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  • Application Season
    2017 Fall
  • Program
    Communication Studies

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2017Hopeful's Achievements


Decaf (2/10)



  1. Sending good vibes. Congrats to you on your accept! Anyone heard word on funding from UT-Austin????
  2. I'm in the same boat. I scored a 150, which is 39%. I apologize for the use of "abysmal." That was selfish. I think I'm just used to doing pretty well in math, and it stings to see such a low percentile. However, I keep telling myself that quantitative is the least important of the three scores for what I'm interested in and that we're all up against potential math, engineering, etc. graduate students who really know their stuff. Plus, I haven't been in a math course since I took statistics my sophomore year of college. That was eight years ago... My verbal was 164 (94%) and my writing was 5.0 (93%), so I'm hoping that balances the quant score a bit. (Honestly, I was surprised about the writing score. I didn't finish either of my essays--I literally had a half-written sentence in my first essay because I didn't get to edit it and my second essay had no conclusion and no editing--because the time kept throwing me.) People keep saying that GRE scores aren't super important in comm studies... I'm hoping that's the case. I think two of my schools (University of Nebraska and University of Texas-Austin) notify in January. (That's based on the "results" page from previous years.) The others I applied to should notify in February or March.
  3. This is my first post on the site, but I've found some really helpful information from others going through the process of applying to programs. (Mainly, it helps to see others voicing similar fears and inadequacies that I find myself facing during this process. Personally, I feel like a leaf in a windstorm. I have no clue what I'm doing and don't have many people to ask for help or guidance because I've been out of school for a few years, my GRE's quantitative score is abysmally low, and all the programs I'm applying to are way out of my league. Don't even get me started on whether I'll be able to afford PhD school, in the event that I am somehow accepted, after looking at rent in some of the cities! ) Now that it's January, I can already feel a different level of stress. At least when it was December I didn't think I would hear back from any program (especially since two applications aren't even due until later this month); thus, I was living in a blissful state of "well, I won't be rejected yet." But now that January is upon us, I can tell my anxiety will be at a new high. How's everyone else doing?
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