difficult and isolating without sexual trauma. Please find someone to talk to. 

    Please keep in touch if you're comfortable. Wishing you all the best.


  12. Hey all, just wanted to join in this thread as I too submitted applications to criminal justice/criminology phd programs. Everything is in, let the waiting begin! I hoping that by having a different educational perspective (I am assuming coming from B.A. Psych, then clinical MSW) I might stand out a little. Waiting for a decision is going to be hell; does anyone have a good idea of when to expect schools to begin making decisions? I read that phd programs tend to make offers in waves so one could hear something in January, February, even March or April. If you know something, please share! I know we are all kind of competing, but at the same time we most likely have very different research interests, and from what I've heard that is very important. I for one am so glad I found this because no one else I know is applying to PhD programs; they are all taking the licensure test, looking for jobs, going for LCSW. Not ready for that...I'm too in love with research :) 


    May the odds be ever in your favor.


    Yeah, I can't believe I just said that either L:P


  13. Hi all, new member here, currently at UCF as a terminal MSW graduating May 2017; just submitted applications to UCF, FSU, SHSU, University of Cincinnati, NC State, and University of Illinois in Chicago. 

    If anyone wants info on UCF, I can try to answer questions. I would definitely appreciate any distracting seeing as though I most likely won't here anything for about 2 months...

    Undergrad-University of TN Knoxville

    MSW-University of Central Florida

    PhD-We shall see...

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