Firstly, check if your school has a deferment option should you choose to work your butt off and make more money for savings before you enroll in school. That will help you know what timeline you are working with to take some stress off your shoulders and evaluate what needs come before you getting your advanced degree. For example, it might make sense to pick up some extra time at your current job or pick up a smaller high paying job on the side for 6 months to bring up your savings (I'm thinking maybe tutoring if you can find one that pays $20/hr or nanny-ing). Certainly not glamorous, but less stressful than figuring out how to add 40 hours of work into a PACKED schedule.
My honest outsiders perspective (I do not know you, your boyfriend, or your parents): if you are passionate about getting your masters and want it to happen sooner than later, then staying at your parents for those two years will be worth it. Remove the stress that you don't have to take on. If your boyfriend is understanding of the pressure and money it takes to move while studying, he'll be there when you graduate ready to move forward with you. Prioritize your goals and take some deep breaths!