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Everything posted by Karou

  1. Karou

    Applications 2019

    @villageelliot, I know it's not exactly the news you wanted, but it's still positive news, congrats! Keeping my fingers crossed for you. @elx, it's certainly not unreasonable to be holding on to hope for a spot on the waitlist! As @villageelliot said, it's definitely a possibility. I don't think I will be fully relaxed until everyone here hears back, I feel so invested in everyone's journey!
  2. Karou

    Applications 2019

    That sounds very frustrating! Technically, Tulane wanted a 20-30 page sample as well, but I sort of decided to 18 pages should be fine, hopefully I was right about that. (They also wanted me to send a physical copy of it to the department, which I thought was a little strange, but I complied). I agree that it's kind of calming. The quiet before the storm.
  3. Karou

    Applications 2019

    Many schools I applied to asked for no more than 20 pages, and others didn't really care as long as it was more than 15 pages, so that gave me a consistent page range to work with and I ended up with an 18-ish pages sample. Penn was definitely the odd man out, and the 10-page thing drove me crazy! Thank you, and good luck to you as well! And here's to hoping that your schools release decisions sooner than anticipated! Do you also find mornings terribly long because you know that, because of the time difference, it's the middle of the night in the US and nothing is going to happen for several hours? Because I do.
  4. Karou

    Applications 2019

    @fortsibut aah yes page limits can be rough, my application to Penn wasn't great, I struggled to cut down my own sample to their 10-page limit and I think I did a rather poor job of it. Oh well! I think it's something that all Penn applicants get frustrated over. But it's also true that we as applicants (and as students in general) tend to be very self-critical of our own work, I'm sure your writing sample is better than you think it is. I hope you hear good news this application cycle. It's true you never know what offer you will get from a school, but like you said many of us have to limit the number of schools we can apply to in the first place. I would certainly do things differently if I were to do it all over again, I have been particularly disorganized throughout this whole process. I thought I was very prepared, but some unforeseen, last-minute changes to my project mean that I may not be a great fit for some of the schools I applied to any more. I'm glad I changed the project, it's what I really want to do (although I know these things tend to change once you're in a program), but I think it may be working against me this application season. Duke came on as a sort of last minute addition for me (and boy, am I glad that I decided to apply!!), with the new project in mind, and I think that's a big reason as to why I was successful there. Not holding my breath for any of the other places I applied to, I think I will likely strike out everywhere else. But, where I'm at is more than good enough for me, Duke is a fantastic option! As a tally of sorts on this first Monday of February, out of my remaining 6 schools I'm assuming that I've been rejected by both Brown and Penn, very possibly Harvard as well. Waiting on Columbia, Tulane and Yale! Good luck everyone!
  5. Karou

    Applications 2019

    I have to admit, I’m not entirely sure what you mean by all of this, but I’ll do my best. In terms of objectivity/subjectivity I really just meant that I know what does and doesn’t work for me, having gone through the process of moving to a new place many times -although of course every place is different, and I only have a very surface knowledge of most of the places I’m applying to/thought of applying to, so perhaps I made a poor judgement call in cutting some programs. I guess I’ll never know but I did the best I could with the information I had at hand; when it came down to it, I had way too many schools on my initial list, and affordability and funding opportunities (although as you said, it’s impossible to have a full picture of what those opportunities may be from the outside) became the tie-breaker because I could not decide which programs to cut on a purely academic level. I can be flexible and compromise on almost anything for something I really want, but if I like Program A as much as I like Program B, and Program A offers either more money, or is located somewhere where my stipend will stretch further, well that’s an obvious choice. I realize now that my previous post may have made me sound like some sort of prima donna, but I'm actually hoping to live with my roommates, and I'm certainly not looking for anything fancy. I'm just trying to make sure that I don't blow most of my stipend on rent and utilities (you would not believe the amount of time I spent researching the average monthly cost of A/C in New Orleans after I decided to apply to Tulane), because there are things that are more of a priority for me (being able to afford to fly home every other year would be nice, for instance). As far as remaining open to opportunities, that's certainly something I agree with, and I hope I don't come off as someone who isn't flexible or who isn't aware that seizing certain opportunities often demands compromise, because that's not me at all. I'm not always great at conveying my meaning through the internet - and I also quite obviously suck at being concise, sorry this got so long. Lastly, I hope this doesn't sound combative, not my intention at all, I appreciate you sharing your experience, I'm just really not sure what you were trying to say (blame that on the language barrier, or a tired brain, or me being just plain clueless -very possibly, it's a combination of the three).
  6. This made my day, thank you! ??
  7. Karou

    Applications 2019

    While I think this should be true, I respectfully disagree. I think it's a very subjective process based on what one prioritizes rather than an objective truth. For me there are a couple of programs that I know I would for sure not have been able to attend, unless I was willing to share a studio apartment with a stranger to get a good deal on rent —and while I'm fairly low maintenance about these things, I'm not willing to do that (I'm only sort of exaggerating with the sharing a studio thing). It made no sense to put the time, energy, and money into applying, knowing that I would have to decline the offer should I be admitted (even if it was my only offer, which would have been very difficult). I'm very much a "follow-your-heart" kind of person, but in that case I had to force myself to consider facts objectively, and in the end I opted to save myself the emotional stress of potentially being in that situation. Believe me, it was not an easy decision, and was the result of many long conversations with friends, family, and professors. All of that being said, I think there are exceptions, and if you really, really love a program and couldn't see yourself going anywhere else, you should apply, but there are many things to consider. @telkanuru, thank you for confirming that Brown has sent out all acceptances. Not good news on my end, but it's nice to know for sure. Also, enjoy my home country! (I know you're probably there for work rather than pleasure, but still).
  8. Karou

    Applications 2019

    This was a huge factor for me when I was deciding on which schools to apply to. I decided against applying to a couple of schools I really liked because I didn't want to deal with the heartache of having to decline potential offers because of financial concerns. I only applied to Columbia because I know a lot of people in NYC who can provide me with accommodation at a reasonable cost.
  9. Karou

    Applications 2019

    Ah, nice to see there's a few of us on here! Looking forward to meeting you and the rest of the (prospective) cohort then!
  10. Karou

    Applications 2019

    Thank you! I guess I can assume I didn't make the cut then, but it's helpful just knowing. Waiting and wondering is way worse.
  11. Karou

    Applications 2019

    I would love to trust your judgement on this, but there now appears to be a second acceptance to Brown posted on the results page. Not too sure what to think, and whether I should assume I've been rejected. Do you know if Brown usually sends out all admits at the same time @telkanuru?
  12. Karou

    Applications 2019

    Aaah, I love this so much, and can absolutely relate. Big congrats to you @urbanhistorynerd!! And to you @historygeek!! @Balleu I really hope it works out for you! Good luck everyone, we'll know where we stand fairly soon, one way or another.
  13. Karou

    Applications 2019

    Hi @gorgogliante! Fellow Duke admit here. My own potential game changers are Brown and Columbia, but I'm heavily leaning toward Duke as well. I'm sure I'll see you there at the end of the month!
  14. Karou

    Applications 2019

    Aww, thank you! I'm really okay, any potentially negative feelings are only the result of a slightly bruised ego (and I rarely listen to him, frankly he's kind of obnoxious and his priorities are questionable at best). I'm still very happy about Duke, it was my "best case scenario" to get in there, so I really have no ground to complain or feel bad about anything. I hope you're doing okay with the waiting! I admit to being a little freaked out about that Brown acceptance on the results page though. Much more so than I am about the radio silence from Penn and Harvard. Aaand it's officially February y'all. Welcome to the jungle.
  15. Karou

    Applications 2019

    Aah, sorry to hear that, really hoping you'll hear good news from one of you other schools! I have a feeling next week will be a big one in terms of decisions. Anyway, gonna turn in for the night and indulge in some escapist fiction while trying not to obsess over the fact that I didn't get an email from Harvard.
  16. Karou

    Applications 2019

    I absolutely did not take it that way, no worries! It was an email that told me to check the portal. I think I saw an acceptance that said they had received an email from a professor, so perhaps they're one of those schools who does not release all their acceptances at once and has POIs do it?
  17. Karou

    Applications 2019

    I really don't know, I really only just got it, so yours may just not have come yet, or you could possibly be on a waitlist? I hope you hear soon, I know waiting is hard.
  18. Karou

    Applications 2019

    Just got my official rejection from Johns Hopkins, I was expecting it, so it's all good. It's nice to know for sure either way!
  19. Hopefully! I really just want to know, one way or another. Yeah, seems like it, I was just sort of hoping they may decide to release decisions earlier this year!
  20. Karou

    Applications 2019

    So many admits! Amazing, congratulations everyone!!
  21. Karou

    Applications 2019

    I feel the same way! Weekends feel much, MUCH longer than they have any right to and I find myself irrationally annoyed on Friday evenings, knowing it will be another couple of days of radio silence. A pint might be a good distraction.
  22. Karou


    American History R_Escobar (20th century, American Indian), crazedandinfused (antebellum, intellectual), hopin'-n-prayin' (southern, religious), stevemcn (transnational), Simple Twist of Fate (early American), zb642 (20th century, labor/working-class culture), BCEmory08 (19th-20th century Catholicism, labor), irvinchiva10 (20th century, immigration/immigration reform) natsteel (early American political culture and intellectual history) unforth (19th century US political and military history, US Civil War) hbeels (colonial, early national, 19th century, transappalachain west, historical memory of these eras/areas) thedig13 (20th century U.S.; built environment, modern consumer culture, race, and immigration) Weepsie (North American Mapping, Exploration and Trade, Anti-Communism/Socialism in Interwar period, bit of a mixed bag) lafayette (19th c. [with a dash of 20th], urban, intellectual) vtstevie (Revolutionary/Early Republic New England, infrastructure/economic) macmc (Feminist, gender, and LGBT history) HistThrift (early America, indigenous history) junotwest (19/20th century African-American, Cultural/Intellectual, Gender & Sexuality) calhoun&caffeine (19th cen. Southern [political]) tampopo ramen (19th-20th century capitalism/business) BookishVixen (late 18th-early 20th ce maritime communities, cultural, gender & sexuality) hardtack&coffee (19th Century American Social & Military History, American Civil War) spellbanisher (economic and cultural history of the gilded age, progressive era, and the 1920s) ThisGreatFolly (intellectual, religious, political violence, rhetoric) lily9 (Indigenous history, social history, public history) ashiepoo72 (Cold War foreign policy and intelligence agencies, decolonization, transnational history) e_randolph (citizenship, politics, culture, early republic, borderlands) Karou (Indigenous history, French and Spanish settler-colonialism, US South, sexual violence and colonization, decolonization/decolonial methods) European History Kelkel (Modern Germany, political), goldielocks (Britain), SapperDaddy (Eastern and Central Europe), kotov (Modern Romania, Holocaust, labor), RevolutionBlues (Modern Western Europe/France labor and leftist politics), theregalrenegade (18th/19th cent British Empire/environment), jrah822 (19th century Britain; emphasis on colonial relationship to India), grlu0701 (Intellectual & cultural history,fin de siecle Germany and Italy), naturalog (modern European [mostly German] intellectual and cultural/sexuality and gender/political radicalism), runaway (Eastern/Central, memorialization & visual culture), Sequi001 (Modern France, gender and sexuality, colonialism/imperialism) Abetheh (19th/early 20th century Germany and France, religious politics vs secularization) NeutralKate (Modern Russia, modern European economic history) Crackerjacktiming (Modern Germany, gender and sexuality) GloFish (USSR, Stalinism, Soviet-American Relations) jamc8383 (19th/20th century France, interwar culture, relationship between body, mind & place) Heimat Historian (19th/20th century Germany, migration, settler colonialism) AshleyJuneBug (Early Modern France and Britain, gender and sexuality) maelia8 (19th/early 20th century Germany, imperialism and colonialism, travel, exploration) BookishVixen (Victorian and Edwardian English imperialism/gender & sexiality) episkey (19th/20th century France, gender and sexuality, Holocaust) AngesRadieux (18th/early 19th century France, cultural history, music) ManifestMidwest (modern France, colonialism & imperialism, Pacific worlds) DGrayson (early modern Western Europe [focusing mostly on England right now], economic and religious history) Ziggysunshine (19th/20th century Belgium, architecture and urban planning, intellectual history) African History Oseirus (precolonial/early colonial West Africa), Singwaya18 (20th century East Africa), Safferz (20th century Horn/Northeast Africa), The People's Scholar (Spanish colonialim in Africa- i.e. middle/West Africa) Jogatoronto (Psychiatry in early colonial West Africa) ronwill06 (Social and political radical movements) Heimat Historian (German settlements in Southern Africa) thekatieladybird (Post-independence conflict and social histories in Central Africa) fortsibut (Gender and religious issues in 20th century sub-Saharan Africa) Latin American History CageFree RIP (20th century, Southern Cone) BH-history, The People's Scholar (18th-19th century Colombia) StrangeLight (20th century Central America) Heimat Historian (German settlements in Southern cone and Mexico) Mujereslibres (German informal colonization of Peru, Brazil, and Chile) AP East Asian History alleykat (Modern China) getitlow (Modern China: Republican, Women, Gender and Sexuality) kyjin (Pre-Modern Japan) aec09g (Modern Japan) pudewen (Late Imperial China) kdavid (Modern China; focus on the Republican period) Minion.banana (late imperial China, Islam, intellectual networks) qkhitai (Medieval China and Central Asia, literature and ethnicity) lordtiandao (Imperial China: political and fiscal) Near/Middle Eastern History uhohlemonster, (modern Israel, Iran, Palestine) oswic (modern Egypt, gender) Conmel (modern pan-Islamic thought/networks) Baloch (Oman) Atlantic World sandyvanb crazedandinfused Global/World History cooperstreet (Cold War) melissarose8585 Heimat Historian (German settlements throughout world) ashiepoo72 (Cold War foreign policy and intelligence agencies, decolonization, transnational history) Jewish History uhohlemonster, (modern Israel) hopin'-n-'prayin, kotov (Holocaust), naturalog (sometimes modern European/Holocaust), runaway (memorialization & visual culture), ticklemepink (20th c. Germany/U.S) awells27 (Late Antiquity: Roman Empire/Palestine/Byzantine) Science/Technology/Environment shaxmaty1848 (Cold War) StrangeLight (environmental history, ecological distribution conflicts) sukipower (20th c. forensic science & anthropology, 19th c. science and medicine) Neist (19th/20th c. biological sciences) seh0517 (scientific illustration, ancient egyptian science & medicine, astronomy, mortuary science) lily9 (Indigenous science and how it fit into architecture and urban planning (especially astronomy) WhaleshipEssex (18/19th c. horology, timekeeping, and temporality) Social annieca (Cold War and Post-Cold War East and Central Europe) BookishVixen (Spheres of influence, Progressive Era reforms affecting immigration) Classical and Medieval Hogs of War (Monastic Studies and Conflicts in Authority) telkanuru (high Medieval intellectual and social history, Cistercian studies) AbbeyRoad (Monastic History, Gender, Cistercians) Kirialax ("Dark Age" Byzantium; the Komnenoi) Cultural StrangeLight (gender, race, ethnicity, and religion) hbeels (race/ethnicity, religious, masculinity/feminimity, print/literature) crazedandinfused (race, nationalism, performance, rhetoric) alleykat (religion, race/ethnicity, cultural relativism) Heimat Historian (German culture in transnational context) nhhistorynut (20th century US, African American, race/racism, Black nationalism) Canadian History truthfinder (New France, religious) lily9 (Indigenous history) South Asia pakhistorian (Pakistan/Bangladesh,cultural, social, political, women, public history, digital history) Southeast Asia kxlx (early modern, colonialism, port cities, Islam)
  23. Thank you @magnegresswrites and @kp_87 for the information on the webinar! It all sounds very confusing, and I understand that you don't know what conclusions to draw from it. Did they give any indication as to when they expect to notify applicants of decisions?
  24. Karou

    Applications 2019

    As far as Penn, as I mentioned a few posts back, applicants in the last few years have reported getting interview requests quite far apart from one another, so there's still a chance that you will hear from them. My own attitude towards this is that I'll give it a few more days, but that if I haven't heard back by next Monday, I'll have to accept that it's most likely not a good sign. But of course your experience may be different. Good luck to you!
  25. Karou

    Applications 2019

    Looks like Johns Hopkins is in the process of sending out some acceptances. I'm expecting a rejection (I was already thinking that ,and now just noticed a major oops in my statement of purpose), but I think some of you have also applied and I'm rooting for you all!
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