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  • Application Season
    2017 Fall
  • Program
    Developmental, Cognitive,and Behavioral

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  1. I pretty much quoted @TakeruK. Thank you for the advice!
  2. After literally weeks of trying to concoct the perfect email to decline am offer to a school I REALLY liked, I finally hit send (and died a little inside). I was hoping for a response that didn't require follow-up, but her exact words were, "Hi LAS22--well I'm disappointed, obviously, but best wishes in your future studies! Are you going to another PhD program?" Ugh. Now I have to respond and I've been panicking over it for a week now... How do I respond?? Do I tell her what school I'm going to? Do I tell her why? Do I reiterate how difficult of a decision this was? I'm the worst at emails. Please send help. ?
  3. Update: I went with school 2! Thanks guys!
  4. I have officially made my decision on which grad school to attend! Accepting was easy, but now I officially have to decline another offer-- a moment I have been dreading. I really liked the other program and the work of the faculty member is outstanding. This was honestly the most difficult decision of my entire life, and I almost feel the need to voice that to her. Does anyone have any advice on how to structure an email to a faculty member declining their offer? I am a bad judge on when I've said "too much" or "too little" and I feel like my emails always turn out sounding strange, awkward, or rude. I would appreciate some examples of phrases you all have used in your experiences! Thank you!
  5. So I got accepted to the two grad school programs I applied to and would like some help deciding! School 1: I was originally set on this school. The professor does everything I've ever wanted to do in my field. Her work has always been my future goals. However, when I interviewed/toured there, I want sure how I felt anymore. First, she has 7 grad students. I'm afraid I might get lost in the mix. Next, she seemed to talk to me as if I were applying for a job. She told me "I am looking for a grad student who can do this project" and didn't seem to be open to ideas. It was almost like I would be an employee working for her, rather than a student working with her. I even mentioned a topic she had previously written a paper on and how I would be interested in expanding it and she pretty much cut me off with a "that study took forever." However, I am still very interested in her work and it would be good to have this experience. They also awarded me a comparative fellowship, which means they would give me slightly more money than school 2. School 2: I am also interested in what he studies (I like everything in the field, obviously), but it isn't what I've always wanted to do. I am afraid that it would be difficult to move to something else after grad school. All topics are relevant though. However, I believe the professor here would be better for my education as a whole. He is new (which has its ups and downs) and I would be one of his first two grad students this year. He had already shown interest in helping me be as informed as possible. He called me before being officially accepted to talk to me about fellowships, a topic I wasn't too clear on. Be also made sure to call me as soon as they left their meeting making the decision of my acceptance. He seems very excited to work with me and wants a grad student he "can have intellectual conversations with and grow ideas with," which is very important. I feel like he would give me a lot of attention during my 5ish years and would really make sure I can succeed in the future. So, basically, I'm deciding between the better research topic and the better mentor and I feel like I should make this decision pretty soon. Thoughts?
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