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Posts posted by pbandj

  1. 2 hours ago, jmk said:

    The interview was unlike any of my others. 6 of us were present (though from fellow friends their groups ranged from 3-7). We were asked to introduce ourselves, and then asked ZERO! questions about ourselves. That's how the interviews were done last year as well (I've heard). We were given a scenario, and asked to discuss it as a group for 15 minutes, then spend 5 minutes reaching a group conclusion. That was the end of the interview. The floor was opened up if students had questions about the program, then it was handshake/leave. I believe 3 faculty are present at all interviews. 

    Overall, the faculty are looking to see how one collaborates. I was able to chat with my group before in the waiting room, and felt like we collaborated well. 

    Feel free to PM me if you want a number to text in case you have questions (I'm a current student @ SF). I have clinic from 1-4 on Thursdays, and the clinic rooms are (literally) right next to the conference room the faculty are using for interviews in case you get lost or just want a backup contact! 

    That is so interesting! I had a friend who interviewed for Fall 2016 and said they were also given a scenario, although I had no idea there were zero other questions. Thank you so much, this makes me feel a lot better! I think I will PM you so I have someone familiar with the campus to contact in case I get lost. I've never been to SFSU and I think getting lost worries me more than the interview itself lol. Thank you so so much! Fingers crossed for you!! :) 

  2. First of all, good for you for getting an early start on your applications! It will go much more smoothly when you have organized all the information you need. As far as I know, all the CSUs require CSU Mentor to apply to the university, and will then require a separate application for the department. This may or may not be through CSDCAS. I would just go to each program's website and see what their application process is. For Fall 2017, SFSU required you to mail in a packet with everything enclosed, CSULB had a department application you could email in, and SDSU had an online departmental application, though it was not CSDCAS. I did not apply to CSUF so I can't speak to that. Good luck!

  3. 2 hours ago, imunster said:

    Has anyone who got accepted to UW know when funding offers or information will be sent out? Or if anyone has received anything yet?

    I emailed them the day after decisions were sent out to ask about funding. They're waiting for the final word about the budget. so they haven't distributed anything yet. She said she should have the final word by Wednesday, but I'm not sure how much longer it will take afterward for them to distribute the scholarships and notify us. Hope this helps!

  4. I had a group interview and it was much better than I thought it would be. The interviewers were very relaxed and welcoming. The students were also really nice. In my group interview, there was no set order for answering. We just answered whenever we felt like it until we all answered. I know "be yourself" is cliche advice but I think it's true lol. Personally, group interviews freak me out because I look at it as a competition and I start to compare myself to everyone else. Of course it's always naturally competitive, but I challenged myself to look at it as opportunity to just share my passion and I think that helped me in forming unique responses that did not play too much off of other people's answers.

    Good luck! I'm sure you will do fantastic :)

  5. 2 hours ago, jmk said:

    Congrats!! I hope to be in your position, haha. I applied to too many out of state schools. :mellow:

    Thank you, that means a lot! Judging from your stats and experiences (listed in another thread), I think you are in a fantastic position for your CA schools! But I feel you on the out of state schools. I only applied to 3 out of states and am slightly regretting the extra money and time I put in, considering I would almost certainly accept an in-state program over any of the out of state programs I applied to.. It is just so expensive for me to study out of state. :mellow: I felt so nervous applying to only CA schools though hahaha. I think I would have regretted it more had I not applied at all lol

    By the way, congratulations on your acceptances so far! I anticipate more admissions are coming your way :D

  6. For those not on the other thread, SDSU has sent out decisions! I received admission to their program via email around 3pm PST.

    I have also declined UNC Chapel Hill's offer. It is a wonderful program, but being from CA, the tuition would just be too much. Now I have definite admission into at least one of my CA programs. :) Hope someone out there on the waitlist receives a quick admittance!

    This month is going to go by way too quickly - and way too slowly! Hang in there everyone! 

  7. Got an acceptance from SDSU, my second choice! So excited to finally receive an admission decision and not interview from the CA schools I applied to lol :)

    Last week I received admission for UNC Chapel Hill, which is an amazing program but so expensive since I am out-of-state (California). Now that I know I definitely have an in-state option, I will be declining their offer. Hope this opens up a spot for someone's dream school!

  8. STATS: 

    • Cumulative GPA: 3.97
    • Last 60: 4.00
    • Major: 3.93 
    • GRE: 163/163/4.5 


    • Behavior technician at autism center on-campus, 2 years; here I collaborate with my coworkers and supervisor to develop and modify our clients' speech and language programs, and provide extra support by transcribing approximations of our non-verbal and minimally verbal kiddos
    • Undergraduate research assistant for 2 years in my school's Psychology Department and Communication Sciences Department
    • Last summer, I conducted research for six weeks at Indiana University's Speech and Hearing Sciences Department, studying atypical nasality in teenagers with high-functioning autism
    • Honors program for my school's College of Health and Human Services
    • Intern for my city's resource center for disabled individuals, creating an outcome measurement system, 2 years
    • Student coordinator for my school's lecture series version of "TED Talks," 2 years

    AcceptedInterviewed Waitlisted | Rejected

    Applied to: SDSU, University of Washington, UNC Chapel Hill, Teachers College Columbia, Fresno State, CSULB (2/25), SFSU (3/9)

  9. Joining in to say I was also invited to interview at SF State! This is my top choice because of the location and opportunities for learning more about autism and AAC :) Good luck to everyone else who will be interviewing for this program! My interview is next Thursday. Super nervous, but excited to have even been selected for interviews!

  10. 57 minutes ago, Elska said:

    I had my interview with them this morning. Definitely agree that everyone there was so kind and friendly, it really helped calm the nerves! It was surprising to me that they only asked 3 questions, and they weren't questions I thought they would ask. I felt I gave a strong interview, but we'll see! 

    Oh wow, in my group they definitely asked more questions! Did you take 30 minutes for all 3 questions? I wonder if the professors created their own questions; I assumed there was a set of questions everyone was asked.

    I am sure you did fantastic! Best of luck to you :) 

  11. As @SpeechLaedy said, volunteering in another department may provide important opportunities for interacting with other disciplines and patients, which could be a great talking point with interdisciplinary collaboration skills becoming increasingly attractive. I would encourage you to still consider opportunities that are "outside" of speech-language pathology for this reason. However, I agree with @Crimson Wifethat if the volunteering is simply paperwork, shadowing would be more beneficial. 

    In the end, what matters most is how much you get out of the experience. Hours upon hours of volunteering and/or observation are meaningless if you can't explain how it helped your growth as a clinician and person. Enthusiasm and passion are important, and they're hard to fake. Choose what has the most value and makes you most excited and you will succeed! Best of luck!

  12. Just got out of an interview with CSULB! I didn't prepare too much - just asked my boyfriend to ask me some common questions to get me reflecting lol. It was nerve-wracking at first, especially because I did not do my undergrad in CSULB and it was my first interview, but all the faculty members, graduate students, and applicants were so warm and supportive. I really felt like we all wanted everyone to do well and that made it a lot easier :) 

    I feel positive about how I did, but all the applicants interviewing are strong candidates deserving of a spot so it's really such a toss up! Good luck to everyone out there still interviewing and/or waiting on results. Fingers crossed for good news :) 

  13. 1 hour ago, babykoala said:

    If you've been accepted to UNC-Chapel Hill, can you please share your stats? Also, are you in-state? Thanks!

    Hi! I just received a call about two hours ago from UNC-Chapel Hill about my admission into the program - so excited because it's my first acceptance! Now I just have to wait to hear from everywhere else lol. I am out-of-state (California), and my stats are 3.97 GPA and 163/163/4.5 GRE. 

    Congratulations to everyone for getting through the application season! All the hard work and wait will pay off :)

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