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  • Interests
    Psychology Research
  • Application Season
    2018 Spring
  • Program
    Applied Statistics and Research Methods

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Caffeinated (3/10)



  1. I say yes because you do need to move on with life but if it's like something really bad? But if it's some shortcoming then I don't think that is a reason to miss out on great research experiences. I have been at a small school now for a while riding out till I'm ready and waiting to get in to Phd but I do think I like the small feel. I can be more independent for the most part and am working for a brilliant neuropsychologist and surrounded by other individuals that care and you aren't just another grad student. I hope that helps a little.
  2. Thank you.
  3. I think it sounds like if you were accepted at a certain GPA you must maintain that or improve upon or they are able to rescind the offer. You would have also met the minimum standard of average required for admission.
  4. So I didn't get into UCI but my daughter who is bipolar, and is the reason I want to move there, is at their hospital right now. Should I send them a message and tell them? Lol.
  5. This is the part I think is unnecessary and antiquated. This isn't a game show and yes we are inexperienced which is why we are applying to schools and using any all means to get there and it's not realistic to have everything figured out when you are not a professor. I literally had someone be so rude over email I was flabbergasted. I wanted to go off because it was so rude but instead gave a polite apology explaining the truth where her presumptions were wrong. She was like you didn't gaff anything of value to my research. Like I didn't spend enough time and didn't elaborate. It's like what??
  6. Thanks for the insight there. You hear one thing then something else. I just want the dos and don't at this point. My lord, applying for a Phd should not be this antiquated.
  7. This is me now. I am debating how much more frustration and energy to keep using. I am tired. I know I want to get a Phd but I feel the process is antiquated. Why can't I just find the right place and program.
  8. This is sort of where I'm at. I only applied to 2 schools but I don't understand why this is such a difficult thing when it's what you want and have worked hard for it. I've been told to apply to not so prestigious schools. How do you find them? I think I may have found a few but seriously I really just can't have more debt and I want to research. Phd is kind of a must really. I need funding. Ugh.
  9. I am several thousand miles away in Kansas City MO. I have had contact with POI and got an email from the Dean late December. It was positive feedback on both so hopefully I am still in the running. I do have back up plans if I were to not be accepted but they have not released much in my department. Also there were other departments at UCI that did not do interviews. They would have likely done a phone interview if anything from what I have seen from acceptances at UCI. Hopefully my exceptional experience in research and current Master's program 4.0 will give me and edge. So fingers crossed!!! Wish me luck!
  10. Is anyone aware of any other sites where people post results? I have not had much luck. I looked through reddit for a bit but it seemed more for prospective applicants versus results.
  11. yah interviews are not required. they have not released any results really except some rejections, a waitlisted person and 1 or 2 acceptances. other than that there are no other results for my department..Psychology and Social Behavior
  12. I know all has been received because I did receive the email on December 22nd saying "THANK YOU" and congratulations on your academic achievements etc from graduate dean/provost. they said the department would be reviewing applications over the next weeks. They didnt say how many weeks. lol
  13. yah especially if you already have a masters..that would be a no for me.
  14. My top choice is UC Irvine Psychology and Social Behavior with a particular POI. I had a brief email with CV attached with reasons why I was interested in working with her (before application time) and she quickly replied back that I had "very interesting experience and she looked forward to seeing my application". I have not contacted since for fear of being annoying. There are a couple of acceptances so far but seems most responses have not been sent out. This is my top choice as a research institution and my POI's work is very closely aligned with mine though the department operates on collaboration but not true mentorship. Do you think that is worth reaching out to just say something? Or should I just wait it out as I do not want to appear annoying? I did receive an encouraging email from the dean, provost in December complimenting my academic achievements and a big "THANK YOU" in the subject line. not sure that means anything really.
  15. For myself, at this point, I cannot accept anymore debt. I will definitely not be able to pay back anymore than what I own now. If they offer funding then I would do it but if not I would consider applying next fall. You applied to some tough schools. This is the second go round of applying and I may have a third depending on my acceptance this fall. The nice thing is that applications improve over time as well as experience. I have a plan if I dont get in I will pursue in the meantime.
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